Underdog Log Vapes

Grass Yes

Staff member
Working great so far, though the wood vapor is still a little strong. How long till it goes away? It's sycamore. Should I leave the unit on until it stops smelling?
I have had my walnut SC3 since May and it is still very woody. Not the smell as much as the taste. However my new Alpha mini (Cocobolo?) is already almost completely neutral after using it for less than a week. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I am switching from ELEV8R/Tetra using at very high temps (Tetra @ 220C is my low temp now), to SC3+ soon, the amounts will be way less than now. that's my goal too. It is gonna satisfy me, at which V @ VVPS? 11.5V? or even higher? thanks!
I have been told 11.5V, but would like to hear from somebody that use it with higher V ....


It has been over a week and I am eagerly anticipating the return of my Alpha+ today, so I am hereby formally inviting you to report back ;)
So what can I say about the Alpha +....

I love it.

At first I was really wondering how it would be that much different than the Alpha...I was pleasantly surprised. This thing rips. The transfer of heat is not as fast as some other vapes, but it hits like a tuck. The Alpha I feel like is a little unpowered for the load size I want to run through it, and the alpha+ fixes this. I have some love affairs with other vapes and didn't think that would end so abruptly...but I am very happy to add this one to my collection. Anyone thinking of getting an end all log in today's market...look no further.


Well-Known Member
Time for a sanity check: there's a Hard Maple Alpha + sitting on my desk after arriving about a week ago.... I couldn't be happier!

To anyone wanting additional encouragement after @Zillacon shared his thoughtful review - the + was a luxury/OCD addition to my collection, but it definitely out performs my (also well-loved) Alpha.


How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Breaking in my newly arrived Chico Sycamore lost dog the right way, with some Girl Scout bud, White truffle kief, and Runtz FSE for the cherry on top. They say this is supposed to be a “Lost Dog” but for the life of me I cannot find a single thing wrong with it.

Edit: Oh! How could I forget, this lovely little micro dog arrived with it. Such a cool little vape!

Also can’t forget the first one I got, also pretty recently, the Honey Locust SC3. Love these dogs big time! Have become my favourite and most used logs as of late.
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Well-Known Member
Breaking in my newly arrived Chico Sycamore lost dog the right way, with some Girl Scout bud, White truffle kief, and Runtz FSE for the cherry on top. They say this is supposed to be a “Lost Dog” but for the life of me I cannot find a single thing wrong with it.

Edit: Oh! How could I forget, this lovely little micro dog arrived with it. Such a cool little vape!

Also can’t forget the first one I got, also pretty recently, the Honey Locust SC3. Love these dogs big time! Have become my favourite and most used logs as of late.
All three are awesome but the sycamore...that's something else.
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