Picked up a miqro explorer pack a couple weeks ago since I'd been curious about it for ages. I'm a sucker for tiny devices (especially vapes). Given all the comments I read about it online, I expected it to suck. Terrible battery life, no vapor, uncomfortable to use, harsh hits. It was shocking to find all this was unfounded.
Certainly a high tolerance user would find the device lacking, but it's more than enough in most areas for me and I don't consider myself a microdoser. On 430F, I get lots of visible vapor, and all the high temp effects I love are there (I can tell when it's missing). While I'm not a person that likes automatic modes, and was not interested in smart paths, davinci really nailed it with SP4.
I usually do two sessions on smart path 4, then two sessions on 430F, and the load is fully extracted. That first SP4 session flavor is... wow. I was not expecting CBD to taste so good. Abacus is bursting with the flavor of grape and blueberry. The long vaporpath does it's job, too, because the vapor isn't harsh or even hot on back to back hits.
Form factor and build quality is just the coolest thing. It's like a tiny river pebble in the hand. A little vapor friend.
Battery life isn't the worst considering 18350 have 1/3 the capacity of an 18650. With my high temps, I get 3 solid sessions from a battery, and a little bit extra. Unfortunately, it takes 4 sessions to fully extract a full oven.

The spare batteries are tiny, and I have that nice keyring carrier anyway, so I think 2 cells could get me through a night partying (post pandemic) just fine.
I'd like to see the miqro size but just longer to take an 18650. The rest of the device is perfect all around and I have no idea why the iq and iq2 need to be so bulky. That said, I get that the pax/furna/starry/etc already fill this form factor role, and there are few/no good ultraportables like the miqro.
You can always carry a spare cell, but you can't make a large device smaller. Better to have a tiny device in the pocket for most excursions, and the extra cell when you actually need it.
Question: Do 1100/1200 mAh cells like this really give the battery life boost over the stock 900mAh to make the price worth it?