TinyMight / TM 2


Well-Known Member
Was never satisfied with my firefly 2 for on demand action.
I had firefly 2 before TM, now they are
Collecting dust. You will love this vape !

The power button on my TM is flush with the body and takes many attempts to turn on/off (mostly off). Is there an easy fix, or do I need to send it to TM for repairs?
Time to send off, but trust the new design for button is so much better. Start process continue to use till you get labels, eventually it will break at board and you will be over. Good luck !


Well-Known Member
So, the honeymoon from using my hopper io has come to an end, now , the first emotions have subsided and objective sensations have come. For the first time, in the last 19 months of using Tinymight, I used another device (IO) every day for a whole month. And what do you think? I fucking missed my TM. As soon as I hit it, immediately, as if a bright flash in my memory ,reminded me why I love my good old TM so much. This damn strong and delicious rip that gives huge clouds. It's not the first time I've tried other devices, but it's always the same thing - I go back to TM as a daily driver :2c::peace:


All who wander are not lost...
Huh .....my replacement a month ago came with a VTC 6 😕, no worries as I have plenty of molicells already😀
I bought a couple of p26a’s and VTC6’s recently, one of each now in my current battery rotation and have casually observed, not scientific or exact, that the p26a tends to go longer when getting close to depleted. Then again I’ve been using lower temps the last several months without the nuts & washers in the CU. Previously with the full CU configuration my temps were higher. With lower temps I’m squeezing an extra session (2-3 draws per) out of each load. I haven’t charged the unused p26a and VTC6s yet but soon as my oldest batts are on their way out and due for replacement.

Now I'm curious about the p28a compared to the p26a (and VTC6). Maybe one day I’ll get some p28a’s; the others more than suffice at this time…

And soon my TM will have some company: a new P80 on its way which uses the same batts. Good times indeed ahead (and behind especially with my TM which I still love:love: ). :peace:


Well-Known Member
I bought a couple of p26a’s and VTC6’s recently, one of each now in my current battery rotation and have casually observed, not scientific or exact, that the p26a tends to go longer when getting close to depleted. Then again I’ve been using lower temps the last several months without the nuts & washers in the CU. Previously with the full CU configuration my temps were higher. With lower temps I’m squeezing an extra session (2-3 draws per) out of each load. I haven’t charged the unused p26a and VTC6s yet but soon as my oldest batts are on their way out and due for replacement.

Now I'm curious about the p28a compared to the p26a (and VTC6). Maybe one day I’ll get some p28a’s; the others more than suffice at this time…

And soon my TM will have some company: a new P80 on its way which uses the same batts. Good times indeed ahead (and behind especially with my TM which I still love:love: ). :peace:
I also find the 26A does better when close to depletion. Performance doesn't seem to drop off as quickly as my Sony or Samsung cells. It's not a massive difference but I notice it and prefer the Molicel despite less capacity.

The 28A has about 8% more capacity then the 26A but otherwise they're the same. Price per mA is in the 26A's favour iirc but you can't go wrong with either.


Putin is a War Criminal
I bought a couple of p26a’s and VTC6’s recently, one of each now in my current battery rotation and have casually observed, not scientific or exact, that the p26a tends to go longer when getting close to depleted.
I also find the 26A does better when close to depletion. Performance doesn't seem to drop off as quickly as my Sony or Samsung cells. It's not a massive difference but I notice it and prefer the Molicel despite less capacity.
Me three. Most noticable as it approaches depletion. I always get more hits with one or 2 buzzes. This is with the 28s so far. I have a pair of 26s but they are not in service yet.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yes exactly, more capable at the lower level, so all around you get more bowls, but I haven't really noticed any difference between the P26A and the P28A honestly, I have both in my rotation between TM and TP80 (there I might notice a tiny bit extra battery life is all)


Well-Known Member
Yes exactly, more capable at the lower level, so all around you get more bowls, but I haven't really noticed any difference between the P26A and the P28A honestly, I have both in my rotation between TM and TP80 (there I might notice a tiny bit extra battery life is all)
I enjoy the molicel p26a, great advice my bro! didn't know about them before you posted here. bring the convection extraction (iCE iCE..) to the face. and I think it lasts more than the vtc6!


