VAS: Vape Aquisition Syndrome The malady we love to hate


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
It's funny because I was reading you carefully (because this is a topic that works for me) and I was thinking about my own contributory response when the doorbell rang: the delivery guy was bringing me my new toy...😛

I hate my VAS, mostly for philosophical reasons related to consumerism that I criticize elsewhere.
Smoking tobacco in my joints made me very anxious (I would say the last 3 years of my 25 years of smoking) until I managed to quit, thanks to vaping...thanks to FC, thanks to my VAS, so yes I love it too...,
and even though it's not of the same nature or power, my VAS makes me feel bad too..:hmm:

Since I started vaping, I have been searching (maybe in vain?) for MY combo. it takes more time than I thought, it costs me more money than I can afford...(I don't keep vapes in the closet.)
At this time, I have to add 1 more piece to my current equipment and after that, I promised myself to free myself from this syndrome that basically doesn't make much sense.
For example, I waited for this delivery man for several days, sleeping badly, looking for the slightest sign, checking the progress of the delivery 15x a day on my computer etc...
This kind of strange behavior is hard to explain (to my daughter for exemple) when you analyze it with a little hindsight...

Beside that yes, I was very excited to open my package and discover with joy my new vape toy....the fight is not over...thanks to all


Well-Known Member
we should compile a list of VAS ending vapes and VAS victim vapes, that dont get used because a shinier Brother came by.
im a bit pragmatic in my VAS though, i have bought and sold and kept vapes in the last year and if something is out of rotation it gets marie condoed. and i also bought used ones for good prices, so that i can easily resell it. did that with the p80, the argo, the arizer Air 2
they all had to go for others or because i didnt like them enough. i have high standards.
wont ever sell me lotus though. obviously.


Well-Known Member
My vaping journey started in 2016 when I returned to cannabis after a long absence, I quit smoking cigarettes in 2001 and absolutely did not want to smoke again so I purchased an Extreme Q and used it exclusively for about a year. This was long before I joined any vaping boards or knew much about vaping, the true conversion happened about a year later when I watched Troy's review of the Mighty and decided to order one. Although I rarely use it anymore, the Mighty was a game changer for me, the taste and effects were so good I stopped drinking altogether and haven't had a drop of liquor in almost 4 years. My VAS was probably at its fiercest in 2018-19 where I felt I had to purchase every vape out there that received a positive review, I quickly discovered that the butane vapes don't work for me and that it makes no sense to purchase a cheap vape just because it is on sale - you use it once and never again because you already have a better one.
After a few years, I also settled into a routine where I would only vape at home after work and dinner, so all my portables quickly became obsolete and I settled on the eNano and the FP as my daily drivers. I also discovered what truly matters to me: taste, so I will only consider new vapes that have an all-glass vapor path all the way to the mouth, and there just haven't been any (both the Taffee Bowle and Vapbong have metal screens). So other than buying the odd glass piece from China to try out (without much success), I have stopped buying vapes and now concentrate more on growing high quality weed.


Well-Known Member
I go trough phases of Vas and no Vas, high consumption or lower. If I am on a phase where I feel the need of having less cannabis, or none, Vas doesn’t help at all. Having to test new vapes leads to much frequent use.
I unfollowed most of the threads and the option to automatically follow a thread where I posted.
I still visit FC daily but following notifications is like having a job to accomplish.
Years ago I felt I had a similar (and unhealthy) behavior with video games. I was buying at least 2 video games magazines each month other than getting informed on internet, and ended up buying every video game critics would say was worth buying on the systems I had. Then I realized I spent more time reading mags and forums than actually playing. The worst thing was following a game from the early previews up to the release. And if it was well done it was too hard for me to resist from buying.
I took the decision of stopping buying magazines, forums closed up when Facebook came around and then I felt no rush on buying so many games I didn’t had the time to play.
I feel the same with vaporizers, I bought so many that I hardly use at least half of them. Too much information leads to frequent and unnecessary purchases (at least with me).
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Well-Known Member
I used to smoke 1 hitters. When I started vaping I missed the way 1 hitters could kill a tiny bowl in one hit. At home logs scratched that itch, but I still smoked 1 hitters on the go. I tried a ton of portables, but none was quick at killing a bowl like a 1 hitter.

