OK I have some more details on these lovely j hooks made in France.
Background: Whilst searching for a stem for my tinymight I found this site:
Vaporisateur - meilleur outil de l'aromathérapie, Boutique française de vente de vaporisateurs, tests, avis, vaporizers pas chers, arrêt de tabac avec un vaporisateur Volcano, Pax, IQ, Mighty, Arizer
Selling 17 cm straight stem for the tinymight, do I ordered it, nothing ventured I thought. But when it arrived I received a spiked version. On enquiring, Nicholas, the owner, explained they were developing a new stem for the tinymight and would I like to try this one.
Sure I said and it was fantastic. I immediately encouraged him to make more and advertise them better as i thought there might be demand!
I also enquired about j hooks and from there Nicholas and myself have had some correspondence and this week I received his creations.

From left, all 14 mm joint:
Stem with basket screen holder for tinymight.
J hook with spikes with fat mouthpiece
J hook sidecar with fat mouthpiece
J hook with spikes with thin mouthpiece
I have tested all of them and they are great. I will describe the tinymight stem in the TM thread.

J hook spiked fat MP

J hook spiked thin MP
Sidecar (left??) non spiked fat MP
I make no apologies for my rubbish photos but best I can do. In fact Nicholas is having to use these as he sent the j hooks to me b4 he took photos!
So what can Nicholas do for us?
All 3 of the above j hooks can be made (and will be available as stock) as per the following :
Fat or thin MP
Spiked or not spiked
14 or 18 mm female connection
For sidecar left or right.
I think that makes 16 flavours....
Anything non spiked (fat or thin MP; 14 or 18; left or right) will be 49.90 Euros
Anything spiked will be 64.90 Euros
He will also be able to make small mods for around 5 to 10 Euros more. More involved mods/designs priced on application.
Quality: they have been made very well in my opinion with good application of the spikes.
However I have nothing to compare with, especially an equivalent from ogb.
So I have weighed the j hooks thinking that maybe an ogb owner could do the same and we can have a comparison wrt weight.
Anyway, these creations all weigh approx 45 grams. They seem fairly robust but I wouldn't want to drop one.....
How to buy.
Hmmmm. Ok, Nicholas is getting on top of this but things are a little slow at the moment.
He will be stocking on both Amazon US and UK. The us site is up but not stocked at the moment. UK will be ready in a week or so due to vat complexity with brexit.
However, if you want one now, or you want to register interest, you can send a request to:
Nicholas (French) speaks perfect English so no translate required.
And Nicholas can get back to you.
He can send now direct to USA or UK at postage costs of 10e and 5e respectively although via Amazon postage will be free.
France shuts down for August but Nicholas is keen to get going and he would like to get an idea of potential demand if he is to send stock to Amazon.
If you are interested or want one now, please do send Nicholas a note.
No commitment needed now but he would like some stock ready before August shut down and by the start of September he should have Amazon fully available. So any input he would really appreciate.
Nicholas is keen to get more involved in glass making for vapes having been involved for many years, and encourages feedback. So if you have any suggestions, send them directly to Nicholas.
Just to note. I have nothing to do with Nicholas apart from a shared interest in glass and vapes. I have paid for my glassware but I have only paid cost, not full retail.
All details above are of course subject to change. I have merely repeated information Nicholas gave me and I have no influence over his products or prices. In other words, please don't shoot the messenger
I hope these items are of interest and I'm pleased as punch with mine but I cannot intervene on anyone's part.
I'm particularly chuffed that in Europe we have access to someone who can hopefully provide the quality and variety that has been more readily available for America but more challenging here.....
Happy to address and general questions about the functionality etc.
bon courage !
Edit. Pic for length. Approx 19 cm...

Edited to change link details