So last night I finally got to try the FW8. It was a quick and dirty mini-session, but here are my impressions so far:
Loading the capsules: The FW8 capsules differ from the FW4 in a couple of significant ways. First off, they are ceramic rather than glass. Second, they are flared at the top rather than a straight cylinder like those on the FW7. This makes them very easy to load with a small scoop. Marc strongly recommends packing a capsule tightly as this makes for better heating of the material and prevents it from falling out of the capsule and into the heating chamber, and he certainly speaks truth on the latter point. I tamped down with my preferred packing tool: the plunger from a baby-sized oral medicine syringe. It’s the perfect size for both the FW7 bowl and the FW8 capsule. Inexpensive and easy to get at your local pharmacy. And don’t forget that the handle on the capsule carrying case is designed to be tamping tool.
One minor drawback is that the capsule’s screen is curved outward - is that concave or convex? I can never remember

– so the capsule rocks a little bit when sitting on its own. When I got my FW4 I sent a capsule off to Ratchet at Delta3D and paid the “custom R&D” costs to have him fabricate a capsule loading tray for FW4 capsules similar to those he makes for other vapes. Greatest accessory I’ve ever gotten. Made the FW4 SO much easier for me to use. I might end up doing the same for these new capsules. I’ll live with them for a while and see how it feels.
Rather than trust my old stiff fingers, I used a tweezers to get the capsule in and out of the chamber and that worked brilliantly. But you could just as easily drop the capsule into the chamber and then jostle it into place with a finger if it lands on the edge of the ceramic heating unit. It’s really pretty easy all around.
In the hand: If you’ve spent any time with this thread, you know I am an unabashed Firewood Fanboy. I’d probably own a Firewood t-shirt if one existed. So, you know I am predisposed to positive attitudes about these vapes. But if I’m being totally honest, I have to say that my first impression is that the FW7 feels better in the hand than the FW8. The sliding latches on the battery pack and the handle of the oven chamber plug mean that the FW8 does not have the same uninterrupted smooth form factor as the FW7. The FW7 just feels so great to hold. I often find myself fondling it while the effects set in. (Don’t judge me. It’s not as weird as it sounds.) In my experience, no other portable comes close. So that’s a pretty high bar to meet and as I spend more time with the FW8 I’m sure I will find my most comfortable grip. Especially once I start using it with my preferred cooling extension – a length of surgical tubing. One end slides perfectly into the end of the vape’s cooling tube and the other end terminates in a small glass tube that functions as a mouthpiece.
Speaking of the mouthpiece, the tiniest bit of it sticks out from the body when retracted. Nothing that would make we worry in transport as long as the vape was being carried sensibly. (“Yeah, I’ll just carry my Firewood in this pocket here that’s filled with pebbles and gravel.”

In use: This was a quick and dirty first test. I packed a pretty small amount of White Widow and tamped it down pretty tightly – more tightly than I would pack a FW7 bowl. I wouldn’t say this was a micro-dose; more like a mini-dose.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the control scheme for the FW8 is exactly the same as the FW7. I had previously set the temp levels to my trusty FW7 settings: Level 1 = 370F, Level 2 = 380F, Level 3 = 390F. I then temp stepped up through those with 4 hits: 1 hit at 1, 2 hits at 2, and a last hit at 3. The lighting where I was sitting did not allow me to see what kind of vapor clouds I was producing, but that is never a concern for me. I care more about function.
As I’ve mentioned before, the FW8 button is bigger and seems to extend a tiny bit further from the body than on the FW7. This makes it easier to use. One possible issue I noticed was that my button seems pretty wobbly. No way of knowing if that is a problem with my particular vape or a feature (maybe to allow for pressing at more of an angle?). I’ll check in with Marc after a few more sessions to see if any other questions or concerns pop up. But the button worked perfectly; just like on the FW7.
As I alluded to above, I went without my usual cooling extension on this session to see how the vape worked natively. The mouthpiece was lightly warm to the lips by the time I got to my fourth hit but nothing terrible. The taste and smell weren’t as pronounced as with some of my other strains, but since this was my first session with this medicine, I can’t be sure if that’s due to the vape or the weed. More experimentation is required. I’ll need to try the Widow in the FW7 and one of my other stronger smelling/tasting varieties in the FW8. Tough job, right?
So, did it work?

Oh, yeah. Had a nice functional high that made it fun to watch an episode of Paper Girls (highly recommended if, like me, you’re a fan of well-done comic book adaptations). After that I took another hit (or maybe another 2; can’t remember for sure – a good sign?) at level 3. And played some guitar. A very enjoyable session in a nice functional yet altered state. (Can’t wait to do a bigger bowl and see where the Widow takes me.)
Clean-up: I left the vape alone to cool down for about 40 minutes while I played. I took off the oven plug and lifted the capsule out with tweezers but I could have just as easily turned the vape over and gently dumped out the capsule. I’m confident the material would have stayed in the capsule.
I used a cleaning tool to stir/scoop the material out of the capsule. With the exception of one small piece, everything looked well-vaped. Not the darker brown that lets you know you’ve definitely extracted all there is in there, which I know some folks like and which I get with the FW7. More like a very pale brownish off-white. It may be that I decide to up my temps a bit or take longer hits if I want that browning.
The capsule and screen were perfectly clean afterwards. Nothing stuck in there.
What I didn’t do: I did not try loading capsules and getting them into the carrier and I obviously did not try swapping capsules on the go. That will have to wait for another time. But given how well the packed material stayed in the capsule, getting capsules in an out of the carrying tray seems like it won’t be hard, even though the capsules go into the tray upside down.
I imagine swapping capsules on the go while the spent one is still hot will be a challenge, but I’m guessing if you pack a full capsule you won’t immediately need a second capsule for your own use. And does anybody really do shared vape sessions anymore in the age of COVID?
So there’s my first report. Hopes this helps people who are on the fence and proves likewise useful to those anxiously awaiting their own FW8. I will post more thoughts, findings, etc. as they come up.
EDIT to add: And of course, feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. I'll answer if I can.