Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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Well-Known Member
@ManFlies352 guys please stop recommending dhgate for adapateres. Everything I've ever bought from OGB I still have to this day. Never broken all thick high quality glass. I just bought the 18m/18F it does not fit on my jhanpixel UFO sidecar but it fits on my recycler. It looks like the angled one would work but feel free to reach out to him Mike is super flexible and a true master of his craft.



Well-Known Member
@ManFlies352 guys please stop recommending dhgate for adapateres. Everything I've ever bought from OGB I still have to this day. Never broken all thick high quality glass. I just bought the 18m/18F it does not fit on my jhanpixel UFO sidecar but it fits on my recycler. It looks like the angled one would work but feel free to reach out to him Mike is super flexible and a true master of his craft.


I use his 14mm carb adapter and 14mm M/F dropdown with my SneakyPete Mega Globe.

Highly recommend Mike at Oregon Glass Blower!


Seeking Higher Ground
@ManFlies352 guys please stop recommending dhgate for adapateres. Everything I've ever bought from OGB I still have to this day. Never broken all thick high quality glass. I just bought the 18m/18F it does not fit on my jhanpixel UFO sidecar but it fits on my recycler. It looks like the angled one would work but feel free to reach out to him Mike is super flexible and a true master of his craft.

I do like OGB if you have a direct line to him please send him this link. I did send him RFQ for our FP bowls in december and never heard back from him. I agree buy american


I do like OGB if you have a direct line to him please send him this link. I did send him RFQ for our FP bowls in december and never heard back from him. I agree buy american

After messing with a little bit of custom glassware, the pinch indentations are going to interfere with the OD concentricity you're looking to preserve by moving the handle.

Honestly I think your best bet might be to machine a groove for the screen to sit in, just like your metal bowls.


Well-Known Member
The ceramic pots for the tafee bowle fit perfectly in the shovelhead bowl, allows for a smaller bowl that doesnt need to be spread thin over the regular showvelhead screen. Also act as little dosing pods, fill a few of the pots and swap them out quickly


Well-Known Member
Shovelhead bowl is too small. It seems small loads work better in the flowerpot. I want more hits per bowl and I don't care about conserving weed at the moment.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Shovelhead bowl is too small. It seems small loads work better in the flowerpot. I want more hits per bowl and I don't care about conserving weed at the moment.

Too small? Wow! :razz:

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
I thought the same.
Too small??
Double wow!!!
I’ve only had the experience to flash vape almost 0.1g cashing it in one hit, at 808F(heater temperature) with the Glass Symphony.
And let me tell you, it’s not such a comfortable hit/experience imho & e.
It’s pretty warm, too thick of a hit, like a good dab experience, and it’ll give you a brain squeeze, that I like to call a “yerba lobotomy”, that will sit you down, and probably give you the sweats.
Another close experience to that 0.1g in a single hit on a Glass Symphony, could be a 0.1g plus a nice dab, all “twaxed” in a VROD.
That combo of vaped weed topped with a nice dab on the VROD will convince any “bong snap combuster” or person wanting a bigger hit/bowl.
Similar heady effects, but all the pros of vaping/dabbing vs smoking.

Vaping bigger loads with heavy hitters convection desktops don’t really makes too much sense imho & e.
Most of vaping pleasures, is that awesome flavor you can get in only one good cashed hit, or one more stir, and cash it.
But vaping a bigger bowl from 0.5g up and above, for several hits, knowing that only the first 2 hits are going to be good, and the rest 3-5 more, are going to degrade fast and taste like popcorn most likely.
Either way ymmv, but unless you have magic weed or a hidden vaping secret, I don’t see that much difference in vaping scenarios, rather than the many already posted by avid vaporists on this thread.
Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!

p.s: perhaps the OG old school glass bowl, or the new glass one, have smaller ID bowl, and carry less weed per load, and some people can find those loads too small, or too small of a hit. But bigger loads at glass bowls imho & e have resulted in way more combustion accidents in 3 years.
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Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Yeah, @Zangano Cruel , I tend to prefer multiple bowls with just enough to cover the screen to loading one big bowl that I have to fuckin' stir.
Exactly my dosage method what you just said.
Any NV (Pax) loading tool, or most of regular loading tools, carry around 0.05-0.1g of finely fluffy grind dry weed.
If that’s not enough to barely cover the double weave screen, I try to keep as much as possible centered and away from the side walls of the Ti bowl. As less conduction as possible, takes a longer and more technical draw, but as flavorful as always, trying to reach that full convection potential.
Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Exactly my dosage method what you just said.
Any NV (Pax) loading tool, or most of regular loading tools, carry around 0.05-0.1g of finely fluffy grind dry weed.
If that’s not enough to barely cover the double weave screen, I try to keep as much as possible centered and away from the side walls of the Ti bowl. As less conduction as possible, takes a longer and more technical draw, but as flavorful as always, trying to reach that full convection potential.
Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!

