Has anyone written a 'buyers guide' yet for wax/budder/etc? Locally the wax is almost aways in small sticker-sealed containers so its all by eye. Personally i go for texture first. After texture, assuming there are multiple comparable, i look for color. Prefer an amber over blonde, and blonde over anything else. Texture is a little harder to explain, but the pictures are roughly in order of what i would choose based on current experience with the persei.
If it looks like this, keep looking elsewhere
I'm sure everyone has their own way, i dont have a particularly large oil budget so i usually play it safe and get the same stuff. any comments/suggestions? There are also higher end waxes i didnt include, because my cap is usually at $35/g
Im by no means an oil expert, but from what I can gather...the first appears to be an amber/wax, the second seems to be honeycomb/vac purged, third appears to be a wax/budder, fourth looks to be possibly over-heated and lightly whipped, and the last appears to be a dried iso oil.
Honestly, not from a medical state, and the oil terms always seem alil on the fuzzy side on whats supposed to be what. Just my opinion, tho.