Allright! That's some good feedback! Thanx a lot guys!

Some of them had already caught my eye, some not, so let's sum it up!
First of all, I think the ones that don't ship to Europe are iOffer, Glassblowersdirect and Artfire, right? I tried checking out at Artfire and iOffer and gave me a big no but I am not sure about GBD as you need to fill a form and write your country's name... I will include the info though below.
Black Leaf's J-hook No1
Length: aprox. 21cm
Joint size: 14mm & 18mm
Stores: PV (19,95$+9,97$ship.=29,92$ or about 22€), GC (13,02€+5,49€ship.=18,51€)
Notes: Nice looking J-hook, looks comfortable for the Lotus and log/Solo, a bit thin maybe, comes in both sizes, price difference between shops is small but GC seems a better choice of course.
Black Leaf's J-hook No2
Length: aprox. 17cm
Joint size: 18mm
Stores: H&N (4,29€+7€ship.=11,29€), BL (4€+12,85€ship.=16,85€)
Notes: It's a BL so I assumed it's 3,2mm as most pieces they have and it comes only at 18mm so I shall also need a reducer. Luckily I have one, a LowPro which is a tight fit with the Lotus but it can be done with some bending of the pocking stick. BL only has DHL shipping so it gets here faster but more expensive...

It looks to be comfy as well.
Black Leaf's J-hook No3
Length: aprox. 17cm
Joint size: 18mm
Stores: H&N (12,99€+7€ship.=19,99€), BL (12€+12,85€ship.=24,85€)
Notes: This one appears to be the same with No3 but with a worked mouthpiece and slightly different mp angle. Seems to be more comfy... I like the mp!
Black Leaf's J-hook No4
Length: aprox. 22,5cm
Joint size: 18mm
Stores: H&N (9,99€+7€ship.=16,99€), GC (27,53€+5,79€=33,32€!!!!!)
Notes: This one might even be able to stand on it's one! Me like a lot! Price is nice too... Something might be wrong with GC's pricing though!
Black Leaf's J-hook No5
Length: aprox. 20cm
Joint size: 18mm
Stores: H&N (14,99€+7€ship.=21,99€)
Notes: I am pretty sure this can stand on its own but I am not so sure about how it would look near my mouth...

And I'm also pretty sure it can be used for things other than vaping or smoking...
Black Leaf's J-hook No6
Length: aprox. 28cm
Joint size: 18mm
Stores: H&N (12,95€+7€ship.=19,95€)
Notes: Interesting design but I am not so sure if it would be comfortable. The mouth end could be too big like their Saxo bubblers. I think I also like the classic designs more...
Grav Labs J-hook
Length: aprox. 23cm
Joint size: 14mm
Stores: GC (12,57€+7,61€ship.=20,18€)
Notes: This one should be good quality, not sure, classic design, good price!
7th Floor's J-hook
Length: ?
Joint size: 14mm & 18mm
Stores: SSV and DBV store (15,99$+20$ship.=35,99$ or about 26€)
Notes: Looks classic, should be good quality and not a bad pricing even for Europe...
Aqua Lab Tech J-hook
Length: aprox. 25cm
Joint size: 14mm
Stores: ALT (30$+38$ship.=68$ or about 50€)
Notes: I am sure the quality is great on this one. Price is not nice for me though...
iOffer's J-hook
Length: aprox. 20cm
Joint size: 14mm & 18mm
Stores: iOffer (7,25$+ free ship.=7,25$)
Notes: You lucky ones from the states... Best price yet!
Artfire's J-hook
Length: Any?
Joint size: 14mm & 18mm
Stores: Artfire (19,63$+ ? ship.=?$)
Notes: I guess it's great they can make it at any size, right?
GBD's J-hook
Length: Any?
Joint size: 14mm & 18mm
Stores: GBD (9,95$+ ? ship.=?$)
Notes: Same as above..
So far, I am leaning to that Cane-Gun from BL... Not the dick one, no, the thin one!
More additions welcome!