Fake News


Well-Known Member
That's scary and hysterical all at the same time.

My wife has a close family friend who says her and her family have god on their side so no worries and that getting vaccinated would be like denying god. My favorite was the heads up that Luc Montagnier, a Nobel scientist, said everyone who got the vaccine would be dead in two years.
My wife has told me I can't respond to any of these "facts" anymore and I don't disagree.....I can be an asshole and regardless of how hard her friend is trying to win the Darwin award "they are nice people" and I'm wasting my time so I shouldn't upset them. They really are nice people though.....
But why get vaccinated for something with a 99.9% survival rate? Do you people really just like shooting up drugs?


Well-Known Member
Catching COVID isn't a binary. "Heads" you live, "tails" you die. Long term symptoms are creepy. I know half a dozen people who still have a totally altered sense of smell and taste, months after they had the 'vid. I'd rather not have 2 of the 5 ways I sense the world be fucked for months. Especially because that means COVID did some damage to their brains. Hopefully it will get better, but shit.

Also, even if you could guarantee me that when I get COVID I'll for sure survive...but I might be bed ridden or have to go to the hospital for a few weeks, I'd still take the vax. I can't really afford to not work for a month.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Based on history.....Eventually this whole discourse will be shut down but before it is.....

1 in 500 Americans have died from covid. We are experiencing 1500 deaths per day. That obviously doesn't include numbers for things like long covid and we are learning more about other symptoms like cognitive decline. AND...

The vaccinated are 5x less likely to get infected and 30x less likely to get hospitalized. AND....

New studies show that breakthrough cases don't have the same symptoms as the unvaccinated and those symptoms are so mild that they don't register as covid....sneezing is the 3rd most common breakthrough symptom making it seem like an allergy. Breakthrough's are 43% less likely to involve coughing and 73% less likely to involve a fever. This is because the vaccine stops the infection from getting past the sinuses of the breakthrough infected.

I recently walked into a place of business with a very small waiting room. I was the only one masked and I was double masked with a filtered mask over a surgical mask. While sitting there I got a text from my daughter saying 8 kids in her class where just quarantined and they were still working the contact tracing. I got up and walked out of that waiting room thinking....I had dinner a couple times that week with my daughter....glad I wore the mask(s) in that waiting room ...... so I could protect those people in the waiting room.
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Semi shaved ape
are you really ok with 650,000 dead and counting? Yeah, cuz it's all about "I MY ME MINE" and fuck science and social responsibility to our fellow humans.
Weird..........first time we ever needed others to have a vaccine for ours to work.
Weird how the liability was removed for the people who created and legislated it.......while making themselves exempt.
Weird how the states and countries with the worst restrictions have the same exact rates or worse than those who have fewer or even none.
Weird how not trusting the people who have been proven liars and wrong over and over again is somehow morally wrong to........you.
Weird how natural immunity is being treated along with so many other scientificly proven treatments and medications.
Weird how"breakthrough "cases in Israel are over 50% of those hospitalized with severe symptoms.
Weird how out leaders are obviously not afraid of this virus as shown by their continued non compliance with their own mandates.
Lots of weird going on and I ain't talking bout the fun kind.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Weird how the states and countries with the worst restrictions have the same exact rates or worse than those who have fewer or even none.
Weird how"breakthrough "cases in Israel are over 50% of those hospitalized with severe symptoms.

Could you provide the links to the above information? Thanks!


What happens when you have several of the world's largest governments following neo-liberal criminal capitalist agendas with scant regard for human life who openly state they think there is a severe population problem and that no one has the balls to do anything about it?

looking around overly attached girlfriend GIF

Here's Boris Johnson and his piece on population being the number one issue:

"take it [covid] on the chin"

And when he admits that he is not the bumbling fool people often take him for... "Hard as nails"

there's so much of this, "Let the bodies pile high in their thousands", the way that covid was spread around the care homes scandal, the do not resuscitate mandate on people with covid and learning difficulties, etc.

This is all easily verifiable. I don't think it constitutes a conspiracy theory, not in the slightest. They are into eugenics. That's it.

I have to stop, because every time I look at this I start feeling sick...
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Well-Known Member
Wow this is such a world wide situation, with so many viewpoints that
kind of all have some validity.
First: As an American, I believe that vaxxing should be a personal choice
not mandated in any way. Maybe vaxxed public areas and unvaxxed areas idk.
Second: I was vaccinated way back this April, while my wife just got her second
shot yesterday. We had no arguments about this; I expressed my concern and
support, but I was annoyed and puzzled at her fear.
Third: My very healthy child track star, who is now 30 just came down with her
second bout of covid. The first one was awful with no hospital, the same with this one.
She still refuses to get the shot when she can. WTF! CHOICHES


Westchester, NY
Weird..........first time we ever needed others to have a vaccine for ours to work.
Weird how the liability was removed for the people who created and legislated it.......while making themselves exempt.
Weird how the states and countries with the worst restrictions have the same exact rates or worse than those who have fewer or even none.
Weird how not trusting the people who have been proven liars and wrong over and over again is somehow morally wrong to........you.
Weird how natural immunity is being treated along with so many other scientificly proven treatments and medications.
Weird how"breakthrough "cases in Israel are over 50% of those hospitalized with severe symptoms.
Weird how out leaders are obviously not afraid of this virus as shown by their continued non compliance with their own mandates.
Lots of weird going on and I ain't talking bout the fun kind.

