Slightly Medicated
(SliM) Iron Lungs
Wait a minute. You have used the same ELB for over 2 months without cleaning it? The longest I've let an ELB go without an ISO bath is 2 days. Maybe I'm anal, but I've assumed that a clean ELB tastes better, and provides better airflow. Did you notice any difference in taste or airflow with that ill-fated ELB used in your experiment?
I was using it as my only ELB... I just wanted to see what would happen if I stopped cleaning it. It continued to work even after 2.5 months. You could not really see the mesh anymore it was coated solid. I would scape the inside out as it would accumulate dust like ABV on the side. I was surprised at how well it was still working after all that time. It did not smell the best... kind of like cooked Polenta. The airflow was not overly restricted either. The taste was not much different... keep in mind I run my cloud at 3o'clock and the taste is gone by the end of the hit anyway. I felt like it gave every hit a little extra kick in potency. I went back and used a clean one afterward and I kind of missed the extra punch the dirty ELB gave.