When I got a Dynavap my VAS was totally killed, since it replicates the 1 hitter experience perfectly. I still am very interested in new vapes, but I don't consider buying them. If anything, I'm more interested in DIY stuff like @Abysmal Vapor.

I think to kill VAS you have to find a product that satisfies your desires in every way possible, not just performance, but design and aesthetics too.


Well-Known Member
I think to kill VAS you have to find a product that satisfies your desires in every way possible, not just performance, but design and aesthetics too.
I now that I have a Milaana and a Simrell Dynavap to rotate between, I don't even know what VAS is. The only thing I have is DGAF-ANVAS.. "don't give a fuck about new vapes anymore syndrome"

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
The Mighty pretty much killed my VAS.
I get a VapCap here and then for a totally different vapour signature.
I am waiting for the Inverzion now :D

Now with dab equipment it is a different story. Problem is I cannot use it that often. :D


I've managed to train myself to not type in "vaporizer" on the local craigslist as well as on "all of craigslist" searching nationwide. Been there done that with success. My challenge is where to store all the vapes, stash jars, glass, accessories, etc. with a degree of organization in my one bedroom city apartment; a first world problem. Perhaps a bookshelf or a filing cabinet.


Putin is a War Criminal
It is funny how the collection grows whether you pay attention or not, and especially if you don't. I mean, it is a hobby after all. I have over 30 pieces of kit just in my sig, and that doesn't include torches or Jyarz or other storage medium like Ball jars or pocketable metal, plastic or dyna stashes, or all the duplicates of mentioned items meant as backups. I have given away a few items but I don't sell them, at least I don't so far. They just collect and grow the collection. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" he said while he rolled his eyes... :rolleyes:


Vapor Dreams
Now if only I could get a good log vape in europe my VAS would resume. has the woodscents. Ask Nicolas for a good price via email and have some patience, he can be slow as hell and forgets things in his orders but at the end of the day he compensates with gifts and discounts.


Well-Known Member
Here's my wish list for a desktop

I want something like the volcano hybrid or a newer version of it. It must be "on demand", flower or concentrates won't "cook" until you take a hit and then it will cool down or have some type of system to keep it from cooking. Would like to see updatable firmware for performance updates and fixes that are free for the life of the vape. New updates should be happening at least every 2-3 months that improve performance. There must be a way to attach any rig to the vape and you should be able to pass it freely without hindrances. Bowl should be big enough that you can just load it up once at night if your sharing. It also should have interchangeable bowls of different sizes. Small,medium, or large depending on your preference for that day. Also and all glass air path and the bowls will have built in glass screens. Don't want any exposed heat source or part that gets hot. No more burning fingers.


I was the same way with ecigs, mechanical mod clones, all of it. It stopped when I started using Boulder Rock with the refillable pods.
With herb, I think the POTV "One" might have cured me of VAS because it's almost always in my hand. The damn thing checks all the boxes :love:
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Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
After the Flowerpot Vrod and Vapexhale Evo.. My VAS has been cured! Until I become too old... that is where bags are the only option.. When that time comes, I'll be looking at whatever iteration of the volcano they have. Somehow when I look into the future, I don't see myself taking 12 second draws when I'm 80. Unless tech changes drastically over the next 20 years, I'm set!👍

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings, I have VAS. Constantly, and it feels good. It is not a negative feeling for me. So, perhaps I do not want to call it a Syndrome...sounds bad. It's 'me' time. I worked 43 years as a teacher. I am retired, a patient, and not hurting anyone. My bills are paid, and I do not owe anyone anything. So... that is why I find great inspiration here on this Forum. I discovered VAPMAN here...well, that is my wonderful crazy obsession. I have a museum of my own of Vapman. I did miss the 'Mushroom Special Edition' because I was ill and couldn't manage. When I sit down and want a really good spiritual connection with my medication to heal...I sit with my Vapman and its like smoking a peace pipe. Tranquil. I have a wonderful obsession also with glass stems/mouth pieces from three different artists that you all know...and I have an obsession with my TM2 and my Tetra P80. My behavior initially was inspired by the Firefly YEARS ago, I could have stopped there because it's an incredible vape still...but, I just wanted to feel and experience some of the things that all of you here were experiencing. How in the world could I possibly miss experiencing a balloon with the Volcano for example? could I possibly miss vaping with my Dynavap? I LOVE keeps me interested and active. It keeps me seeking knowledge. Yes. It has become part of my life. Cannabis is a huge part of my, everything that connects that to my life becomes important...and if the word obsessive is the word for wanting to really find the healthiest vape then, so be it. Technology changes and I want to be on top of that. I do not keep vapes in my closet that I do not use. I give them away and encourage people to change their smoking habits and improve their health somewhat. Anyway, "Enough Narcissus!" last thing. The Vapman acquired the Lotus. You cannot imagine how my VAS is activated. Good day everyone!


