This is my first post here. I joined after reading through this thread.
My Bowle arrived today. Let me preface this by saying that I am completely new to vaporising - have only smoked until now, and the issues I am facing are likely down to my inexperience/poor method.
Firstly, I cannot seem to get a decent hit off this vape. I have tried inhaling for a decent amount of time and I get wisps of vapour (this is on settings 3 and 4). I’m not bothered about clouds - I’m a medical user so just want a device that can medicate quickly and efficiently.
secondly, I am concerned that it is not heating correctly. I had to stir the pot while on levels 1 and 2 as it was browning on top and still green underneath.
Third - this might be normal but I am not sure. I took a draw at level 3, then removed the stem to check my herbs and to stir if needed. I stirred and for about 10 secs while the stem was removed from the puck, vapour was still visibly escaping from the top of the stem.
Fourth - does anyone else’s tall mouthpiece just not fit in to the stem? The short one slides in nicely but the tall one sits proud of the stem (more so than it should).
I’m not trying to be negative, I *want* to love this vape.... so I’m going to smoke (even though I’m trying to quit - I feel no benefit from having vaped so have to do something

), re-read this thread, and hopefully find some helpful tips.
part of me hopes it’s me just being a noob and being stupid.... part of me hopes it isn’