This, x 10000.

None of it makes fucking sense.

If we were truly so concerned about all of these new strains, dangers, risks, and exposures, we wouldnt be opening the flood gates at the border and letting all thousands and thousands of undocumented and untrackable people loose into the country. The border would be shut down and we would be addressing our issues from within. Not accepting new people from other places with unknown medical history - and doing nothing to stop it.

We wouldnt have our top politicians, lawmakers, and celebrities all preaching this bullshit, yet continuously breaking their own rules and flaunting it in the face of us peons. If they're so concerned about it, and believe everything they are telling us, they're not doing a good job of showing us. "Rules for thee, but not for me!!!"

Guess who is exempt from the most recent vax mandates? Oh, Congress. Shocker. Pelosi says it can't be mandated over Congress because its a "matter of privacy" Ummmmm...... right, us lowly citizens dont have privacy.

It's literally propaganda on TV to get the shots. I can't watch a Yankee game without getting blasted in the face by these commercials, 2-3 times per break. I've never been a tin-foil hat conspiracy guy, but if they have to make these videos, clearly scripted, major red flags to me. If these vaccines are so safe and "effective," you're vaccinated, therefore, "protected," why in the fuck does it matter if I'm "protected" or not?

As far as I am concerned, its a therapeutic at best, not a vaccine. I'm not even sure that can be proved, because any study I've seen, the "control" group has been vaccinated as well (I could be entirely wrong on this). Hard to test the effectiveness if you cant say for sure what the alternate result would be? Same goes for the people saying - "I had covid but thankfully I had my shots because it would have been much worse!" How do you know that? Everybody has different reactions. What's to say you wouldn't have been one of the many, many, people who were completely asymptomatic before we ever had a "vaccine?"

At the end of the day the shots dont seem to really do much. You can still get it. You can still be hospitalized. You can still infect others. I have a co worker who was fully vaxxed, got covid a month after the 2nd shot, and he is out of work now with another positive result - 6 months ish after the first round. Multiple fully vaccinated coworkers have tested positive. They all had varying symptoms, from pure shit to a minor headache. Again, no telling what their symptoms would have been otherwise. How is this ANY different than not being vaccinated? Why would I want to take an experimental jab if it doesn't change a thing?

There's no telling the side effects, I know a lot of women are avoiding it because of pregnancy concerns, but I am not going to pretend that side effects are my concerns. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I am anti this "vaccine" in its current state. Anti, to the extent I don't want it in my body. I dont care what anybody else does.

Lastly - I do want to clarify - I believe it is 10000% personal choice. Everybody makes choices and everybody evaluates risk. Not everybody evaluates it the same way. I am happy for people who want the shot, I'm happy it provides them mental comfort, and I truly hope that it does what they're expecting. I have nothing against those in support of the shot, I dont think differently or think they're stupid.

I actually do think that those who are high risk or have underlying conditions SHOULD get it, and if my parents were in that situation, I would urge them to as well. My Mom, although 100% healthy, got the shot. My Dad, has not gotten it at this point in time.

For me, as a healthy 28 year old male, it is my belief that I dont NEED it. I have absolute faith in my immune system. It's done a great job for me so far, what, 2.5 years into "2 weeks to flatten the curve!" Same old song and dance is plain exhausting, and frankly, I am sick of it.


Well-Known Member
So 14,000 Americans have died in the past 7 days. Something like 80-90% of them were unvaccinated. Isn't that the most reasonable explanation for why vaccines are being encouraged?

Can someone explain to me the conspiracy here? Is it to funnel money into Big Pharma corporations or something? Because if that's the case, we should all work to build a world where the profit motive is divorced from healthcare, right? Logically, we'd also want to do everything possible to prevent corporations from buying politicians too.

I've also heard it's just about the government exercising "control". Maybe, but I don't really know what the tangible benefit is to them here. I also find this funny in post Patriot Act America. Everything I just typed will live on a government server in Nevada, complete with a screenshot of my face from my webcam. If I want to leave my State, I have to get my nuts irradiated by TSA. Pretty sure that whole "free country" boat set sail for Valhalla a long time ago.


