On a Permanent Vakation
You answered my question without me asking it Sir! I want to do dunks/bhombs and I can't hit my quartz/boro target for shit. My dome sits high above the nail, and this doesn't help; the few times I've tried have been failures with my dab landing beside the nail, or in the bottom of the dome. Hopefully, between adjustable height and the large cup, I'll be able to dunk away!
Checked the tracking on my DYD and it should be here today, went out for delivery this AM, yet my mail is about an hour and a half late...It's all good though, cause I don't have quite enough oil to season up the nail. I'll be doing a run tomorrow so I have enough to test/indulge with.
Edit* Mail arrived, 2 hours late, but it arrived none the less. I opened the box, and inside was a bag containing the Titanium goodness! Even though I don't have enough oil to properly break in this beast, as mentioned previously, I was tempted by the beauty of this nail and I gave in. I adjusted it to sit about a centimeter or so below the opening on my dome, maybe a little closer, and took the torch to it. I heated until I got a bit of a glow, and I put the dome on. Being very limited on supplies, I took a dab slightly smaller than what I use in this video, and dropped it onto the nail; I was expecting a not so amazing taste from what others have mentioned of un seasoned Ti, but surprisingly it wasn't that bad. I took another couple dunks afterwards. Ti is my new friend, and even though this is my first product, I must say it is an amazing piece of technology for a chunk of metal. A lot of thought had to go into this one!
Still haven't tried the small head...
Still haven't tried the small head...