Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


AKA ♫ Stinky Wizzleteats ♫
meremoth...I use a long, cylindrical brush that came with my Pinnacle to quickly brush out the inside of the ELBs. But adding regular ISO rinses are the best thing.

So I went into my garage and I found a mini air compressor. It's plug is a cigarette charger type plug, so I'm going to get a DC to AC adapter and use that.

I know I will eventually have to use iso to clean them, but I have a feeling this air compressor is going to be perfect for clearing the bowls in between packings. Just one quick blast from this compressor, and the ELB should be completely free of particles. I'll let you know how it turns out once I get the adapter.

I DON'T recommend it. get a proper glass piece to go with it.
Personally do not enjoy taking hits from the vapexhale from that glass tube.
Gets really hot and burns my lips and also is just not near the same level of enjoyment as hitting through water. I have the glass tube and literally never would even think of using it.

This is just incredibly surprising to me.

My VX Glass Mouthpiece never gets that hot. My lips never get burned, even on full blast max hits. And my Cloud gets super hot. I mean it turns my ABV black, and if I really wanted to I could combust with it. So it's not an issue of my Cloud not getting hot enough.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are better designed or something? I mean, I know everyone's lungs handle heat differently, and some people will cough or be irritated with even a tiny little bit of heat, but your lips got burned? The only thing my Mouthpiece has ever done to my lips was get a tiny bit of resin on them, and that only happened when I took a massive rip, and I don't even mind that, it actually got me really excited, because my other vaporizer could never clouds that were so thick, high quality, and direct that they actually got resin on your lips. It's better than losing it in a whip or something.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are made better? I don't know, but mine is so good that the HT's seem unnecessary. The only reason I could see using it is to make the air cooler, and to me ice/ice chambers cool down hits way better than water does. Try a bong with no water and just ice in the chamber (a real ice chamber, not just putting ice in the bottom). Then try a bong with no ice and just water. The ice hits are much cooler than the water hits.

Also, you need need to worry about cleaning your vape with water, unless you think there's specific water-soluble chemicals that you're trying to remove from the vapor, and what would those even be? Plus you don't risk inhaling particles with the Cloud because of it's awesome design and the ELB's. So water doesn't seem to be really making it any cleaner, unless like I said before, it's removing some water-soluble chemicals that I'm not aware of.


Staff member
I know it is a weird request but I am only looking to make the cloud buddy get a nice thick honey layer. I clean my Mobius everyday. It sounds strange to do so I just want to try for a bit too see how well it works and weather my throat is sensitive to a dirty cloud buddy. I've read that the build-up that occurs from the vapor is loaded with CBDs. The one day I did the milk trick with a solo stem when my neck pain was flaring up it actually helped a lot more than vaporizing.

I am wondering if a fine mist of water on the cloud buddy will make it stick better or worse. There is probably a better place to ask this question than the cloud forum. I will check when I'm home and have free time.
I bet that if you stopped using the CB's stopper, and cleared the hit by removing the Cloud, then the CB, then clear your piece, this would leave vapor in the CB that would probably condense in the CB.

This is just incredibly surprising to me.
While I don't mind taking dry hits, I find it surprising that anyone would actually prefer them to water filtered hits through an HT or bong/bub. To me the hits are sooo much more satisfying through water that I would never think to hit my Cloud dry on purpose.

But then again, some people call me crazy for eating club sandwiches without mayo. I'm in the mayo minority I know, but I know what I like. To each his own, right? Whatever floats your boat is fine with me.:tup:



Well-Known Member
How is the drag with the Cloud really. I still have that suspicion, that my Cloud has abnormal drag. When reading here how it's like breathing, no drag compared to SSV etc... I could say the same with my Cloud. It has drag, slighty more than my EQ (comparable to SSV?). Not at all like effortless breathing, maybe only at very low speeds its really effortless. Can these two smaller holes in my unit make that much drag? Or is it normal and other are only exaggerating claims its almost drag-free? Or are my lungs so powerful even Cloud can't handle their power to full extent? I will have to wait minimally 3 months anyway, but I would like to know if my Cloud is normal or not - at least in its function, because that should be warrantiable. I know, I have a working Cloud, so why do I want to warranty it? Well I do and don't. I don't want any more Cloudless days but also I have a feeling that my Cloud isn't funtional to its full extent. That I'm still missing something that flawless Clouds offer. I would need a backup and then try to deal with this one. That is only possible if I magically get a lot of cash. I had money only for one Cloud...
A cloud with a 100% clean ELB and a hydratube that isn't restricted too much (sometimes the cuts on a splashcatcher can vary and that effects the resistance) produces CLOSE to no drag, but there is still a reducer in the bamboo so it really isn't just like breathing. That being said, it's the closest I've gotten to drag-free for a serious heavy hitter.