Yeah, I use the NV Pax Loading tool as well. It's perfect for one bowl for me.
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Well-Known Member
It's a pain in the ass to reload, especially when it's meant to be an on-demand vape. With a session vape you can't let it sit because it'll still cook because the heat source stays on it. I'd like to have more than enough in the bowl so I don't finish in one to two hits. This vape is for sharing too. Bigger bowl means I don't have to reload it all the time and it's great because I don't have to worry about the heater cooking all my weed.


It's a pain in the ass to reload, especially when it's meant to be an on-demand vape. With a session vape you can't let it sit because it'll still cook because the heat source stays on it. I'd like to have more than enough in the bowl so I don't finish in one to two hits. This vape is for sharing too. Bigger bowl means I don't have to reload it all the time and it's great because I don't have to worry about the heater cooking all my weed.

This vaporizer was designed to approximate a bong hit, finishing in a hit or two is pretty defacto for how Americans smoke bongs. I'm not sure why you wouldn't use your Volcano or other devices for a long drawn out session. You're certainly free to use your devices any way you like, but very few people here would agree with this vape being for sessions, or sharing the same load. The whole idea is to give everyone an equal hit instead of sucking out all the flavor and then passing it to somebody for them to have the ass end of the bowl.

I'm also unsure how you could make this vape any easier to reload. It's literally a bowl. What more to it could there be? Especially since you aren't supposed to leave the heater idling over the bowl as you mention above, making reloading exceedingly simple.


SEARCH for the treasure...
This vaporizer was designed to approximate a bong hit, finishing in a hit or two is pretty defacto for how Americans smoke bongs. I'm not sure why you wouldn't use your Volcano or other devices for a long drawn out session. You're certainly free to use your devices any way you like, but very few people here would agree with this vape being for sessions, or sharing the same load. The whole idea is to give everyone an equal hit instead of sucking out all the flavor and then passing it to somebody for them to have the ass end of the bowl.

I'm also unsure how you could make this vape any easier to reload. It's literally a bowl. What more to it could there be? Especially since you aren't supposed to leave the heater idling over the bowl as you mention above, making reloading exceedingly simple.

Agreed, my shovel head bowl, is the easiest to use compared to every other vape I own.
Shovel in a scoop, vape, de-bowl, brush, REPEAT....


Well-Known Member
This vaporizer was designed to approximate a bong hit, finishing in a hit or two is pretty defacto for how Americans smoke bongs. I'm not sure why you wouldn't use your Volcano or other devices for a long drawn out session. You're certainly free to use your devices any way you like, but very few people here would agree with this vape being for sessions, or sharing the same load. The whole idea is to give everyone an equal hit instead of sucking out all the flavor and then passing it to somebody for them to have the ass end of the bowl.

I'm also unsure how you could make this vape any easier to reload. It's literally a bowl. What more to it could there be? Especially since you aren't supposed to leave the heater idling over the bowl as you mention above, making reloading exceedingly simple.

I do use the Volcano Hybrid for long drawn out sessions. That's just my preference and how I like to enjoy my herb. I'm just saying it works better with on demand vapes like the flowerpot. The FP is also better with flavor hits but it's also not as easy to get a good hit. Hits from the volcano are solid white at the medium and higher temps and it just keeps pumping out the vapor. With the FP you've got to finesse the hit and go slow and long otherwise you don't get much if any vapor. Also the with the flowerpot though the higher temp hits aren't nearly as harsh as the Volcano. As far as smoothness and pure flavor of the vapor the Flowerpot is better than any other vape I own. I didn't say it was hard to load, just a pain in the butt. Oh and also I did order that Pax loading tool from NewVape.


Well-Known Member
If you send him the measurements he will make it to measure.
I do like OGB if you have a direct line to him please send him this link. I did send him RFQ for our FP bowls in december and never heard back from him. I agree buy american
Inboxed (welp nevermind can’t PM you for some reason)

Regarding temps I find combustion is a higher possibility if you have more content in your bowl. Example this morning I combusted at 650F with the rod with a just above half full bowl and dab.
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Well-Known Member
The water pipe you use makes a difference with this vape.