Well-Known Member
Guys, I think I found something here:


They're pretty thin so there a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, but totally doable and they don't get caught on the o-ring. I don't know why I didn't think of it beforehand, but I imagine you could just mold it inside another basket screen to help form. I have a bit of OCD, so this one will be redone, lol. But it works!



SEARCH for the treasure...
Guys, I think I found something here:


They're pretty thin so there a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, but totally doable and they don't get caught on the o-ring. I don't know why I didn't think of it beforehand, but I imagine you could just mold it inside another basket screen to help form. I have a bit of OCD, so this one will be redone, lol. But it works!

View attachment 13101

Curious why you are adding another screen to the stem, if like me you use the stock cooling unit?

The CU can be set to any depth you like. There are a bunch of different wire basket types I played with at first, some rimless like your example, thinking it would keep the stem and CU cleaner. But I started to notice an immediate buildup of resin, on the top of the CU screen, as the vapor after passing through my added wire basket, would condense on the next surface it contacts, the CU screen. This after only a few sessions. Depending on your herb, this resin would actually begin blocking the airflow, as well as detracting flavor from a fresh load. Keep an eye on that!

It’s always FUN, and wise to experiment, but in the end I ended up going the simple route. Stock setup, straw suck herb directly from Jaryz Chico, vape, blow out spent load. I know many dislike the CU for various reasons, some valid. Having two CU’s, and a quick simply technique to clean, and homemade tool to slide and adjust the CU, works well for me.

Just some thoughts, have FUN!


Well-Known Member
Curious why you are adding another screen to the stem, if like me you use the stock cooling unit?

The CU can be set to any depth you like. There are a bunch of different wire basket types I played with at first, some rimless like your example, thinking it would keep the stem and CU cleaner. But I started to notice an immediate buildup of resin, on the top of the CU screen, as the vapor after passing through my added wire basket, would condense on the next surface it contacts, the CU screen. This after only a few sessions. Depending on your herb, this resin would actually begin blocking the airflow, as well as detracting flavor from a fresh load. Keep an eye on that!

It’s always FUN, and wise to experiment, but in the end I ended up going the simple route. Stock setup, straw suck herb directly from Jaryz Chico, vape, blow out spent load. I know many dislike the CU for various reasons, some valid. Having two CU’s, and a quick simply technique to clean, and homemade tool to slide and adjust the CU, works well for me.

Just some thoughts, have FUN!

Because several people in this thread were looking for basket screens to place on top. But all the baskets you can find are too big and get caught on the o-ring when you pull the stem out.

To be perfectly honest, I can't remember why people wanted them, lol, but I was ordering something on Amazon and wasn't even looking for these, but they popped up and I knew they might work. I think they're for even heating, but I forget.

I've always used this method with all my vapes, I started using them like this because I'm a horrible vaper (vapist?) and I was looking for a way to have every bowl as consistent with one another as possible. So this allowed me to pack loose leaf and not have to worry about how hard a tamp I did previously. I couldn't tell you if it ever helped me, but now it's just instinctual even though I now do I light tamp.

And just a little follow up to the screens. I've had 'em for the past two nights and they've worked flawlessly. They don't get stuck, but you do have to trim the edges of the screen around the rim area just a little bit beforehand. I usually use a poker to take the screen out, but with these the screen is so thin that when I first attempted to, it just felt that the screen was gonna get abused after a few sessions. So when cutting, try to leave two very very small areas opposite from one another on the screen - leave just a fraction of the screen overlapping the stem so it's short enough to not catch on the o ring, but just long enough to catch on the edges of your skin so there easy to take out. You can even get, and I'm not sure what the technical term for it is, but you can form that little bulge in the screen so it gives you that bit of resistance when putting it in, and then kinda seats itself into the stem so the screen stays in. Not sure if anyone followed that part, lol. Not sure I followed that part, lol.