Playing devils advocate: Lies, damn lies and statistics, who published those figures, how are they verified? Are they propaganda to scare people into having a vaccine, or sober truthful accounting?

Big Pharma wanting to make money from compulsory vaccinations of every citizen 4 times a year, more if they can! Sure, why would anyone think that they would not want this?

And yeah... I think the mobile phone is one of the biggest concessions an individual can make on their freedom, and most people do this voluntarily.

@BrianTL As for why it matters if you have a vaccine or not, if you are in contact with other people who are unable to have the vaccine for health reasons, then it matters, otherwise, probably not. As you say it's probably just a roll of the dice anyway.

I agree with the notion that things are not always as they seem and finding a source of truth is increasingly difficult. I have no way to personally verify the facts and figures we are given, I either take them on blind faith and trust the organisations presenting them, or I don't. That's it.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of getting this conversation shut down: This is looney tune shit. What happens when large percentages of people in a given geogrpahic area don't get vaccinated? They get covid. Then they expect the health care workers to take care of them (as they complain about being required to have health insurance). Then they take up the hospital beds that should be being used for normal health care cases, as they were designed to do. Idaho. Alaska. Hospitals full with unvaccinated idiots. Some one has an accident and they can't get into the hospital. Been the same at times throughout much of the south. But don't dare say anything to them. They're free. It's their choice. Spoiled selfish ignorant pissants one and all. Probably have never done anything for anyone but themselves their entire lives. It's their choice not to give a shit about anyone else, after all. America is fucked. The fucking loonies are in the process of sinking the whole fucking ship, waving guns and flags and cursing at everyone else as it's going down. Then wait and see whom they blame in the aftermath. Not themselves, that's for sure. They'll find someone else to blame. That's what they do. Fucking whiner losers.


I agree with the notion that things are not always as they seem and finding a source of truth is increasingly difficult. I have no way to personally verify the facts and figures we are given, I either take them on blind faith and trust the organisations presenting them, or I don't. That's it.
Fuck there are so many things wrong with your position.
Your inability to determine truth is a reluctance to trust science and medicine.

Your inability to verify or do proper research is a direct correlation to your education (this is not an insult). If you are not trained in medicine nor science, you are not a qualified researcher.

Quit trying to be high and mighty about it, you are not more qualified to research this topic than a local high school janitor.



Fuck there are so many things wrong with your position.
Your inability to determine truth is a reluctance to trust science and medicine.

Your inability to verify or do proper research is a direct correlation to your education (this is not an insult). If you are not trained in medicine nor science, you are not a qualified researcher.

Quit trying to be high and mighty about it, you are not more qualified to research this topic than a local high school janitor.


High and mighty... oh... okay, I thought I was being humble and admitting I can't verify it myself and my choice was to either blindly accept it or not. I don't see how this is in any way untrue or anything other than blunt honesty.

You are being blindly offensive, make incredible assumptions and are wrong about so many things it's hilarious!! Thank you 😂🤣

Your inability to determine truth is a reluctance to trust science and medicine.

And people wonder why the conspiracy theorists call science the new religion... in a nutshell!

"You must absolutely trust science and medicine.... if you ask any questions, you are an idiot janitor sit down and shut up"

Wow... I am crying...
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Westchester, NY
Like I said I'm not a tin foil hat conspiracist... I dont think there's some hidden agenda to turn everybody into robots or not.

It just doesn't add up to me, that's all. There's a lot of weird shit going on that just raises red flags to me - I dont mean weird like, you're going to turn into a human magnet, start glowing in the dark, etc.

I don't think that Ivermectin or whatever that worm shit is, is a cure. I COULD see why "Big Pharma" as they call it, would downplay other viable options though - follow the money. Based on "Big Pharmas" past, nothing would surprise me and I dont think the FDA is any better.

Point for me is, I dont trust these people based on my own observations and experiences. I dont trust that the goalposts keep moving for seemingly no reason and with no logical explanation.

I understand all of these deaths, again I am NOT saying they arent real. From what we're told though, you would expect to see bodies piled high in the streets. Just as an example, USNS Comfort sent up here almost a year and a half ago in expectation of mass hospitalizations and deaths. It returned to port pretty quickly and as far as I know, is not in use anywhere. I'd expect to see the funeral homes around here rocking every day and every night, but theres not an abnormal amount of traffic around them either.

The hospitals around here are doing fine, granted we have no shortage of them here.

Again, my experiences, my observations, my beliefs... at the end of the day, my choice, and I will live (or die) by it. I'll reiterate, I dont think the vaccine is "bad," and I hope that it proves to be incredibly successful. I'm not even saying I'll never get it. I may, eventually. Just at this point in time, I dont trust it, or the people pushing it.


Well-Known Member
Like I said I'm not a tin foil hat conspiracist... I dont think there's some hidden agenda to turn everybody into robots or not.

