David Goldstein's Fritted Disc

Just went to the new website and lol. I'm glad you layed everything out but you could have done it in a nicer way.
E-mail is the least invasive and most preferred method of contact.
If you want to make a good impression, be polite and get to the point quickly.
If you want to make a bad impression, display a large ego, use bad language, or expound on how much high-end glass you already own. We bust ass to get product out the door, please don’t distract us from that task with information we do not need or care to know. It is also unwise to refer to ground joints as “glass-on-glass” or to refer to a 19 joint as an 18 joint.
If telephone contact is warranted, provide your contact info and we will call you.
This just reminds me of this

Bob Loblaw


this is the only part that confuses me
It is also unwise to refer to ground joints as “glass-on-glass” or to refer to a 19 joint as an 18 joint.
didn't see it there, tho

love the FAQ, tho


1. Can I get custom fabrication?
A. Not much.
1.The disc can be had in non-stock color configurations.
2. Colored discs are normally complemented with flared feet, but may be ordered on hex bases.
3. Large hex bases can be converted into 6 pointed stars as is done with the smaller hex bases.
4. Sculpture, worked sections and other non-functional external decoration are frowned upon.
Apparatus with non-functional decoration is extremely rare and not available for less than a thousand dollars.

2. Can my friend who blows glass decorate the piece in the aftermarket?
A. This is very risky and not recommended. The first bonehead who tried broke the piece.

3. Can I distribute your product on the internet?
A. No. Internet vending is limited to Aqua Lab, NVS, and ourselves.

4. How much water should I use?
A. 1/4 inch above fritted disc is sufficient. Too much water increases water column pressure which restricts draught and inhibits
“bubble stacking” Most vids I have seen have too much water.

5. How do I clean it?
A. Straight “chimney” models are very easy to clean. Hot/boiling water, Joy dishwashing detergent, a large bottle brush and a small bottle brush with a 45 degree bend at the end will clean a chimney quickly, thoroughly, and cheaply. We have found that after months of heavy use, the main frit may start to clog and require solvent cleaning.
Mini/micro cans need to be cleaned with alcohol/solvent based products. We have had good results with Orange Chronic and Green glass cleaner, which beat Formula 420 hands down in every test.
Extra pre-filter discs are supplied with convertibles so that you may continue to use the apparatus while dirty pre-filters go through cleaning cycle. Pre-filter discs are also available from your vendor and are cheap and easy to replace.

6. Why is cold water not recommended for concentrates?
A. Many concentrates are solid-state at room temperature. The tiny bubbles (~80 microns) the apparatus produces have a very large surface area compared to their internal volume. This allows for thorough scrubbing of water-soluble molecules from the vapor, with considerable heat-exchange from the warmed vapor to water as well. If too much heat is removed from the vapor, it returns to solid state, clogging the disc from the underside with formerly-volatilized components that you wanted to taste and feel.
Cold-water clogs are easily cleaned with hot/boiling water.

7. Can I get an ice-pinch?
A. Though addressed/covered in the patent application, field testing proved that ice is unnecessary and counter-productive. It also gets the apparatus filthy almost instantly. We do not recommend using ice, and do not modify the apparatus to encourage this bad practice.
Bob Loblaw,

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I don't quite understand this "not enough room to milk" business...

With a dab, the amount you are dabbing is pre-defined (whatever you've got on your dabber), and you don't stop drawing, to remove the slide/WPA and clear the piece.

For me, it's
Heat Nail
Start Inhaling
Apply Dab
Stop Inhaling when dab is finished

Is this just a personal preference thing, or am I missing something?

lol, like 7 posts appeared between the last post I saw, and me posting :lol:
I don't quite understand this "not enough room to milk" business...

With a dab, the amount you are dabbing is pre-defined (whatever you've got on your dabber), and you don't stop drawing, to remove the slide/WPA and clear the piece.

