Bodhi Diesel
Cannabis Snob
My 14500 tubes have totally changed the way I look at the Omicron. With 2.4s it's a steady hitter. With a 1.5, it's a heavyweight hitter. You just have to pay attention to what you're doing.
Have you tried the BENDER?
Many of us are doing the same thing. Might as well get everything at once instead of paying for extra shipping and waiting around to meet the mailman an extra time.
Off topic, if you dig drums (I'm going off of your screen name) check out my drum channel which is in my sig.![]()
Yes, that's exactly it. The battery way more than the cart. The original 14650 is costing something like .3 Volts IIRC meaning the power is off by about 20%.
Put the other way, using the IMR 14500 puts Omicron on an equal footing with Persei with 1.5s and 2.4s. I didn't measure any practical difference in power actually delivered to the cart. Persei is much longer lived of course, say 4 to 6 times? But Omicron will do what Persei does within those confines.
well poop, I never knew that. You learn something new everyday, guess i should invest in some 14500 batteries from D9V, while I restock my cartridges! Hello OF by the way long time no see/talk and hope your doing great.![]()
No sir I haven't, but it looks like one of the best ways for vaping flowers! I'll prolly get it one, day but have almost every other D9V product
Ok great thanks kindbeats, I'll just wait then and do it all in one shaabang. I used to play drums but then health issues kinda put the damper on that, but I do love me drums and do music producing now. I'll definitely take a look at ur channel!
I'll be around more often now too, since my health is better and I cause I blew all the dust off my oil products so i can use them again since oils were nonexistant around here. Hopefully I can get back to helping out others on the forums as well and Pay it forward again![]()
Yup. The important part is you want AW brand IMR 14500s (just what D9 provides with the upgrade kit). The kit is the best way (shorter tube) but you can also use the longer tail cap from the HV upgrade kit with the original tube.
Hello right back, Brother Drum. What happened, you make bail?
Yes I made bail, a few bails... Of Hay!
OF, I tried to find the 2.5 upgrade top for omicron, but couldn't find it. Im goin to talk to G and see what i can do about how to get one. I did buy a HVD kit though, is the HVD head considered a v2.5 head?
hello people. how are you??
i use 95% of time herb and hash, sometimes i make concentrates.
If you are a flavor snob by all means get a PERSEI.hello people. how are you??
i think getting a persei or an omicron. i'm not uptodate with the delta9vaporizer. so i have a few questions.
i use 95% of time herb and hash, sometimes i make concentrates.
should i go with the persei and the hercules herb chamber, or safe money buying the omicron and the hercules?
how is the taste using the herbchamber? compared with the solo for example?
how long is the vape time with full 3.7 v batteries? omicron v2.5 and persei 3.7 v-setup?
whats the difference about the hvd omicron and the conversion kit? only the option to upgrade the omicron to 7.4?
sorry for my bumpy english.
thanks for the answers
now i take my solo with me during the day. but its not very stealth, size and the glass tube.
Omi good for discrete vaping on the go, Persei is good for getting WRECKED...with all sorts of toys. Sums it up?
In my opinion...yes, the portable issue is important.
omicron / hdv for also 7.4v / hercules or persei / hercules with maybe later the bender ??
i dont know how good the hercules works and if its a difference using it with the omicron or persei?
will be better for future extras attachments the persei or the omicron.
lot of questions, sorry..
I have 2 SOLO's that work really well and I love the glass be honest i have a VAPIR NO2 for just this reason!!
when i bought it, i was picking between the Arizer Solo and NO2...
was a very hard decision, and i have never used a solo, but i am super happy with it...
i wish it was just a little smaller, but it is nice and i have used mine daily for over 2 years,
i am clumsy too... if i had a Solo i would have broken the glass stem 100 times over!
we will see when the new hercules comes out, i want to see if it will take 1st place over my NO2 for portable herb vape! i love the BENDER but glass is not so portable, breaks too easily
for portable oil vape i use a Joytech Ego T with M601 to 510 adapter!
I had long hair like Bob until 1977 when I cut my hair for a job!Nice hair ha! Mine's almost as long but straight
Do you need a hammer top or will the IRIS be enough for the BENDER?was shooting vid today. took another with the iris and Hammer
need is so subjective. i prefer it as you don't have to hold the button down. the iris should cut it as well as allow you to cap the voltage so you don't combust. not too dry, too fine or too packed and you should be goodDo you need a hammer top or will the IRIS be enough for the BENDER?
Odd choice of background: Karl Marx's Das Kapital.Sorry if its off topic... but OMG is the Blazer GB4001 awesome or what. Kicks the ass of the DX torch lighter (which is good enough, but man! i loaded .7 in 10 seconds flat!)
nobody will jack THIS lighter from me... try walking out with that in your pocket!! hah!'
tonight.... dual 5.0's diffent strains in each!