Thank you for the video. I have I think around 8 or more bongs I could use. I got the premium vrod bundle so I'm using the glass that came with for now. I also ordered the 18mm post that came today. So I took the smaller 14mm post out of the bucket bowl or whatever it's called and put the 18mm on. This will be fun!. Oh yeah, plus I got the weedeater head. Ok now I can't get any vapor out of it with the weedeater head. So I waited till it cooled and now took it apart and put it back together. Didn't see anything wrong so I'm not sure what is going on. Can't get any vapor with the weedeater. I had it up to 650 F. Weed is still mostly green with no brown at all. So I'm turning it up to 750 F and trying that. Well it's not the bong because I tried the smaller rig that came with the bundle and I still didn't get any vapor. Guess I'm gonna but the Vrod back on... So Now I'm heating up again after I put the vrod back on I'm letting it heat soak for 10 minutes. Hopefully I can get some vapor....Don't have any clue why I couldn't get anything from the weedeater head though. If this works than it's something with the weedeater head. If it doesn't than I'm not sure what's wrong or what I'm doing wrong. Ok so I got some vapor with a bigger bong with the vrod. However I had to use the carb cap. Without it it just makes a whistling noise like air is escaping. Plus it doesn't pull thick vapor like that in your videos. Sounds or seems to me it's some air escaping like something that should be tight is not. @invertedisdead What could I be doing wrong?. Everything is tight when I put the heads on and everything, yet it just doesn't pull like in your video.

So I just went back to the Vrod head and the rig that came with the bundle. Now I'm finally getting some good vapor again. Ok so I figure you've got to breath in slowly and for a long time to get vapor from this. So smaller rigs/bongs will be better. So if you breath in too fast the herb doesn't get heated as well and you'll see the temp go down on the PID. So what I've been doing is breathing in really slowly and trying to keep that number at 600, you'll see if you breath in too fast the temp will go down. That signals you to slow down.
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The Dude
Checking in, been about a month with my VROD. Life changing shit man. Haven't combusted in the same amount of time, I hit it hot (750 on the Auber) all day and get thick milky hits (pause). I had a mighty to pair with it as a portable but I just sold it today, everytime I thought I might want to load a Mighty bowl I just sat down @ the VROD and forgot all about it. Going to be grabbing a Simrell instead as I think it'll satisfy my on demand needs while on the go. I really want to grab a 10/14/18mm glass bowl if possible just to see what it's like, hopefully they restock soon. If you are thinking about grabbing a VROD don't, just do it, seriously!


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
The FP is also better with flavor hits but it's also not as easy to get a good hit. Hits from the volcano are solid white at the medium and higher temps and it just keeps pumping out the vapor. With the FP you've got to finesse the hit and go slow and long otherwise you don't get much if any vapor.

Shit. I don't know what you're talking about, but one of the things I love about this vape is that I don't have to slow down my draw at all. I can pull faster than I would have on a combustion bowl, and get milky thick hits. I just have to turn the temp up higher the faster my draw.

For example, I run it at 666F for a normal medium speed hit, and around 710 or 720 for faster draws. Maybe even higher for faster, normal inhale speed type draws.

In fact, at my normal 666F, I will sometimes lift the flowerpot head slightly off the bowl for a second halfway through the hit to thin it out a bit.

And I don't ever use a carb cap with flower only. I only use it with concentrates.

I have no idea why you aren't getting similar performance out of this vape :shrug:
I feel like you are maybe just a little too cautious about the higher temps with your draw-speed. You should keep turning it up till you find your limit!

I hope others here have better ideas. Any chance you could take a video of your hit, or at least a couple pictures of your rig? Maybe that would give some of us ideas that could help, @Kins
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Well-Known Member
I noticed the shovelhead bowl has increased in price from $35 to $41. Just curious but does anyone know why?


Well-Known Member
If you send him the measurements he will make it to measure.

Inboxed (welp nevermind can’t PM you for some reason)

Regarding temps I find combustion is a higher possibility if you have more content in your bowl. Example this morning I combusted at 650F with the rod with a just above half full bowl and dab.

That's because of not removing the head fast enough or not drawing fast enough so the heat builds in one spot.

Shit. I don't know what you're talking about, but one of the things I love about this vape is that I don't have to slow down my draw at all. I can pull faster than I would have on a combustion bowl, and get milky thick hits. I just have to turn the temp up higher the faster my draw.

For example, I run it at 666F for a normal medium speed hit, and around 710 or 720 for faster draws. Maybe even higher for faster, normal inhale speed type draws.

In fact, at my normal 666F, I will sometimes lift the flowerpot head slightly off the bowl for a second halfway through the hit to thin it out a bit.

And I don't ever use a carb cap with flower only. I only use it with concentrates.

I have no idea why you aren't getting similar performance out of this vape :shrug:
I feel like you are maybe just a little too cautious about the higher temps with your draw-speed. You should keep turning it up till you find your limit!

I hope others here have better ideas. Any chance you could take a video of your hit, or at least a couple pictures of your rig? Maybe that would give some of us ideas that could help, @Kins

You are right about the temps. I was just worried about combustion.
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