It just doesn't add up to me, that's all. There's a lot of weird shit going on that just raises red flags to me - I dont mean weird like, you're going to turn into a human magnet, start glowing in the dark, etc.

I don't think that Ivermectin or whatever that worm shit is, is a cure. I COULD see why "Big Pharma" as they call it, would downplay other viable options though - follow the money. Based on "Big Pharmas" past, nothing would surprise me and I dont think the FDA is any better.

Point for me is, I dont trust these people based on my own observations and experiences. I dont trust that the goalposts keep moving for seemingly no reason and with no logical explanation.

I understand all of these deaths, again I am NOT saying they arent real. From what we're told though, you would expect to see bodies piled high in the streets. Just as an example, USNS Comfort sent up here almost a year and a half ago in expectation of mass hospitalizations and deaths. It returned to port pretty quickly and as far as I know, is not in use anywhere. I'd expect to see the funeral homes around here rocking every day and every night, but theres not an abnormal amount of traffic around them either.

The hospitals around here are doing fine, granted we have no shortage of them here.

Again, my experiences, my observations, my beliefs... at the end of the day, my choice, and I will live (or die) by it. I'll reiterate, I dont think the vaccine is "bad," and I hope that it proves to be incredibly successful. I'm not even saying I'll never get it. I may, eventually. Just at this point in time, I dont trust it, or the people pushing it.

Got it. I tend to think the most logical explanation for why the government and businesses are pushing for the vax is that they believe, based on the data, that it will reduce hospitalizations and deaths at a population level. They could be mistaken about that, but that would be the motive.

I'm open to another explanation. But the only alternative explanation I've heard that makes even a lick of sense is that it's all a big scam by big pharma. If that's the case... if our government is so captured by corporations that they're able to pull off a "scam" of this magnitude, then we have a bigger problem than vaccines. That would mean our entire political and economic system is broken beyond repair.


Bipolar perspectives interpret this as either big pharma are saintly saviours beyond reproach ultimately trustworthy and utterly infallible and big pharma created and released a virus they created so they could then sell the vaccine in sci-fi film plot made real!

Neither are helpful positions to take!

Like most things the truth probably lies somewhere in-between, e.g. is it a huge set up by big pharma - come on - that's a stretch even for the conspiracy theorists.... are big pharma cashing in and taking advantage of a horrendous situation - almost certainly!
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Well-Known Member
cashing in and taking advantage of a horrendous situation

That's literally been the mission statement of every pharmaceutical and medical insurance company in history. That's why I personally believe all, or at least the vast majority of both drug development and medical insurance should be publicly owned and not for profit.

People will disagree and call that commie shit. Fine. But then they can't bitch when in the middle of a global pandemic the only place to get life saving drugs are from money grubbing corporations whose primary concern is generating enough profit so their CEO's can buy a new yacht every summer, not patient's health. That's literally the world they want.

I don't like that "Big Pharma" is making vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, etc. But in the world we've built, they're the only game in town.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
The best way I know to contrast fake news versus reality/truth is to watch some of the videos of the school board debates on masks and the shot. I've watched a bunch and to summarize....MANY LOCAL nurses and doctors will come to the podium to present what they know and are living through in the hope of convincing folks that masks and vaccines work. Some of the nurses and doctors will cry when speaking at the podium because of what they have seen and how worn out and frustrated they are. In one case a nurse, trying to get her point across broke down describing 3 cases of unvaxed pregnant women who were put on vents so the child could be delivered before the mother passed. Her exact words were "these mothers will never hold their children". I cried like a baby watching her speak. Inevitably one of these health professionals will say "The unvaccinated are more than 95% of those hospitalized and dying. If you're having any doubts how real this is you should spend a few hours at the hospital with me". Seriously....watch a couple of these school board debates with your computer handy so you can fact check things. Bottom line...If you contrast the anti's facts and presentation versus the doctors and nurses it's pretty clear who is putting out reality and who isn't.

Here's my personal contribution.....when I got my 1st Pfizer shot my penis grew by 4 inches. When I got the 2nd shot my penis grew another 10 inches and I started having uncontrolled erections and orgasms every hour. It's been 6 months since the second shot and its still happening. Even when I'm sleeping! Its a good thing I have access to an unlimited supply of bed sheets. By the way, my real name is Mike Lindell.

I'll leave it to you to decide which of the above is Fake News.....


Trusted Member Don't Worry
You have to realize all of these pharmaceuticals companies have a lot of reputation on the line and loosing credibility can mean losing billions of dollars in the future.

They have it in their best interest to act appropriately.
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Semi shaved ape
You have to realize all of these pharmaceuticals companies have a lot of reputation on the line and loosing credibility can mean losing billions of dollars in the future.

They have it in their best interest to act appropriately.
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