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If you watch that entire video, she does address what they have done to address the low pay/food/housing standards, so the tweet caption is a bit out of context.

However, stewart is right….they should be able to tell us where every cent of $850B went and why. If they cannot, then i would think it is FWA at play. Her trying to blur the lines between FWA and an audit was fucking ridiculous….and shame on her for trying to pull that shit.


Well-Known Member

While I appreciate steps to end vet homeless, it's absolutely unconscionable to still have thousands of vets sleeping on the street every night. Richest country on earth. About 1 trillion per year in "defense". They could completely solve this issue in a matter of months if they really wanted to.

Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist

While I appreciate steps to end vet homeless, it's absolutely unconscionable to still have thousands of vets sleeping on the street every night. Richest country on earth. About 1 trillion per year in "defense". They could completely solve this issue in a matter of months if they really wanted to.

It's rare to see a functional mentality stable vet on the streets. Vets usually have the ability to find work because they aren't scared of it. The issue is the crap treatment by the Military itself and the VA permanently damages many vets to point they just dont care care about mickey mouse bullshit anymore. Many are happier living in the street and making thier own rules than dealing with dumbass rules and regulations of self important morons who think the world revolves around thier job. I volunteer with vet outreach and I hear it all the time, "I aint putting up with some snot nosed punks woke bullshit, my pronouns are fuck you". When you've been shot at enough times life has a different quality and we saw enough mickey mouse bullshit while active and no amount of money is worth being treated like shit by a punk that thinks his job title makes him special. The majority of "veteran" homeless you meet are posers using the vet title to scam people. Actual vets ain't the ones begging/panhandling for the most part. Some are but they are the ones hooked on drugs or alcohol trying to hide from their memories.
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Babylon Drifter,
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The issue is the crap treatment by the Military itself and the VA permanently damages many vets to point they just dont care care about mickey mouse bullshit anymore.

This country has the means to fix that in a matter of months too. And it's shameful that we don't.

Maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved in wars of choice if we weren't planning on offering the best medical care in the world to the people those wars would inevitably destroy, physically and mentally.

I volunteer with vet outreach and I hear it all the time, "I aint putting up with some snot nosed punks woke bullshit, my pronouns are fuck you" when you've been shot at enough times life has a different quality and we saw enough mickey mouse bullshit while active and no amount of money is worth being treated like shit by a punk that thinks his job title makes him special.

Not seeking desperately needed care because of "wokeness" is a great example of mental illness. Though in this case I don't think we can blame the wars. At least entirely. This is more the fault of Facebook and Fox News. Two potent drugs that seem to cause more brain damage than heroin.

Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist
Not Nice. Warning point issued.
This country has the means to fix that in a matter of months too. And it's shameful that we don't.

Maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved in wars of choice if we weren't planning on offering the best medical care in the world to the people those wars would inevitably destroy, physically and mentally.

Not seeking desperately needed care because of "wokeness" is a great example of mental illness. Though in this case I don't think we can blame the wars. At least entirely. This is more the fault of Facebook and Fox News. Two potent drugs that seem to cause more brain damage than heroin.

Bullshit, I quit volunteering at one center because of the wokeness, wokeness is a mental disorder for some of these people. I was counseling kids and told I had to wear a badge at all times that identified my sexual preference and pronouns. Fuck you. Kids don't need to know your sex life unless you're trying to involve them in it.
People have lost sight of beng human and instead wear thier sexual proclivities like a badge, that is about as deviant as it gets, you ain't your sex life, if you are, you need help. Why do I need to know your sexual preferences to help you? Why do you need to know mine to decide if you want my help? It's not the kids who cared it's the zealot helpers who have taken the movement over, they have no life of thier own so they're forcing themselves into the kids sex lives.
Unless you're a sex worker you don't need to wear a badge announcing your fetisbes for everyone you encounter to see. Identifying by your sexual choices is the mental illness. Most vets draw the line at sharing thier sex life with children. They'll tell. You right to your face, "I'll live on the street before I sell out and sexualize myself for the pleasure of fruitcakes". Perfect example I was in a hardware store last week to buy salt to the melt the snow and the green haired sales clerk was wearing furry labels and pronouns, why do I need to know that for them to ring me up? Why does every kid in the store need to know they fantasize about having sex with animals?

