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Putin is a War Criminal


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It better fucking not! The Feds won't televise the trial (cowards). The Peach State will. We've all earned what is sure to be, Top Shelf Content. The OJ Trial will look like traffic court in comparison.

Mobsters watching Rudy getting indicted on racketeering charges:

Cracking Up Lol GIF


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Rudy Giuliani made desperate appeal to Trump to pay his legal bills in Mar-a-Lago meeting​

With his attorney in tow, Rudy Giuliani traveled to Mar-a-Lago in recent months on a mission to make a personal and desperate appeal to former President Donald Trump to pay his legal bills. By going in person, a source familiar with the matter told CNN, Giuliani and his lawyer Robert Costello believed they could explain face-to-face why Trump needed to assist his former attorney with his ballooning legal bills.

Giuliani and Costello traveled to Florida in late April where they had two meetings with Trump to discuss Giuliani’s seven-figure legal fees, making several pitches about how paying Giuliani’s bills was ultimately in Trump’s best interest.

But the former president, who is notoriously strict about dipping into his own coffers, didn’t seem very interested. After Costello made his pitch, Trump verbally agreed to help with some of Giuliani’s legal bills without committing to any specific amount or timeline.

Trump also agreed to stop by two fundraisers for Giuliani, a separate source said.


Putin is a War Criminal
The bad news is Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss won't be getting their money when they sue the piss out of him. Unlike Alex Jones, Rudy really will be busted long before it comes to they're payday. And his ability to make a living going forward is certainly over.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


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You know. I was initially disappointed that I would never get to see Donald make Rhonda Santis cry at a debate. But I was wrong. Watching this fraud get absolutely ass-blasted by the B-Team will be even funnier.

For me, this memo leaking is like getting a little peak at my presents as a kid the week before Christmas.

DeSantis’s hold on second place is now threatened by Vivek Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur. Advice lines publicised by the Times included the suggestion DeSantis should attack Ramaswamy on his past stances on abortion, immigration and Covid.
“Take a sledgehammer to Vivek Ramaswamy,” the memo said, advising DeSantis to coin a Trump-style nickname: “‘Fake Vivek’ Or ‘Vivek the Fake.’”

LOL. This prick has been doing a bad Trump impression for 5 years....but he simply does not have the juice. Like he knows all the lyrics, but he can't carry the tune.

Or as John Candy said in JFK: "he's got the right ta-ta, but the wrong ho-ho"

Also, imagine losing to a Hindu guy named Vivek in the Republican Party. LMAO!

Will Ferrell Comedy GIF by filmeditor

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.


Well-Known Member
The thing with blocking is similar to what reddit does, ends up being abused by bullies. They call out you for any lie they can think of, block you, you cannot reply back defending yourself, and their followers automatically believe them and will never read about this lie, unless you also abuse the system and create a fake account just to reply... nah... that's why I stick with forums, anyone can ignore you but everyone else will still read your replies, and everyone is free to decide by themselves, not decided by a bully.

Edit: also, I prefer if an authority shuts me off, not a peer.. in a place that takes pride of letting people have freedom of speech, you cannot shut down anyone, you are the one that have to stop listening.


Old & In the Way
in a place that takes pride of letting people have freedom of speech, you cannot shut down anyone, you are the one that have to stop listening.
I understand what you mean, but our mods have repeated countless times that we do not have freedom of speech here, we have rules. One, for example, is simply about not being nasty to each other!
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Well-Known Member
I think you should be able to block people on a website that keeps losing advertisers because there's too many Nazis

What you mean by block, it's actually ignore them (or mute them)... if you block a user in twitter, your followers won't see that user anymore. That is different to ignoring them, or recommending them to not be heard, that's deciding for others what they should read without your followers even noticing.
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One day there will be a movie about the rise and fall of Twitter/X. I propose the working title should be ‘How to Lose $44 Billion‘
You think he cares?

Lost/losing $44B…he still has more money than 99% of the people on the planet.

Make fun of him all you want, but i am positive he is laughing at all of us.
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Well-Known Member
What you mean by block, it's actually ignore them (or mute them)... if you block a user in twitter, your followers won't see that user anymore. That is different to ignoring them, or recommending them to not be heard, that's deciding for others what they should read without your followers even noticing.

I never tweet. I only use the site as a news aggregator. But let's be clear here. "Freedom of Speech" on Elon's Twitter only means the freedom to:

Post various slurs

Harass gay/trans people...also women in general

Promote Crypto scams

So, yeah. I think you should be able to block those chucklefucks from replying to your tweets.


Well-Known Member
That's one more thing than I use it for!

It's becoming less and less useful for news aggregation as well. The "For You" tab is mostly videos of women getting punched. That is not "for me" in any way.

Plus the whole site is infected with 50 follower, 8 buck chucklefucks writing some of the stupidest shit you've ever seen.



Old & In the Way
he still has more money than 99% of the people on the planet.
This study points out that income/wealth is directly correlated with carbon footprint.

It's not so much the flying around and yachting about all the time; the bigger impact comes from the amount of carbon required simply to produce their income/wealth.

America’s richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution

This means the rich folk are doing a whole lot more to fuck up the environment than previously imagined.

Elon laughing at people IS the irony here, he's the fucking loser, with no clue about his place in the world.


Well-Known Member
Elon laughing at people IS the irony here, he's the fucking loser, with no clue about his place in the world.

I think Elon is fucking miserable. Multiple divorces. His kids hate him. Spends his whole day posting the lamest boomer memes I've ever seen to get approval from some of the dumbest people in human history.

His would be opponent Fuckerberg seems much happier. Still married. Spends his billions having fun with VR shit and winning Jiu Jitsu tourneys.
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Just a dude
So… I’m not sure if you guys are aware but I was just checking BBC’s website and apparently there’s something kinda big going on in America concerning a former president? I’m not even sure which ex-president, tbh I didn’t read the details and just rushed here to check with you guys. I’m curious if this is even being covered by any of the media over there or if it’s just another example of shoddy journalism from the Beeb.

So has anyone stateside read or seen anything at all about a brouhaha involving any ex-presidents on the national news? My money is on Bill Clinton putting his foot in his mouth (or putting something in someone’s mouth), I don’t think the US could ever do worse than that former guy!
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