If anyone remembers what the heck these were supposed to be for, let me know!

Oh yeah, and for guys with big hands, this may not be the easiest task, the screens are thin and go every which way when forming. Finally one upped you big hands guys on something. ✋ 🤫


Well-Known Member
Guys, I think I found something here:


They're pretty thin so there a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, but totally doable and they don't get caught on the o-ring. I don't know why I didn't think of it beforehand, but I imagine you could just mold it inside another basket screen to help form. I have a bit of OCD, so this one will be redone, lol. But it works!

View attachment 13101
Why dont you give it a go at the @dzoinp mod screen? instead of using that on the tip of the CU u can have a custom build inside and is one less thing to handle on the go...dont get me wrong you got the right idea but on the wrong place IMO.


All who wander are not lost...
and is one less thing to handle on the go
LOL - on the go to me means blowing out cup screens when loads are spent. I’ve lost several in 18 months with this wonderful vape. Yep, I’m going naked now with just the CU without nuts & washers, keeping it simple with just the heater screen. But it’s a mini unintentional poor-man’s @dzoinp mod, slightly concave upward, which I’ve yet to successfully employ with a round screen. One day soon though I hope. I’ve had success with cup and round screens under the CU but have also lost a few. Which irks me but it’s all on me. Then again having said heater screen mod means one less thing to lose, which I’m guilty of. I’ve been leaving a small space between the top of the load and the short stock stem for a long time now so it’s a natural progression, it’s bound to happen. I’ve got to try it eventually! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Why dont you give it a go at the @dzoinp mod screen? instead of using that on the tip of the CU u can have a custom build inside and is one less thing to handle on the go...dont get me wrong you got the right idea but on the wrong place IMO.

Was that the mod where the basket screen is placed right above the heater?? Loved that mod, thought it was super ingenious and clean looking, would be perfect for my OCD. When I saw it I had a reason why it wasn't gonna work for me, but now that I'm holding my TM in my hand I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. Will try this evening and report back!

Edit: Does anyone have that mod post bookmarked? I forgot exactly what it entailed and staring at my TM doesn't seem to be helping me figure it out.

@dzoinp: Wanted to ask last night but couldn't double post.......why do 11 people know what this is but I have no idea what I'm looking at??
I have no idea how many "my best screens" I've posted here... Even in this TM is fun :D
Now I'm using my spiked stem like this: (extra space for my moded heater screen...shake to stirr;))

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Was that the mod where the basket screen is placed right above the heater?? Loved that mod, thought it was super ingenious and clean looking, would be perfect for my OCD. When I saw it I had a reason why it wasn't gonna work for me, but now that I'm holding my TM in my hand I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. Will try this evening and report back!

Edit: Does anyone have that mod post bookmarked? I forgot exactly what it entailed and staring at my TM doesn't seem to be helping me figure it out.

@dzoinp: Wanted to ask last night but couldn't double post.......why do 11 people know what this is but I have no idea what I'm looking at??
Nice find, I want this, but also do not know what I'm looking at :hmm: mines being shipped so I wouldn't know regardless :lol:


