Well-Known Member
I have a very handy and cheap stirring tool too.
you know these electric flycatchers?
well I love them on my summernightly mosquitohunts, since I can catch them even in midflight sometimes, and I don't have the quickest reflexes especially when halfasleep, darkadjusted eyes and going on a groggy mosquitohunt when they're keeping me awake.
anyway I noticed that often mosquito's would just be stunned but not killed, and I needed the hold the button for long to be sure they were dead. wich is ineficient of you have more to hunt, so I went looking for ways to make it shock just a little bit harder.
took a few of them apart, and then one day I found the taken apart racket of ne of those laying around, and I realized those metal sticks are very convenient. they're soldered to a wire on only one end, so the other is perfect for stirring, no thiock solderbit on it. I forst started using them for a lot of different things, and eventually when I had the need for a stirtool it was the most logical choice.
I lose them often, but still have enough somewhere in a drawer, and if I clean up I usually find multiple.
and those electric flycatchers only cost 5 euro or so, probably cheaper if you buy at the right store at the right moment. I think I bought the ones I took apart for less as 5
you know these electric flycatchers?

well I love them on my summernightly mosquitohunts, since I can catch them even in midflight sometimes, and I don't have the quickest reflexes especially when halfasleep, darkadjusted eyes and going on a groggy mosquitohunt when they're keeping me awake.
anyway I noticed that often mosquito's would just be stunned but not killed, and I needed the hold the button for long to be sure they were dead. wich is ineficient of you have more to hunt, so I went looking for ways to make it shock just a little bit harder.
took a few of them apart, and then one day I found the taken apart racket of ne of those laying around, and I realized those metal sticks are very convenient. they're soldered to a wire on only one end, so the other is perfect for stirring, no thiock solderbit on it. I forst started using them for a lot of different things, and eventually when I had the need for a stirtool it was the most logical choice.
I lose them often, but still have enough somewhere in a drawer, and if I clean up I usually find multiple.
and those electric flycatchers only cost 5 euro or so, probably cheaper if you buy at the right store at the right moment. I think I bought the ones I took apart for less as 5