If you throw in a factor like a dirty ELB or a fat pack... the "close to no drag" can quickly become highly restricted.

My :2c:
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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
So I went into my garage and I found a mini air compressor. It's plug is a cigarette charger type plug, so I'm going to get a DC to AC adapter and use that.

I know I will eventually have to use iso to clean them, but I have a feeling this air compressor is going to be perfect for clearing the bowls in between packings. Just one quick blast from this compressor, and the ELB should be completely free of particles. I'll let you know how it turns out once I get the adapter.

This is just incredibly surprising to me.

My VX Glass Mouthpiece never gets that hot. My lips never get burned, even on full blast max hits. And my Cloud gets super hot. I mean it turns my ABV black, and if I really wanted to I could combust with it. So it's not an issue of my Cloud not getting hot enough.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are better designed or something? I mean, I know everyone's lungs handle heat differently, and some people will cough or be irritated with even a tiny little bit of heat, but your lips got burned? The only thing my Mouthpiece has ever done to my lips was get a tiny bit of resin on them, and that only happened when I took a massive rip, and I don't even mind that, it actually got me really excited, because my other vaporizer could never clouds that were so thick, high quality, and direct that they actually got resin on your lips. It's better than losing it in a whip or something.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are made better? I don't know, but mine is so good that the HT's seem unnecessary. The only reason I could see using it is to make the air cooler, and to me ice/ice chambers cool down hits way better than water does. Try a bong with no water and just ice in the chamber (a real ice chamber, not just putting ice in the bottom). Then try a bong with no ice and just water. The ice hits are much cooler than the water hits.

Also, you need need to worry about cleaning your vape with water, unless you think there's specific water-soluble chemicals that you're trying to remove from the vapor, and what would those even be? Plus you don't risk inhaling particles with the Cloud because of it's awesome design and the ELB's. So water doesn't seem to be really making it any cleaner, unless like I said before, it's removing some water-soluble chemicals that I'm not aware of.

I like the idea of the compressor - but, it will only be successful if you clean them immediately. I blow my elb's (giggity) all the time and once that shit cools it starts to get a little sticky. I use a brush - similar to the one sticks uses between fills. I actually bent the loop on the end so it fits perfectly inside the elb (giggity)to break up whatever your about to brush out.

On top of that - I keep a shot glass in the bathroom filled with clean ISO. Before bed, I drop in the ELB's used and when I wake up I pull them out so their dry when I get home from work. If I use them sooner, I break out the wife's blow dryer and blow them dry like a Vietnamese whore!


AKA ♫ Stinky Wizzleteats ♫
I bet that if you stopped using the CB's stopper, and cleared the hit by removing the Cloud, then the CB, then clear your piece, this would leave vapor in the CB that would probably condense in the CB.

While I don't mind taking dry hits, I find it surprising that anyone would actually prefer them to water filtered hits through an HT or bong/bub. To me the hits are sooo much more satisfying through water that I would never think to hit my Cloud dry on purpose.

But then again, some people call me crazy for eating club sandwiches without mayo. I'm in the mayo minority I know, but I know what I like. To each his own, right? Whatever floats your boat is fine with me.:tup:


I've been water-filtering combustion for 15 years. I didn't even combust if it wasn't water-filtered. As soon as I switched to vaping, I quit using water.

Maybe I have the best VX Glass Mouthpiece ever made? With mine it feels like I'm just breathing with no drag or heat, even at full temp, with ginormous rips.


I like the idea of the compressor - but, it will only be successful if you clean them immediately. I blow my elb's (giggity) all the time and once that shit cools it starts to get a little sticky. I use a brush - similar to the one sticks uses between fills. I actually bent the loop on the end so it fits perfectly inside the elb (giggity)to break up whatever your about to brush out.

On top of that - I keep a shot glass in the bathroom filled with clean ISO. Before bed, I drop in the ELB's used and when I wake up I pull them out so their dry when I get home from work. If I use them sooner, I break out the wife's blow dryer and blow them dry like a Vietnamese whore!
I was thinking of getting one of those tiny little brushes from eye-glasses repair kit. Seems like those would work.

