The Lotus Vaporizer

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
didn't realize you hit it while heating; I'm so excited

Yeah it is unique compared to other torch vapes, my initial experience was with direct torch convection Daisy, then vapcap heat before hitting, so using the Lotus is a special unique experience with its bit of preheat and then still heating while inhaling... That's why my own has not seen much use, because I didn't have the patience to learn, but as far as ritual experience and effective quality vapor goes, it is worth the effort clearly :tup:


The VaporGenie has a similar inhaling whilst torching technique too. Although I think I prefer the form factor of the Lotus, my bronze Sherlock VG isn't far off though 😁

I love torch powered convection vapes, being able to deliver great vapour quality so quickly is a powerful combo.


Lotus was the only vape where I combusted 3 times on the first day. Had mixed success with preheat and flame. Everything got better the day I tried a dual flame torch and quit preheating. Now I use single flame also and start drawing as soon as the flame hits the plate.It’s all about draw speed after that. Great taste and a favorite in the morning.👍


Well-Known Member
I do Not know of course how shaywhitegrow used his lotus..
But because I heard some people ask about preheating… with this vape you do not preheat normally, you torch the plate and inhale that is it…


Well-Known Member
I do Not know of course how shaywhitegrow used his lotus..
But because I heard some people ask about preheating… with this vape you do not preheat normally, you torch the plate and inhale that is it…
I disagree according to the clouds volume.
You can't get these clouds without a proper preheating of 5-10~ seconds ..these clouds are huge.. I had to preheat atleast 5 seconds and then inhaling super slow to get least 5.. seconds

I think he even preheated for like 10+ seconds, stopped to starting this video, then inhaled medium-fast (you can hear the draw)


Well-Known Member
You can't really know from vids. He could have some concentrate in there or keep a part of the vapor in his mouth without passing it through the lungs. That looks a lot thicker when you blow out. In many videos where I see this thick clouds I have this impression also vapor stays close to the mouth like not coming from far above.
But only him can tell...


Well-Known Member
I disagree according to the clouds volume.
You can't get these clouds without a proper preheating of 5-10~ seconds ..these clouds are huge.. I had to preheat atleast 5 seconds and then inhaling super slow to get least 5.. seconds

I think he even preheated for like 10+ seconds, stopped to starting this video, then inhaled medium-fast (you can hear the draw)
It is a long time ago that I used my lotus… sold it.. but I can remember that I got big clouds without preheating, but maybe I remember wrong… but I think shaywhitegrow will tell us..

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Correct. I just did 3 hits prior to that vid with another bowl, dumped, reloaded, then vid so the plate was a Lil warmer then room temp. My garage is cool like 40 degrees in there. Depending on torch size though you can rip it twice as hard with proper technique. Sure is fun and user intuitive.


Well-Known Member
Correct. I just did 3 hits prior to that vid with another bowl, dumped, reloaded, then vid so the plate was a Lil warmer then room temp. My garage is cool like 40 degrees in there. Depending on torch size though you can rip it twice as hard with proper technique. Sure is fun and user intuitive.
I knew it. you can't produce such clouds if the plate is at room temp, without preheating. too cold for such volume. the Lotus brings enormous clouds if the plate is hot enough! one of the best vapes I ever owned!


Well-Known Member
It's been 10 years I want to grab one but it's the nickel plate that made me hesitating before it stopped. Still does.
I also really dig the black pipe but I don't like it's aluminum.

David and Michael


Hello dear Lotus family

Its Michael & David from vapman

Same as on the vapman threat we will also use here the official lotus account created by the Inventor Steven, Steven has still full access and if he comments he will mark it with his name.

As many of you already know from the statement of Steven the legendary Lotus vaporizer is coming back soon. The Lotus has always been the go to vape for those moments when a heavy, fast and tasty bowl was desired. When we noticed that Steven was retiring, we jumped at the calling and immediately got in touch with him to save this wonderful creation. We have now found an amicable agreement and Steven will soon come to us in Italy to get the production up and running. The official sale of the Lotus starts on july 1. Pre-sales will start in the next days, so if you want to support us you can already get a Lotus with WPA for a well discounted price of 89€. The Lotus is perfect as it is, so nothing will change, only our beloved olive wood will replace the maple wood. Thanks for sharing the love. 💚
Stay tuned! Peace and love - Michael and David

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