I've been using this TM setup for the past 6 months, 120mm extra thick-walled glass tubing from OGB, works great for me, half a dozen for $65 shipped...thinking I'd drop a few and they'd break, but so far, they've proven to be kinda hard to break, dropped a bunch of times, no breaks yet!
Living in an assisted living facility, that prohibits smoking, vaping, and, because of receiving federal funds, even the possession of cannabis or cannabis edibles, on any part of the property, even outside. In a legal state with a med card & Rx from my MD...
Having mobility issues, I'm forced to pretty much stay in my small room, at least I have a private bath, usually using between meals and ALWAYS exhaling out the window
Because of covid, the cafeteria has been closed most of the time that I've been here, so my meals are brought to my room, and staff stop by for snacks, cleaning, and daily temp checks, or just to say "hi."
And of course, I am, very high, even stopped using a grinder because the smell was very noticeable, at least to me, can't take any more chances
Only problem I've had is deciding what to purchase. my local dispensary has more than 30 strains with THC levels between 25-37%, from many different growers. I lived just outside of Miami for 35 years, between 1975-2010, and never had the variety available here in Oregon, decisions, decisions...
Thank You FC members, couldn't be happier with my TM

sorry about the photo quality, shaky hands, old iphone, and little privacy...