There's a lot of this going around...
The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal filed by an architecture firm suing a company that was part of the Crow family real estate portfolio in 2004.
But what is the recourse?
I don't think there is any. My opinion is, this is a totally broken government. I'm just saying if I was President, I would simply ignore the Supreme Court. They aren't sober impartial jurists calling balls and strikes. They're nakedly partisan hacks on the take like everyone else. Fuck 'em. They can go enforce their own rulings.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court provides a convenient excuse for politicians not acting. Congressional Democrats have a vested interest in maintaining the charade that we have a functioning government. So they won't do anything.
Related....when I lived in California, I used to think about how there are cows in Wyoming with more representation in the US Senate than thousands of Californian humans. Looking back, those were the good old days for democracy...
Although, maybe California shouldn't have sent a lady who's literally older than chocolate chip cookies to the Senate for a 6 year term in the first place.