Well-Known Member
dzoinp is showing the extra long 3D cooling stem and instead of its screen he is loading using the default cooling unit. The half of cooling unit, which I think its actually not cooling but is used to load the extra long 3D cooling stem even further that its screen allows. I tried last night with good results.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!
I finally made the step to register here in the forum after getting my infos from here and reddit for almost two years. Since I quit combusting 2 years ago I tried many devices to find the perfect one for me. Without any bigger research I started with a MFLB and was disappointed. I switched back to rolling joints and thought I'm done with vaping. Then a few weeks later I found a reddit post about a vape called "Dynavap M" and I thought I will give vaporizers one last try. This was a complete different experience compared to the MFLB. But soon I realized that I'm not 100% happy with the vape. We all know VAS and there's always something which is still not perfect (bowl size, heating technique, maintenance, portability etc). The more information I found about vaporizers the more I had to try. The TM was on my list for a long time, but haven't pulled the trigger because either it was not in stock or I was not willing to pay 250€ for a vaporizer. I'm glad I did. I own my Tinymight for several weeks now and I'm still very impressed. I haven't touched any of my other vapes since. And I don't have the feeling that I have to change that any time soon! :)
So thanks everyone (here and on reddit, I think a lot of members use both) for providing all the detailed information about the TM and vapes in general. I really like the community and hope a lot of people quit combusting and join us as well!
This is my current TM setup up. I recommend the WPA / MP from @RogueGuy. I use and like the short stem and was happy to find a MP that keeps my lips cool (my only concern with the short glass). I also use the complete CU and still have a reasonable sized bowl.
I think I'm good for now! ;)



Well-Known Member
If you’re still on the fence you can wait or try to ask them about planned improvements (if you/they can deal with the language barrier), but I haven’t heard anything about future changes and I don’t think anyone here knows which if any of the remaining issues will be addressed or whether they’re working on any major updates.
I emailed them Sunday and they got back to me today. They talked about fixing the power button as mentioned, and also said in the email... “Last months we have made modifications to prevent failing contacts with heater and battery.” As for the haptic feedback they said they don’t have a permanent fix for it, but it’s easy to fix if it comes to that point.

I also asked them if there was an upcoming sale and/or coupon codes...I got no reply from that part 😩😂


New Member
I emailed them Sunday and they got back to me today. They talked about fixing the power button as mentioned, and also said in the email... “Last months we have made modifications to prevent failing contacts with heater and battery.” As for the haptic feedback they said they don’t have a permanent fix for it, but it’s easy to fix if it comes to that point.

I also asked them if there was an upcoming sale and/or coupon codes...I got no reply from that part 😩😂
Lol, they said "no comment" 😂😂

Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
Hi everyone!
I finally made the step to register here in the forum after getting my infos from here and reddit for almost two years. Since I quit combusting 2 years ago I tried many devices to find the perfect one for me. Without any bigger research I started with a MFLB and was disappointed. I switched back to rolling joints and thought I'm done with vaping. Then a few weeks later I found a reddit post about a vape called "Dynavap M" and I thought I will give vaporizers one last try. This was a complete different experience compared to the MFLB. But soon I realized that I'm not 100% happy with the vape. We all know VAS and there's always something which is still not perfect (bowl size, heating technique, maintenance, portability etc). The more information I found about vaporizers the more I had to try. The TM was on my list for a long time, but haven't pulled the trigger because either it was not in stock or I was not willing to pay 250€ for a vaporizer. I'm glad I did. I own my Tinymight for several weeks now and I'm still very impressed. I haven't touched any of my other vapes since. And I don't have the feeling that I have to change that any time soon! :)
So thanks everyone (here and on reddit, I think a lot of members use both) for providing all the detailed information about the TM and vapes in general. I really like the community and hope a lot of people quit combusting and join us as well!
This is my current TM setup up. I recommend the WPA / MP from @RogueGuy. I use and like the short stem and was happy to find a MP that keeps my lips cool (my only concern with the short glass). I also use the complete CU and still have a reasonable sized bowl.
I think I'm good for now! ;)

Welcome. Great choice.
Looks like you may be in the EU. Check out the glass stems and j hooks for sale here:

He has a new stem with spikes and twists which I'm currently testing. I want to detail it for Nicholas but I'm waiting for price confirmation.....


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
for @dzoinp 's mod and you don't even need to remove the heater screen.
must remove to improve? :D



just to not make anyone confused...
The modified heater screen stays in place like the original, inside the vape under the aluminum tube.
The photo below is just to show how the mod screen inserted in the stem looks like.
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