Thank you, I Think that made it clear

Now I do have one little question left, I do charge at the 1000 mAh setting wether its .5 or 1A right?
Well, a little question deserves a little answer.
Maybe not so little.
(I meant to mention mA vs. mAh in my previous message, but it got lost in all the copying and pasting).
Your question confuses me, so I'll just explain what I think is confusing you.
Amps are a measurement of current. As are milliamps. There are 1000 milliamps in 1 Amp. So if one person says "500mA" and another says "0.5A", they're both saying exactly the same thing. Similar to one person saying "50 cents" and another saying "half a dollar". (Only in that example there are 100 cents in a dollar, and in milliamps there are 1000 milliamps in an Amp).
mAh is a different thing. mA tells you how much current is (or can be) flowing. mAh tells you for how long it can be flowing.
When we are talking about, for example, a Cera core, TET might tell us that for proper operation, a battery must be able to supply 4 or 5 Amps of current. If the battery can't supply that much current, it won't be able to heat up the Cera core, and it won't work. If we happen to have a battery that is capable of supplying, say, 10 Amps, that's OK, because the Cera will only draw what it needs (in this case ~4A), and the battery can supply more than it needs. The battery that can supply 10A won't hurt the Cera core, because the battery only supplies as much current as the core wants. If the battery could supply 100 Amps, that would be OK too, as the Cera will still only draw what it needs, about 4A.
That said, we still don't know how long the battery can supply the 4A. Here's where the "h" part of mAh comes in. The mA part stands for milliamps, as we've been discussing. The "h" part stands for hours. So if a battery is rated at 2250mAh, it means that it can supply 2250mA for one hour before going dead. Or 1125mA for two hours. Or 4500mA for a half hour. Since our Cera core wants to draw between 4000mA and 5000mA (4 or 5 Amps), we can figure our 2250mAh batteries will work for about a half hour before needing to be recharged.
(This is not strictly true because the mAh rating for a battery is slightly different depending on how much current is being drawn. Our 2250 batteries, for example, are rated at 2250mAh when the current draw is 430mA. When the current draw is around 4000mA [4A], their mAh rating is more like 1950mAh.)
Hope that explains the different between Amperes and Ampere-Hours.
Now, with regard to chargers and charging. I am presuming your charger has a switch that allows you to select how much current (Amps) it will supply. Unlike the example above, where we "let" the core draw as much as it wants from the battery, and we use a battery that can supply as much current (or more) than the core wants, in the charging state, things are different. If we used a charger that would supply as much current as the battery wanted, the discharged battery would try to draw a few hundred amps from the charger, and if the charger obligingly supplied that kind of current, the battery would overheat and explode in less than a minute. kaboom. So when we charge a battery, we have to limit the amount of current the charger will supply to the battery.
We decide the maximum charging current to be supplied by following the manufacturers recommendations. In the case of our 2250 cells, Panasonic recommends the fast charge current to be 1.5A, so we want to make sure we set our charger to supply that much or less. The maximum allowable charge current specified by Panasonic for this cell is 2.15A. Within reason, you can always supply a smaller charge current, with the only drawback being the time it takes to recharge the battery. For example, charging our 2250mAh batteries at 1A should take about two and a half hours if the battery is really dead. Since we NEVER discharge our batteries all the way to dead, in the real world, charging at 1A takes about 2 hours. If we set our charger to supply 0.5A (500mA), then it will take twice as long, or about 4 hours. If we charge them at 2A, it will take only about 1 hour to charge them, but although it's perfectly safe, once we start charging them at above the recommended 1.5A, we are trading off the number of times they can be charged and discharged before they give up the ghost and have to be thrown away (recycled). As long as we don't go above the maximum charge rate (2.15A), we won't be doing anything dangerous. So if you have a charger that can charge at 2A, you can feel fine to charge at that rate every once in a while when you just don't have the time to wait, and you'll probably only give up 5% of the number of cycles you could get if you only charged them at 1A. If you charged them every time at 2A, you'd probably give up 40% of the charge discharge cycles. No danger, nothing being done wrong, you just get your batteries charged in half the time, and have to replace them (almost) twice as frequently.
So to answer your question, you can't charge at the 1000mA
h setting; there isn't one. You can charge at 1000mA setting (or the 500mA setting, if you like), or even at the 2000mA setting, if you're in a hurry, or don't care about having to replace your batteries more frequently. Oh, and just so you know, secondary (rechargeable) Lithium cells have a shelf life of about 3 years.