The fine screen not very rigid so I wouldn't use them alone
Adding a fine screen on the top helped me keep the valve clean, but they get dirty fast, a lot of stuff get trapped in.
hi Cash. Got my fine screens yesterday.
First, let me say that when I fill the solid valve chamber, I only lay down enough ground herb to cover the bottom so that I can't see light thru the layer. No more (with some occasional exceptions

). I use temps 175/347 - 190/374 C/F, so that I can focus on the flavor, and to keep things euphoric*. Higher temps and bigger chamber loads are mostly used when vaping the collected tailings from previous sessions.
On to the fine screens- I kept the bottom screen (the screen the herb lays on) normal, and put a fine screen on the filling chamber insert. Worked fine. Then, after a few pulls, I noticed that the fine screen was beginning to become
slightly mishapen. In an effort to stop that from happening further I sandwiched the fine screen between two normal screens.
This has stopped the mishaping, and a pleasant surprise is that the bottom normal screen facing the herb in the sandwich is catching most of the "grit" (which can be brushed away), keeping the middle/fine and top/normal screens very clean.
An occasional run of hot air (up to 230C) thru the screens while no herb's in the chamber helps keep the resin from building up, but eventually there'll be iso time. I've got enough fine and normal screens to make two complete "sandwiches", so I may buy an additional filling chamber insert ($10, delivered) so that each sandwich can have its own insert and make things a little more convenient.
All this said though, I just got the things, and like
you said, they may become more of a hassle than they're worth.
BTW, that fine screen weave is
so fine that it looks more like a porous aerospace material than a screen. Kinda fragile. And I'm using the three bottom fine screens (without the center holes) to filter my MFLB, and soon, a T1/Rev/Ev.
*yesterday, after vaping some sage n sour (delicious pink grapefruit taste on exhale), I had an epic session of laugh-till-yer-cheeks-hurt, merely remembering scenes from Tralier Park Boys. (edit: thinking about how I was laughing yesterday makes me laugh now- vicious cycle!!