For me, it's
Heat Nail
Start Inhaling
Apply Dab
Stop Inhaling when dab is finished

Is this just a personal preference thing, or am I missing something?

lol, like 7 posts appeared between the last post I saw, and me posting :lol:
I more or less was talking about flowers and vaping through it. I dab the same and usually stack it to the top because like you said the dab is predetermined.


in flavor country
I know it's too soon to make this kind of decision, but I just ordered a Cloud and I am starting to wonder if the HT+Cloud will end up being my main desk vaping set up. One thing I am trying to eliminate is the hard draw I have to do to get vapor through my water pieces. I think it has been contributing to my neck issues, from straining my muscles trying to get a decent hit. Now I have been using my Solo mainly and sometimes the T1 (Thermovape) as my main vaping through the Mini Can. What I am starting to anticipate is that the Cloud+HT may just be the answer I am looking for as far as ease of draw. I am wondering how well the Mini Can will hold up to having the Cloud perched on it's stem, and if it will be functional with a hot Cloud running right in my face as others have mentioned. I will say that if the time comes for me to part with my mini can, you guys will be the first to know. I won't be able to make that call for sure until I have had some time with both of them together. Guess I'm just passing the time while I wait, and wondering if anyone who has a Cloud and a Mini have any input here...

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I don't have a cloud, but I'd say things may be a little "In Yo Face" (:lol:) since you'd still need to be using a fem-fem adapter.
I use my Mini can with my LSV (which I think is close enough in height to the cloud to make the 2 comparable), and the only time I have any issues is if I'm wearing a baseball cap (which is most of the time:p, I just turn my head a bit and everything is sweet :tup:).

I wouldn't leave the cloud connected to the mini while you aren't hitting it, as I'd be a wee bit uncomfortable about it tipping over (though my hex-based mini can is one of the most stable pieces I have :)), but I would say that about practically any piece when paired with the cloud (even a hydratube).

Frederick McGuire,


in flavor country
Thanks Frederick, I think I am a bit more concerned with the ambient heat being my face, as I have read that the cloud does get warm, but again I am speculating. Luckily I did get the 12" mini, the tube has a slight curve to it, so it may be just enough to be comfortable. I know the draw on the cloud is supposed to be worlds better than the solo. So really I don't think I can decide until I use it. This must be my way of filling in the gaps when stuck in the waiting process. Can you say OCD? hehe :lol:
Just wanted to update about my orange convertible. I don't know if you guys and gals had seen but I thought that something was up with the fritt on it. Well I sent it back to NVS and Josh got it in yesterday and certainly agreed with me that something was definitely up with it and he would be sending me out a new one ASAP. He said he would contact DG as well. Just wanted to let you guys know that NVS is a fucking pleasure to deal with and their customer service is out of this world!!!

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Thanks Frederick, I think I am a bit more concerned with the ambient heat being my face, as I have read that the cloud does get warm, but again I am speculating. ...

Well, the LSV approaches being too hot to hold (nothing that hurts, but it can be a bit uncomfortable to hold), and I've never had any issues about having it near my face.
It may be a bit down on the ergonomics side of things, but the ambient heat near the face has never been an issue for me with any of my vapes.
Frederick McGuire,


in flavor country
glad to hear it. I might be over thinking this right now. I just want my vaping to be as pleasant as possible. I have made many turns in this journey trying to fine tune it. A few of them impulsive, a few based on educated decisions. I am starting to understand what my needs are now, and things are making much more sense to me than before. I had to start somewhere, and unfortunately it has been a little bit of an expensive learning curve.


Downward spiral
FYI: Was without my Cloud for 2 days, and the Solo just wasnt cutting it. So, I noticed that my Solo stem fit down into the male on the DG Mini.Not like a tight sea, but enough. Lo and behold, it worked(not like my Cloud)enough to enjoy some good big rips and water filtration. Here's to the Rooster!!


in flavor country
I've got PV's regular GonG adapter for my solo, so I have be going back and forth between that and the longer PVHES stem. Mine does not fit in the male joint on the mini, but that's ok, the adapter works well too.


can i stick my male joint in there?
here is what the cloud looks like on my can. i will prolly get some custom angled adapters for this combo.



in flavor country
Gives me a good point of view, my can is a couple in. longer (not that I'm comparing ;) ). Thanks
here is what the cloud looks like on my can. i will prolly get some custom angled adapters for this combo.
Hey where do you get your 45 degree female/female adapters? I have been waiting and waiting for PV to get them in, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon.


can i stick my male joint in there?
Hey where do you get your 45 degree female/female adapters? I have been waiting and waiting for PV to get them in, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

thinking about going on bm and get them custom made.
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