I think you have it twisted where the mental illness issues are. I'm sure there is too much truth in this post, but once again if reality is too hard weak people run for a safe space instead of growing up. The kids at the center used to call me Mr Miyagi, we got a new woke director who decided that was culture appropriation and decided I was to be called Chief, I told her not no but hell no, she told me tough She liked it and it it made HER comfortable, yeah, there's your mental issues, these people make everything about them and fuck how you feel about it, that's thier mental issue not mine. Don't drag others into your busshit and tell me I have issues. Forcing a label on me that made me uncomfortable was fine in her book because it made her empowered to have an Indian she could show off her diversity hiring with, but yeah it's those of us uninterested in being labeled that have issues. Needless to say I quit and the kids followed me to another center.
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Staff member
They'll tell. You right to your face, "I'll live on the street before I sell out and sexualize myself for the pleasure of fruitcakes"
"Quoting" anonymous people's hateful rhetoric doesn't get you off the hook here. Our rules state:
  • No offensive material. Do not post any content that is obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist or discriminatory.
Also this:
  • No trolling. Please do not post any content that disrupts the peace and harmony of this board. Don’t post for or the purpose of starting a dispute.
You've been warned repeatedly to stop the political trolling, so this time you get another warning point. This means that you'll have a short vacation from FC, so I suggest you take that time to re-aquaint yourself with our rules and perhaps reflect internally to discover where your anger is coming from.



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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LOL. The utter state of government "regulation" in America.

Illegal child labor has spiked by 70% over the past 5 years. We have hedge fund owned custodial companies using 12 year olds to clean up slaughterhouse floors. And the response from regulators is "hey guys.... would you knock it off? Pretty please?"

We saw the same thing after the East Palestine chemical spill. Norfolk Southern got a finger wagging from the DOT.

Since like the late 70's/early 80's government regulators have had the same energy as the sex ed teacher from Mean Girls.

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
If this isn't allowed mods can go ahead and remove it. I'm just sad. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. But I really never thought Florida would turn into one of the true shithole Confederate States.

75% of Floridians are against this, including 61% of Republicans.

Like everyone's favorite one term ex-President pointed out recently, the Sunshine State is facing real, actual problems.

It is literally the most unaffordable State. 50 out of 50. Which coincides with Florida having the worst crime rate of the large States. Our pipes are full of lead. Ft. Lauderdale is under water. And THIS is what our dumbfuck government is focusing on. Torturing women with pregnancy complications.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, but i do not agree with that. Terrorizing victims of those horrible crimes is uncalled for.

Now, i don’t agree with abortion, but i am nobody to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with their body….and neither is any government. I don’t think it should be tax subsidized or paid for with insurance, but still.

The government needs to stay out of everyone’s lives….and not just for this. There is a laundry list of shit they shouldnt be sticking their noses in.

It is getting very tiresome to see all this political bullshit when it comes to the lives of the law abiding citizens.


Well-Known Member
It's not just rape victims.

You can hear stories of women in Texas who have severe pregnancy complications. These are women who wanted a baby. Decorated the baby's room. Bought all the shit. Their fetus starts dying. It starts turning their own blood septic. But because of the way these laws are written, hospital lawyers will refuse to allow an abortion until the woman is hours away from death.

These women are sent home from the ER to suffer. Literally feeling the baby they wanted more than anything in the world dying. And slowly killing them in the process too. Until finally hospital lawyers give in and get them the care they need.

I understand people personally being against abortion. The solution here is to not get an abortion. Encourage the people in your lives not to get one either. But getting the government involved in these personal medical issues will always have horrific, unintended consequences.

Here's one of the more recent stories. To add insult to injury, the delay in treatment caused damage that will make it difficult for her to ever get pregnant again.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I have 2 grown daughters and 1 granddaughter - we moved to Florida over 20 years ago from up north due to the significant cost of living adjustment. When we first moved here we marveled at how nice everyone was. It was so lovely we nicknamed the place "Mayberry" and agreed we were lucky to live here. Back then .... My wife jokingly stood by the front door because "I just know someone is going to come by with a bundt cake".

Fast forward to daughters don't marvel at how nice everyone is anymore. They marvel at being second class citizens in a state where women are unable to control their own lives and are pissed beyond words at the 6 week abortion ban. They're concerned for what's next for my granddaughter and I've even heard serious talk of moving to another state. Listening to my daughter's distress...... I can't help but wonder how any politician who supports this stuff gets elected when 50% of the population is female. I also have a daughter who teaches in public school and is also unhappy at what teaching has become here. She loves teaching "her kids" but they've turned her passion into a frustrating mess with what is considered acceptable teaching now.


Well-Known Member
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.


The reason everything is so expensive isn't that a poor person got a $1200 check 2 years ago. We're just getting gouged by corporations. They're able to do this because of corporate consolidation. And the corporate Fake News lying to everyone about the causes of our current "inflation".

In the short term, the government needs to slap price controls on these vampires. In the long term, all the monopolies need to be broken up so we can return to a somewhat competitive market.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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