Putin is a War Criminal
Yep, VAS is not a problem for everyone. As long as one views vaping as a hobby and you aren't spending the rent money it is easy to rationalize (in a good way) keeping up with the "best" vapes out there. One does need to set limits, however, or at least this one does. Like, I lust for a TM2, but having 2 TM1s that would seem a little excessive to me. I have said "if one fails", but with a 10 year warranty that is an iffy concept.
Regardless we all get to make our own rules so VAS could be either a beast or an incentive and one might be anywhere along that spectrum.

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
New Vapes $5,600
Utilities $150

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Every month???

Now since my last post, ball vapes have gotten big and other things. I convinced me and myself that my budget allows for a case of VAS (BAS, GrAS, GlAS etc.).
I never thought I would spend that amount on vaporisers. Specially when I still smoked. But I almost cannot remember these times...


Well-Known Member
Before I started vapng I was a combuster for many years (decades). I had what I considered to be a significant amount of accoutrements, but it was purely a means to an end. I had a couple glass pieces, rolling papers, maybe even a rolling plate, a couple dugouts and a few pipes made from lamp parts. I had occasionally (ok, reasonably often) created an instrument of consumption from a piece of fruit or a potato and some aluminum foil or window screen if I didn't have some papers. But this was all to enable the consumption of cannabis, it was not an end in itself.
This is more or less my experience, too, but even then I collected a trunkful of pieces of various types. I can remember my first trip to the headshop at about 12yrs and how I was fascinated the minute I walked through the door. I went back often. Money was tight but I enjoyed things as I could afford them. It didn't feel like VAS was driving me at all, and it was a gradual process of shopping when I had some loose dollars or happening to see something that looked fun. I still have all that stuff.
When I started vaping, everything changed.
Yep. Sorta. My first vape was a Da Buddha I got because it looked cool, reviewed well, and it seemed like a fun way to add vaping to my consumption. I loved it instantly, but it freaked out my wife a little so setting it up and putting it away got to be a bit of a chore. Couple years later I got a DDave '18 DV tip on a glass package and was hooked. I quit smoking altogether and began to vape exclusively.

For me, the VAS fire was lit by the Mail Vape Ban, which sent me into a bit of a frenzy looking for vapes I was familiar with and would not find otherwise, which led to me searching for recently discontinued items, which led to....where we are today! My collection has models that are the current state-of-the-art and some that are considered outdated, elaborate setups and simple metal tubes, expensive and cheap. I've especially enjoyed manual wooden vapes, but there's literally no end of good stuff.

I guess when it comes down to it, I'm driven less by needing the newest thing or searching for the ultimate experience and more by things that look beautiful to me or especially useful or like a lot of fun. The cost, prestige, etc is nearly absent as a driver; it's the fun, lovely, good-spirited vapes that call to me.

For me, there is no graveyard; nothing is sold off. I have only one or two vapes I don't care for much, all the others are in use; some duplicates are set aside for family and friends. I guess my research must be adequate and I'm not too hard to please. I love them all, even those that could use more action.

Speaking of which, this is where VAS hits me: my herb consumption has increased during the Covid years and a large part of it is because using vapes is fun. I have had to rein that in a bit. Otherwise, my new limit is that I'm just plain out of room.

One of the best things about vaping, though, is the community. People seem to be guided here by their better angels and are generally very helpful, and very lovely. 🫀
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