It's funny because I was reading you carefully (because this is a topic that works for me) and I was thinking about my own contributory response when the doorbell rang: the delivery guy was bringing me my new toy...
I hate my VAS, mostly for philosophical reasons related to consumerism that I criticize elsewhere.
Smoking tobacco in my joints made me very anxious (I would say the last 3 years of my 25 years of smoking) until I managed to quit, thanks to vaping...thanks to FC, thanks to my VAS, so yes I love it too...,
and even though it's not of the same nature or power, my VAS makes me feel bad too..
Since I started vaping, I have been searching (maybe in vain?) for MY combo. it takes more time than I thought, it costs me more money than I can afford...(I don't keep vapes in the closet.)
At this time, I have to add 1 more piece to my current equipment and after that, I promised myself to free myself from this syndrome that basically doesn't make much sense.
For example, I waited for this delivery man for several days, sleeping badly, looking for the slightest sign, checking the progress of the delivery 15x a day on my computer etc...
This kind of strange behavior is hard to explain (to my daughter for exemple) when you analyze it with a little hindsight...
Beside that yes, I was very excited to open my package and discover with joy my new vape toy....the fight is not over...thanks to all

I hate my VAS, mostly for philosophical reasons related to consumerism that I criticize elsewhere.
Smoking tobacco in my joints made me very anxious (I would say the last 3 years of my 25 years of smoking) until I managed to quit, thanks to vaping...thanks to FC, thanks to my VAS, so yes I love it too...,
and even though it's not of the same nature or power, my VAS makes me feel bad too..

Since I started vaping, I have been searching (maybe in vain?) for MY combo. it takes more time than I thought, it costs me more money than I can afford...(I don't keep vapes in the closet.)
At this time, I have to add 1 more piece to my current equipment and after that, I promised myself to free myself from this syndrome that basically doesn't make much sense.
For example, I waited for this delivery man for several days, sleeping badly, looking for the slightest sign, checking the progress of the delivery 15x a day on my computer etc...
This kind of strange behavior is hard to explain (to my daughter for exemple) when you analyze it with a little hindsight...
Beside that yes, I was very excited to open my package and discover with joy my new vape toy....the fight is not over...thanks to all