Well-Known Member
Not only are they piping in fake crowd sounds, the engineer running the board can change the tone to boo's or cheers.
Hey, hey hey, the military industrial complex has to eat too, you know.
Hey, hey hey, the military industrial complex has to eat too, you know.
It's not a lie, if you believe it:Vaccination Causes Magnetism!
Earlier today, Media Matters published a story stating that Texas state Sen. Bob Hall had “appeared on the program of a white nationalist, pro-Hitler outlet that denies the Holocaust.” After publication, we were made aware that the program in question — The Barnes Review History Hour (TBR History Hour) — had faked the interview, falsely claiming they had interviewed Hall by splicing in previous interviews Hall had given to other outlets and making it seem like he was responding to questions from TBR. We have pulled the story and apologize for the error.
Pretty sure that boat had already sailedthat wouldn't totally torpedo his channel's reputation.