
how did you make the oil? and what bong is that?
It's just QWISO as mentioned.
I simply freeze material and bottle of ISO 99% for 24-48 hours (probably totally overkill but I wasn't in a rush).
Fill a bucket with a large flat base with cold water and ice, and while holding mason jar of frozen material partially under the water to keep material as cool as possible, pour some alcohol in there and swish it around.
It depends on how much yield vs potency you want when deciding how long your do the ISO rinse.
For AVB I do a single wash, so I do a decent length rinse. My oils quality suffers somewhat due to extra chlorophyll extracted, but i get more end product which I prefer because I don't find tiny dabs as effective even if more potent.
Anyways after 30-40 seconds I pour the mix into a metal strainer which allows the alcohol to immediately fall into a jar beneath and be separated from the AVB.
Now pour the liquid in this jar, now free of most plant material, into 2-4 layers of coffee filters suspended over a mason jar with elastics. Walk away, and return every once in a while to fill up the coffee filter.
Finally, pour last jar of liquid after filtering on a flat plate with lots of surface area (not too big if this is just a tiny batch) and let it evaporate for 48 hours. (this may also be overkill, again not really a concern to me at all).
Then I do 250F in the oven for a short time. Since this is AVB, it should already be decarbed and active, but I still do this step to convert some THC to CBD and ensure as much alcohol is removed as possible.
I use my oil for a heavier sleep type effect so I don't mind if it has higher CBD.
I would really like to do this with Everclear, or do a solventless extraction, which I plan on learning sometime soon.
The bong, is my new Everest Glass Works 10 arm bubbler. They are an american glass company, used to be on ALT but seems to be no longer. Either way, they do almost all their pieces with really well done tiny tree percs. Got it for 130$ and its supposed to be 5mm Tube, 2.2m perc, 4mm mouthpiece. I think it is relatively well made as far as glass thickness, with maybe a couple thinner spots that shouldn't be an issue though.
I have used lot's of pieces with my SSV, and I have to say, this might be my new daily driver for vaping. Still, large volume pieces can be fun if you want a massive rip.
Here's a vid of my SSV in use with a large volume piece, gets huge hits! And btw, I am using my flavour wand as a WPA because it offers less airflow restriction than the standard elbow WPAs. This is because the WPAs are inserted into the hose, and the flavour wand has the hose inserted into it allowing for full airflow. It also provides an extra screen in case some little bits of stuff get past my first bowl.
Also in this video I am using the SGG hands free attachment, I think it's like 6$.