Thought we would pop in for a quick new product update

Been very busy over here at Thermo. Heading down to Richmond tomorrow as we will be at the HT cup.
We have some new products that we wil be showing this weekend. However,
we always announce any new products here first.
So here is a preview. These are not on the website yet, bu will be very soon. No later then monday depending on how wild the cup is....
Are Summer Catalog is just about finished (so please excuse any typos) available fordownload here and the website will be updated soon.
We are very excited about the new products. We will have the DC adapter for the Power Supply available soon as well. This is the high voltage model, although when we find the right power supply it will work with low voltage products as well.
Hope you guys and gals like the new gear!
Let us know what you think. Cheers,