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Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest. I'm a huge Andrew Tate fan. I had to re enter the dating pool last year. Tate has had a major effect on single men in this country. Namely, by turning huge swaths of them into unfuckable, misogynistic weirdos.

Never been easier out there for normal dudes who genuinely enjoy the company of women. All you have to do is treat them like human beings worthy of respect and you'll go far. So thanks, Andrew!

It would probably be best for the world if the Romanian mafia uses his release as an opportunity to finally murder the guy. But for now I'm making hay while the sun is shining!


Well-Known Member

Oh man, I've been waiting for this part of the DeStinky story for so long....

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF

The knives are coming out because everyone is realizing what I've known for years: this guy is a weird, off-putting loser who will NEVER win a national election.

Someone pointed out Rhonda has "black comedian making fun of white people" voice and now I can't un-hear it.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I've been waiting for this part of the DeStinky story for so long....

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF

The knives are coming out because everyone is realizing what I've known for years: this guy is a weird, off-putting loser who will NEVER win a national election.

Someone pointed out Rhonda has "black comedian making fun of white people" voice and now I can't un-hear it.

Lmao Lol GIF

LOL it's Joever. It's never been more Joever than it is now. Rhonda just committed public political seppuku.

In a non-bizarro world, this would be a winning argument. "That guy is a Loser. Why would we run a proven LOSER again?"

Unfortunately for Meatball Ron, 70% of the voters in his Party believe the bullshit. So his political career is Joever. Not just for 2024 either.


So glad this guy spent the past 3 years turning Florida into an even bigger laughingstock shithole State than it was in 2019. All to further Presidential ambitions that were ALWAYS destined to fail.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member

I completely support this. If Capitalism is gonna devolve back into Feudalism anyway, we may as well bring back Nobles jousting and dueling. A little entertainment for the peasantry.

Billionaires are the modern lords/kings (not politicians...they work for the oligarchs just like everyone else). And while Zuck is a scumbag, I must pledge fealty to him for this fight.

Me to Zuck: finish him m'lord

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:peace: :leaf:


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Some important context:

In 2010, Justice Thomas traveled to the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, at the invitation of the Welterses. By then, the couple had become major Democratic fund-raisers and President Obama had named Ms. Welters ambassador to the island nation. Local newspapers captured the justice and Mr. Welters talking to students at a school.


Although the more important context is that this guy is a UnitedHealthCare Executive. The Court has been very friendly to his industry over the years. I can't imagine a bigger group of "useless eaters" than health insurance company executives.

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Well-Known Member brings me no pleasure to announce that the WOKE Mind Virus achieved time travel and has infected 16th century literature.

It also beings be no joy to announce that all those David Icke "the lizard people walk among us" weirdos were 100% correct.

MF lookin' like a pudgy Homelander

amazon wtf GIF


Well-Known Member
What a fucking cunt...
'I'm thrilled they lost': Megyn Kelly slams US women's soccer team

Yeah, shut the fuck up. She runs her dumb mouth for a living. They're world class athletes.

These are the same dumbfucks who, from the Dawn of Time until about 3 years ago...did not give a single flying fuck about women's sports. They pretended to care for the past few years ONLY as an excuse to beat up on trans people. Now they're big defenders of the sanctity of women's sports, unless the athletes say something they don't like. Then it's ok to root for their defeat.

Suck my dick. Dummies.


Well-Known Member
Man, did the Republicans fuck up by overturning Roe. This is in the Floriduh of the Midwest.

The Most Indicted Man in America won white women 52 to 48 in 2020. You can kiss that shit goodbye now.

I don't know man. If it were me, and I really didn't like abortion, I just wouldn't get one. Cuz this looks like Party killing shit. Or at least the end of being a national Party.


Well-Known Member
One can only hope...

It's a pattern at this point. This problem isn't going away for them. If there's one thing I know about ladies...they hold a grudge.

The guy who used to decide if Bret Michaels or Cyndi Lauper would make the better CEO of a company that doesn't exist won this county by 44 points 3 years ago.

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