But yeah, I plan on leaving this air compressor plugged up and right next to me, and use it every single time I repack my ELB.

I'm using the air compressor not to prevent myself from using iso, but to prevent myself using my damn SSV pick, because it just takes way too long to use the pick. If I'm going to use a pick, I might as well stand up and go to the bathroom to do an iso rinse. With this compressor I should be able to do one quick blast and be done with it. Plus the compressor will be A LOT more gentle on my ELB's then this pick is. I'll just save the pick for stirring. So compressor during the day, iso soaking at night. And I've been using a wine glass to soak my ELB's. :p

There's no telling how old this thing is or how long it's been in my garage. It was way in the very back corner, covered in dust. I'm not sure if they even make these anymore. It's a 175 PSI Interdynamics Mini Air Compressor.

Actually, I found one.


LOL! That dude's is way dirtier than mine. Why the hell wouldn't he clean it first and then take a picture if he's trying to sell it?

Bout to go pick up a DC to AC converter now. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I don't understand something here - how do you eat a club sandwich with no mayo?

I've been hitting the cloud with the dry tube too and I actually love it. The taste is pure, however I will say this - I find the shape of the glass is a bit awkward. I can't help but think about the snorks and holding them in a very weird way.



Apprentice Daydreamer
A cloud with a 100% clean ELB and a hydratube that isn't restricted too much (sometimes the cuts on a splashcatcher can vary and that effects the resistance) produces CLOSE to no drag, but there is still a reducer in the bamboo so it really isn't just like breathing. That being said, it's the closest I've gotten to drag-free for a serious heavy hitter...

No, I take the ELB out of the equation. I can breath in lungful with just HT in 3 seconds (no water or I would suck it in). When mounted on the Cloud, it takes 30 seconds to get a lungful if i inhale slowly enough to be effortless. I can get a lungful in 20 seconds if I use full lungpower and can't do it any faster. Effort put into a 20 second lungful is much much greater than for a 30 secs one. Water in HT adds minimal drag, mouthpiece is totally zero drag.
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Apprentice Daydreamer
In an ELB of cource, that was just drag comparison. I was only breathing in lungfuls of air.
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AKA ♫ Stinky Wizzleteats ♫
30 seconds into the video I thought, "this dude must have been traumatized as a child with mayo". At the 49 sec mark, my suspicions were confirmed.

So what's your excuse for hating mayo?
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Higher, Higher, Baby...
Mayo on a burger? EWWWW.
I personally prefer my PB&J without the J, therefore I enjoy a PB.
I also cant stand Mayo in general. Its nasty. It ruins sandwiches with its nastiness.
I like my sandwich dry, with chips on it. Theres no place for that on my sandwy.


Staff member
So what's your excuse for hating mayo?
The mere fact that's it's totally disgusting isn't a good enough excuse?


Now, to get the thread back on track: What's your excuse for not using your Cloud with water like the gods intended? :D



Well-Known Member
So I went into my garage and I found a mini air compressor. It's plug is a cigarette charger type plug, so I'm going to get a DC to AC adapter and use that.

I know I will eventually have to use iso to clean them, but I have a feeling this air compressor is going to be perfect for clearing the bowls in between packings. Just one quick blast from this compressor, and the ELB should be completely free of particles. I'll let you know how it turns out once I get the adapter.

This is just incredibly surprising to me.

My VX Glass Mouthpiece never gets that hot. My lips never get burned, even on full blast max hits. And my Cloud gets super hot. I mean it turns my ABV black, and if I really wanted to I could combust with it. So it's not an issue of my Cloud not getting hot enough.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are better designed or something? I mean, I know everyone's lungs handle heat differently, and some people will cough or be irritated with even a tiny little bit of heat, but your lips got burned? The only thing my Mouthpiece has ever done to my lips was get a tiny bit of resin on them, and that only happened when I took a massive rip, and I don't even mind that, it actually got me really excited, because my other vaporizer could never clouds that were so thick, high quality, and direct that they actually got resin on your lips. It's better than losing it in a whip or something.

Maybe the new Mouthpieces are made better? I don't know, but mine is so good that the HT's seem unnecessary. The only reason I could see using it is to make the air cooler, and to me ice/ice chambers cool down hits way better than water does. Try a bong with no water and just ice in the chamber (a real ice chamber, not just putting ice in the bottom). Then try a bong with no ice and just water. The ice hits are much cooler than the water hits.

