Onward Thru the Fog
Continued from previous message:
Tetralabs still sells PG packaged both ways, in the little corked vials or in sealed ampules. Either your vials are different from my vials, or your DART extension is different from my DART extension. The vial packaging of PG is on the left in the picture below.
My DART tip isn't long enough reach down to the PG in even a full vial before the thick part of the DART extension above the "dart" part of the DART hits the top of the vial. The vial diameter is much smaller than the top part of the DART extension. So I don't understand when you say "Those vials are about 4 times the circumference of the DART extender(?) so it fits just fine." If the vial were the same diameter as the glass container that the ampules were packaged in, then I could understand, but they're not. I guess I'm missing something here...
I believe PG originally came in vials, before the ampules. Well, the company had problems with out of stock on the ampules and started putting them back in vials(sealed with little corks). Those vials are about 4 times the circumference of the DART extender(?) so it fits just fine. The problem is it doesn't scoop anything. I was thinking about a design where the tip of the extender is almost a little spoon that captures PG/wax like the little plastic stick used for blowing bubbles.
Tetralabs still sells PG packaged both ways, in the little corked vials or in sealed ampules. Either your vials are different from my vials, or your DART extension is different from my DART extension. The vial packaging of PG is on the left in the picture below.

My DART tip isn't long enough reach down to the PG in even a full vial before the thick part of the DART extension above the "dart" part of the DART hits the top of the vial. The vial diameter is much smaller than the top part of the DART extension. So I don't understand when you say "Those vials are about 4 times the circumference of the DART extender(?) so it fits just fine." If the vial were the same diameter as the glass container that the ampules were packaged in, then I could understand, but they're not. I guess I'm missing something here...
It's not sealed, but I take mine out all the time preloaded with two drops, and unless you carry it upside down in a warm pocket, all will be fine. If you carry it upside down in a warm pocket, some of the PG may migrate onto the sides of tube, but after a hit or two the tube is warm enough that the PG travels back down where it belongs. If you put too much PG into the Evo/DART/AVA (more than three big drops), and you keep your rig in a warm pocket, it may well leak even if it's not upside down (the little air holes in the bottom above the threads where you screw the core into the battery).In your estimation if I preload 2-3 drops to take the rig out with me is there much chance of the PG leaking out of the DART cart altogether or is it essentially sealed?
Nope. First, the DART entender doesn't seal anything. If it did, you couldn't get a hit. Second, if you did carry your rig upside down, and it was at body temp or warmer, and you did load more than two drops, and it did run down the insides of the tube, and it did get into the holes in the UFO part between the DART "dart" tip and the metal extension, and it did run down the hole in the extension, it would be much harder to reclaim things than if it were just coating the inside of the tube. If you're worried about carrying your rig upside down in your pocket, then we need to find something to either plug the end of the tube (instead of the mouthpiece), or to plug the mouthpiece. I think you're looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, as long as you don't overload.I suppose to "travel" with the DART I need to make sure the DART/extender is attached to the mouthpiece so it is sealed?
My (our) pleasure. Soon you'll be helping us.Thanks all.