Yep, nice cloud there dude
I use a SSV poker myself to stir, but I also have a few of these as a cheap back up:
I can recommend something similar, I think you'll find it less messier to stir with and if you scrape the sharp end across your screen you can keep it clean a bit longer too.
My UD definitely out-clouds my Solo btw, even when I use a much faster draw speed on my UD then with the Solo. So just keep practicing dude

Not sure about which tastes better though, I just happen to have a very clean tasting Solo too.
Lets see, what else....oh yeah, variable voltage.
Dave used to sell one too, but he stopped supplying them unfortunately. I hope he will go back to stocking them one day though, I think they are a must for the more demanding user.
Some UD users like Darkrom and Gonzo still have one of the vv power supplies Dave use to supply I believe, but you can buy them on ebay or an electronics store too if you want to. Most go from 0 to 15V. I suggest checking out
this thread if you want to know a little more about them.
I can only gamble about this, but I'd say one extra volt equals about 20 degrees Celsius. Don't hold me to that though, I've never actually measured it and only go by ABV color now. & I must ad I have a bit of a weird one with a slightly higher resistance, so your results may vary from mine, mine needs a slightly higher voltage then most to get to the same temperature. I don't think it's recommended to leave it on a higher voltage all day, I just turn it down a little between uses.
I think mine doesn't reach optimal potential until it's on for 4 to 5 hours to btw. It just seems to produce denser clouds and darker ABV when the whole mass of the vape is thoroughly heated ime.
Just curious, but do you (or Dave) know how much the King weighs perhaps?
And Dave, are you not a daily toker then? I always assumed you were to be honest, or do you let Amanda do all the testing for you?
If so, can I have her job please