Also, you need need to worry about cleaning your vape with water, unless you think there's specific water-soluble chemicals that you're trying to remove from the vapor, and what would those even be? Plus you don't risk inhaling particles with the Cloud because of it's awesome design and the ELB's. So water doesn't seem to be really making it any cleaner, unless like I said before, it's removing some water-soluble chemicals that I'm not aware of.

For the record i don't mind hitting weed dry (without water filter) i was a regular volcano user before and loved it. I can also handle hot vapor i also smoke weed often so it's not like the vapor is too harsh. it's that for me and my friends hitting from the vapexhale cloud isnt nearly as satisfying and physically is painful due to how hot your lip can get trying to get a nice fat rip (which the glass mouth piece isnt really designed for). If it's good for you that's great, more a preference thing for me. I don't really care much anyways cause i have a nice mobius collection brewing.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker
The mere fact that's it's totally disgusting isn't a good enough excuse?


Now, to get the thread back on track: What's your excuse for not using your Cloud with water like the gods intended? :D


MY EXCUSE IS THAT I... kinda like it.

oh, and uh, SPARTA!!! :bang:
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The new cloud I received is different than my old clicker. Instead of one reduction at the male joint there is now a second near the bottom of the bamboo. My cloud reaches full temp in under a minute. trippy mayne.


Well-Known Member
The new cloud I received is different than my old clicker. Instead of one reduction at the male joint there is now a second near the bottom of the bamboo. My cloud can reach full temp in under a minute. trippy mayne.

Is it actually at full temp in under a min? It seems the Cloud + tends to light up green for most people, myself included, a good 5-10 minutes before it's actually running at proper temp.


Vapor Enthusiast
The new cloud I received is different than my old clicker. Instead of one reduction at the male joint there is now a second near the bottom of the bamboo. My cloud reaches full temp in under a minute. trippy mayne.

Mine takes about 3-4 minutes to turn green and then it's good to go. Under 1 minute is pretty awesome :-).


I can't say that I've had the best CS experience with VapeXhale, however, that being said, I do still love the company. I can forgive and forget. I really hope they get out of the mess that is happening and that they do come back stronger than ever. I stand by the product. In my opinion, nothing that I've used has even come close. It's just quite amazing how revolutionary this product is.

The sheer ease of use, the powerful, delicious vapor. It's intense, and dare I say it, magical. I still haven't bought additional glass, hell I still haven't even tried to pair it with my huge bong (named Chief), that takes ice. It's a regular bong, with an 18mm GonG stem :-). I've put the cold Cloud in it, but never dared to take it for a spin. I just feel it would be too clumsy, or some shit would happen, so I've been staying away.

However, my Evolver HydraTree v1. is still so quality. I love that thing. Can't wait to see what the next round of Hydratubes are.


AKA ♫ Stinky Wizzleteats ♫
Now, to get the thread back on track: What's your excuse for not using your Cloud with water like the gods intended? :D

The new cloud I received is different than my old clicker. Instead of one reduction at the male joint there is now a second near the bottom of the bamboo. My cloud reaches full temp in under a minute. trippy mayne.

My green light comes on too early, but my unit seems to heat up way faster than what most people report here. Sure as heck doesn't take mine 10 mins.

I'm finishing this ELB off and then I'm going to see how good this compressor does at clearing the bowl.

Also, I just farted so Imma let that dissipate first. Don't wannna suck a fart through my Cloud.

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
I know it is a weird request but I am only looking to make the cloud buddy get a nice thick honey layer. I clean my Mobius everyday. It sounds strange to do so I just want to try for a bit too see how well it works and weather my throat is sensitive to a dirty cloud buddy. I've read that the build-up that occurs from the vapor is loaded with CBDs. The one day I did the milk trick with a solo stem when my neck pain was flaring up it actually helped a lot more than vaporizing.

I am wondering if a fine mist of water on the cloud buddy will make it stick better or worse. There is probably a better place to ask this question than the cloud forum. I will check when I'm home and have free time.
Have you tried keeping your cloud buddy in a cold place. The first thing that comes to mind is a fridge.
Bon Dog,

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
Have you tried keeping your cloud buddy in a cold place. The first thing that comes to mind is a fridge.

Is your thought that if the glass is cold to start then the vapor will condense on it and stick quicker? I'll try that out.
John Lewus,
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