Dildo cove?Rescue underway for pod of dolphins stranded by ice in Dildo Cove
A pod of hapless white-beaked dolphins has been stranded by sea ice in the shallow harbour outside Dildo, N.L.
The dolphins could be seen swimming in circles just metres away from worried onlookers, trapped in an area about the size of a residential swimming pool.
People in the area told CBC News they hadn't witnessed stranded dolphins in Dildo Cove for decades.
By lunchtime Thursday, three of the 10 dolphins had been pulled out of the water by Fisheries and Oceans Canada officials, a process requiring workers and volunteers to submerge themselves in the frigid seawater in a bid to guide the dolphins closer to shore.
Those three dolphins died before they could be relocated.
Seven more remained in the harbour as of mid-afternoon, unable to swim out to the open ocean due to arctic pack ice that had drifted almost to shore.
Sounds like my Ex-wife has been around a bit…..