Singer Song Writer Stoner
Your a silver lining kinda guy, You have earned my respect twice over good sir
Thanks mate, you guys redeem my soul!
Your a silver lining kinda guy, You have earned my respect twice over good sir
No source just a hunch. But they are waiting to even located the parts until October. But, I was told but SM that if I didn't want in the campaign I could just wait and get my original fixed in October.They WILL and CAN? Source? I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that would love theirs fixed right about now but are waiting.
Keep in mind that most of these "crowd sourcing" campaigns go over the proposed timelines. I have backed a number of them and watched a number of them and have yet to see one meet the proposed deadline. If VXH does meet their deadline then that would be awesome. But be prepared for delays. It is very difficult to account for all the things that have to get done designing, prototyping, testing, sourcing, producing parts, manufacturing and fulfilling a product like this. VXH has prior experience and contacts so that should help but that is an assumption. I am sure the EVO and new glass will be amazing: VXH has a great track record for sure. But expect delays (its the best position to have so as not to be disappointed).
I'm a little skeptical. The company goes from near belly up, to rebounding through a hastily put together internet solicitation campaign, and then on to promising a new product in just a few months.
In my opinion, they made a ton of promises which I express doubts on their abilities to fulfill. The Indiegogo fundraiser became so complex with all sorts of trade-in deals, different levels of membership, etc.. etc... Based on all of their previous delays during the original Cloud release, these sure are a whole lot of promises to deliver before the end of the year.
It's too bad their fan base is so damn rabid...
I've prepared myself for a January arrival. Any time before that would be a treat.
I've prepared for OCTOBER arrival, and have done things based on that as well. My cloud now belongs to a friend who was smoking despite his asthma. I figured I could go without it for the duration of September, at a cost to my own medication. I don't care if it comes on halloween day, they said october and I paid for october, and I accordingly planned for october.
If it was any later I'd be quite annoyed actually. I understand shit happens, but they gave themselves a month window here, and took peoples money with a promise that these would be shipping out in october. I full expect what I paid for. I've always been a happy cloud owner, but I'm sick of a new trend where people pay up front, then get the product whenever the company feels like, or the product comes with limitations and issues that were not there when we paid our money in good faith. I'm REALLY hoping vapexhale sticks to everything they have promised.
A perfect example of the philosophy of paying and getting different things is the game "world war Z". Look it up for an interesting read. Plenty of people paid $20+ for a game full of promises, then the game didn't deliver ANY of those promises and is now half a year later with no sign of improvements.
I'll be honest if the clouds don't SHIP by october 31st then I'm 100% done with pre-ordering, crowd funding, campaigning, etc no matter what product or cause. We paid vapexhale to get this done on time, our FAITH BASED PAYMENTS are what is allowing them to stay in business and recover from this manufacturing blunder, I hope they can live up to the promises that we literally bought. I don't really see how that is unreasonable to expect. If not what is to stop me from "pre-selling" my super radical laser based vaporizer that I can tell you comes out next year and then just vanishing with the cash, or releasing a da buddah with a laser pointer glued to it?
I only pay before getting the product for something I truly believe in and WANT to support, so I'm really hoping Vapexhale isn't going to let us down. For some waiting may not be a big deal, but when I am literally helping to fund the vaporizers success for a high priced product on a company that has gone as far as to say their warranty is essentially put off indefinitely on the original model, I think its more than fair to hope they live up to their promised shipping since they have a whole months time frame, and TONS of money from all of us to make this happen.
I'm yet to be disappointed by vapexhale in any way, I'm really hoping this isn't the start of that, or it'll leave a very bitter taste with me.
Sounds like everything is on track!I can tell you that we are testing units and just smoothing out the rough edges.
I think everyone needs to just take a a big rip and just relax a little. I don't fault anyone for wanting to make sure that we launch on time I can tell you that we are testing units and just smoothing out the rough edges. As with anything, nothing comes out perfect on the first try so there is some fine tuning that is happening with some of the fit and finish of the parts. We're still tracking for an October release although we haven't pin pointed a date yet. The release date will be official once we give final approval on a few different pieces like grommets, screens, and the such.
For all the people that are questioning our IGG campaign in regards to their warranty or our business practices, we could've done something much easier which was to fold the company, disregard any warranties, and just start up as something new (let's face it, with all the shit that has happened to our brand, the VapeXhale name carries lots and lots of baggage)..... but we didn't, and trust us, that would be easier. We decided to take the tougher road which is, let's not let this company sink, let's build it back up, and once we are healthy again, we can get back to helping our customers.
Sounds like everything is on track!
How is the heater holding up to durability/stress tests? Do you think you can tell us (?!) if you changed to a clamp or screw system to wire up the heater, rather than spot welds (or whatever the last one had)?
Some of you guys are too much.
I still do think my original ticker Cloud is the best vaporizer in my arsenal, and probably the best vape out there. Still no problems and it runs like a champ every time. Y'all have to remember, this thing has browned at least a pound over the last year!
The only reason I'm skeptical, again, is the release date of the Evo. It's like a new car going from concept to mass production in only a few short months.
I think everyone needs to just take a a big rip and just relax a little. I don't fault anyone for wanting to make sure that we launch on time I can tell you that we are testing units and just smoothing out the rough edges. As with anything, nothing comes out perfect on the first try so there is some fine tuning that is happening with some of the fit and finish of the parts. We're still tracking for an October release although we haven't pin pointed a date yet. The release date will be official once we give final approval on a few different pieces like grommets, screens, and the such.
For all the people that are questioning our IGG campaign in regards to their warranty or our business practices, we could've done something much easier which was to fold the company, disregard any warranties, and just start up as something new (let's face it, with all the shit that has happened to our brand, the VapeXhale name carries lots and lots of baggage)..... but we didn't, and trust us, that would be easier. We decided to take the tougher road which is, let's not let this company sink, let's build it back up, and once we are healthy again, we can get back to helping our customers.
I found some old footage of the swagger-circ turbine.
I was wondering about the level of diffusion, it looks really nice.
Nice little update to reassure everyone that the sky isn't falling.
Can you give us updates on what's going on the glass side of things? We'd love some quick new info about that. Like maybe, approximately how many weeks ahead until we see what the $500 & $1k perk glass looks like. Or just how development is going on the swagger side of things.![]()