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Active Member
Brother, did you not live through the last three years? Unless something is currently happening to me personally, in this very moment, it is a hoax.

It is a hoax until the doctor is shoving the tube down my throat, or my house is the one burning. Up until that very moment it is Fake News.

Damn right. It is all maya, or illusion, as the Buddhists taught us a couple millenia ago.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Somehow I don't think it's the money. I think they're already spending moonshot money on it. After all, the payoff is gonna be crazy huge.
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Old & In the Way
It blows my mind that way back in the Dark Ages, like 1963 when I was 12, teachers would tell use about the wonders of fusion, and that we wouldn't see it until at least 2030.
How the fuck did they know?


Well-Known Member
Somehow I don't think it's the money.

It's at least part of it.

From the Big Think article:

According to publicly available data, the United States government, through the Department of Energy, has been funding nuclear fusion research since 1954. Using inflation-adjusted numbers (to modern-day dollars) over that time, we’ve invested a cumulative total of $34 billion in fusion research: including contributions to ITER. For comparison, it’s estimated that climate change-related extreme weather events cost the United States $165 billion last year.

We've only spent $34 billion in the past 70 years. Or, about a week and a half of the current Pentagon's budget. Over 70 years.

It sort of makes sense to me given that the United States is less of a country, and more like 5 international oil companies in a trench coat. And this would put them out of business.
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:peace: :leaf:


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Really pathetic when Mark Zuckerberg makes you look like a huge fucking nerd.


Although I'm sure this will, somehow, still impress the biggest losers to ever live:



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Really pathetic when Mark Zuckerberg makes you look like a huge fucking nerd.


Although I'm sure this will, somehow, still impress the biggest losers to ever live:

I can't help but wonder if this is all hype and then I remind myself that these two have egos so big they block the sun. If you start to believe your own hype you're bound to get hurt.

For what it's worth my money is on Zuck because I get "If Elon gets hit once he'll fold into the fetal position and cry like a baby" vibes where the vibes I get from Zuck is he would get pissed and forget everything he's been taught and start wind-milling his arms.

Either way I finally found an event I'd happily pay for.......


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The State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump: Fulton County Superior Court Indictment

Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News

#1 Most Indicted President Ba-by!! Rhonda Santis could never!

DeSanctimonius: 0 Indictments

Donald: Like 1,000 Indictments

Do you think Meatball Ron, that nerd, could make even one perfect phone call? I really fuckin doubt it. He's a Millennial. They're terrified of the phone.

This all seems very embarrassing as we're living through it. But in like a decade, the biopic movies will be so fucking funny. They'll be basically impossible to fuck up.

Edit: oh fuck they got Rudy too?! New York Mayor, New York President!! NYC #1 Bab-by🎉🗽🎉 Greatest city on earth!!

rudy giuliani drag GIF by Election 2016
donald trump drag GIF by Election 2016
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Well-Known Member
Since the assault on the Capitol in Washington, I understand better what Giulani and his hypothesis of the broken window means.

Twin Peaks Slap GIF by Twin Peaks on Showtime

It turns out Rudy shut down all the porn shops in Times Square because he's a massive perv who wanted all the smut for himself.


That's "America's Mayor", folks!

donald trump drag GIF by Election 2016
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