I'm curious... I don't know if I want to order a second pax or one of these for a portable to compliment my NO2.
In terms of usability, if I replace the glass stem with something more durable, how's a SOLO stack up again the PAX?
Mostly in terms of bowl size/taste/battery life/reliability I guess. I can't say I love the PAX flavor.
Hi exit, i read this post as vaping a bowl with my solo and bubbler, and i can say if i had a pax and not a solo I'd be sad. i have tried a friends pax and didn't like it much, but i've been a daily solo user for over a year and a half. I would totally suggest the solo.
the size is slightly larger than the pax, but feels comfortable in my hand
(but i have large hands)
the taste can only be described as awesome, but then any vapor should tast awesome in my opinion.
however i've had many people tell me that they "actually taste the weed", me fucking headpalming

I get about 7-9 bowls on a full charge with each lasting 12-15 mins.
I tend to favor the glass stem over a wood stem even tho it is unbreakable, i have two of Ed's wood stems, the metel bowl retains heat better then the glass does, therefore im much more likely to burn myself with the wood stem, i also find the vapor to be kinda harsh, but bearable, with a hint of wood flavor in there.
Iv'e owned 4 solo's with 2 of them currently in top shape (working well no major dents, scratches), one of my solo's started over heating the bowl slightly, felt like vapor from a 230c not the 210C the solo should be at when at 7, this was verified when it happened to a few friends when in use, so im warranting it currently. My very first solo got beat up on, and worked fine, the reason i warranted that one was that the botom plastic on y solo started to chip, nothing functually impaired, just visually ugly, so she went back to Canada

, while she was in canada i acquired a second solo.
Damn im vaked right now.
on a second note maybe check out the ascent, i know im watching for it to realese, with hopes of setting my solo's down for good

but who knows, best of luck looking for a vape