Yeah I noticed that

here's hoping.
Also wondering if DV have used the same manufacturer as the original Da Vinci? I am one of the unlucky ones that went through 3 units in as many weeks and didn't risk a 4th before getting my Solo. Reliability is key for me. The OLED screen looks much better on the ascent than the DV. Time will tell though really as the original DV has only been out for just over a year.
Since I very much doubt that Davinci will answer this question, I'll have to speculate by saying that it probably is the same manufacturer. They are assembled in China and finding a reliable partner in China is nothing for the faint of heart, which is why they should be stuck with their old manufacturer.
I haven't read the original Davinci thread entirely, but I suppose that a lot of the problems regarding the Davincis rather short lifetime are tied up with the bowl not being isolated well enough from the batteries. Heat will really kill off those lithium-ion batteries quickly and having a 400F heat source right next to them by almost direct conduction doesn't help.
In the case of the Ascent the bowl
and air-path seem to have been separated a lot more, which should give us longer-lasting batteries. Aside from the heat issue, it also depends on how
often people use their vaporizer and how much they take care of their batteries - this means
not letting them drain right down to 5% every session for example.
[Just as a side note for the current reviewers: it would be cool if you could keep track of how many sessions you use your Ascent for every day and roughly what your recharging habits are.
Maybe someone should open a thread where people can post their statistics when it comes down to faulty units and vaporizer companies honouring their warranties etc.]
Another thing that comes to mind is faulty software. The more complex a system gets, the more likely it is to fail. Which is why I would prefer having an Ascent with just "on/off" and "higher/lower temp" instead of additional vape cycles etc. But then again, this seems to be a feature that many people have been asking for, otherwise it wouldn't have been included in the design.