
Well-Known Member
@snackmaster, I may be flying in orbit; your illustration seem to have a single tube which is larger on one end. Is that possible? :hmm:

Both ends measure equally....

:sherlock: It looks like the condenser tube may be a silly mm (or two) too—long?

My calipers kinda blow but one side was consistently measuring larger than the other. I also assumed the marks on the smaller side were machining marks, but maybe they're just from pushing the sleeve onto the tube? Yours also looks like an earlier gen omni condenser so construction may have changed.

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Lonesome Planet
Previous advertisement said 1000mah which I can confirm is good battery life. I can cap a gram with that easily. Rover reported to be 1500mah IIRC. LiPi charged with USB-C

@stark1 - that threaded piece is fixed to the condenser, right? I remember talk of a weld.

A “senior moment”? :love:


Lonesome Planet
CRS is the appropriate term @stark1 .
CTWS [can't type for shit] either - LiPo!

CRS = Can’t Remember Shit?
CTWS = Can’t Type Worth Shit?

—There ain’t no such word as “Can’t” in the language.

Good to see you sold your “baked” stem. You mentioned it hasn’t rain
But 3X in your neck of Oregon. You can always irrigate (water) your flowering
Quince to get your desired result, and harvest.

Sure the VC crowd would like your legacy FQ stems. I like
The alabaster-like quality of (your) FQ. YMMV?

No one, not even the rain has such small hands. 🙌

Oh. Add a silver ring, or inlay and you got swag!
But yeah, simplicity equates to purity. Svelte AF. 👍
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Well-Known Member
My original triple flame torch (flames are side by side by side, instead of the pyramid triple flame types) that I got with my dynavap is about bite the dust. I've had it at least 5 years if not longer, but the clicker is on its last leg and doesn't work half the time. So I just spent about 30 mins on Amazon looking at replacements, but I keep finding torches with the 3 flames in the shape of a pyramid, which I do not like to use with the dynavaps. So anyone know any Amazon torches that has the 3 flames in a line and not shaped like the pyramid?


I'm even considering going to a 2 flame torch if I can't find the triple flame. Anyone have good success with the double flames on the dynavaps? And yes I have some single flame torches but I still prefer my triple flame torch all day every day over the single.


Well-Known Member
I'm even considering going to a 2 flame torch if I can't find the triple flame. Anyone have good success with the double flames on the dynavaps? And yes I have some single flame torches but I still prefer my triple flame torch all day every day over the single.
I’ve had good luck with a Scorch double like this one, though truthfully I use single 99% of the time. I used it a lot when I began with vapcaps. And it seems to be an older model... only downside was no fuel level window.
You got a good run out of your triple—5 years!
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CRS = Can’t Remember Shit?
CTWS = Can’t Type Worth Shit?

—There ain’t no such word as “Can’t” in the language.

Good to see you sold your “baked” stem. You mentioned it hasn’t rain
But 3X in your neck of Oregon. You can always irrigate (water) your flowering
Quince to get your desired result, and harvest.

Sure the VC crowd would like your legacy FQ stems. I like
The alabaster-like quality of (your) FQ. YMMV?

No one, not even the rain has such small hands. 🙌

Oh. Add a silver ring, or inlay and you got swag!
But yeah, simplicity equates to purity. Svelte AF. 👍

"Can't" is a contraction of a real word. And no, I pulled the stem. I don't like the way this wood is. All the more reason to love the Flowering Quince. I have a lot more experience with that. And I can make them a lot slimmer. Just changing back from the long rosewood to the FC stem was like coming home.

Nature has taken care of my 2 shrubs for as long as I've lived on this rock, I'm sure. Far be it for me interfere.

The only signature I've put on stems is the pair'd grooves. Simrell seems to have gotten the same idea. Must'a been a good one.


Lonesome Planet
You can perhaps use a plant version of CRISPR to make them more hydrophilic, for a real flow? :)
In the meantime, turn , turn, turn! (“There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose, under heaven“).

BTW, “can’t” is a contraction of -‘tis too - words, you said?
VapCap, on!

The signature is in the flow of the wood, the shape. None other needed.
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LOL 6 more days! yes, that release is going to put a crimp on DIY. The Rover is looking mighty interesting.


Well-Known Member
The stem I took pic was from Etsy I believe newenglandwoodmaker or woodcorp or something newenglandwood, I'm at work can't check meow


Well-Known Member
My original triple flame torch (flames are side by side by side, instead of the pyramid triple flame types) that I got with my dynavap is about bite the dust. I've had it at least 5 years if not longer, but the clicker is on its last leg and doesn't work half the time. So I just spent about 30 mins on Amazon looking at replacements, but I keep finding torches with the 3 flames in the shape of a pyramid, which I do not like to use with the dynavaps. So anyone know any Amazon torches that has the 3 flames in a line and not shaped like the pyramid?


I'm even considering going to a 2 flame torch if I can't find the triple flame. Anyone have good success with the double flames on the dynavaps? And yes I have some single flame torches but I still prefer my triple flame torch all day every day over the single.
Just curious, what is it about the straight line 3-flame that you prefer over the triangle 3-flame?

My vertigo triangle has been rock solid for a few years now. I heat at different angles for different outcomes. Love the quick heatup time.

I would check with cigar enthusiast websites or your local cigar shop to see if they have any straight line 3 flame torches.
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Well-Known Member
My original triple flame torch (flames are side by side by side, instead of the pyramid triple flame types) that I got with my dynavap is about bite the dust. I've had it at least 5 years if not longer, but the clicker is on its last leg and doesn't work half the time. So I just spent about 30 mins on Amazon looking at replacements, but I keep finding torches with the 3 flames in the shape of a pyramid, which I do not like to use with the dynavaps. So anyone know any Amazon torches that has the 3 flames in a line and not shaped like the pyramid?


I'm even considering going to a 2 flame torch if I can't find the triple flame. Anyone have good success with the double flames on the dynavaps? And yes I have some single flame torches but I still prefer my triple flame torch all day every day over the single.

It seems like the three flames in a row is not a common design. I like the idea though.

When I am not using my IH i use one of these:

You can just buy a compatible zippo case for it. Only complaints are that it a bit weak in the wind outside and it doesn't hold a ton of butane. Combined with my IH it meets all my needs though.

They also make flat flame torches (you can google it) that are really cool looking but they are not cheap. I do not have one myself.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
As a beta tester for the new Orion IH, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that you will be excited to hear that am fucking with you as I was not a beta tester and I just had a bunch of you juicing in your shorts. Hahaha



Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to make some of my own stems on the lathe. Do people mostly use pen mandrels to turn stems on the lathe? What bushings do they use? I've had a hard time finding 8mm ID bushings that fit on a 7mm mandrel.


I do stems the hard way @Kal. I cut the blank; turn it round; core with a long bit as true as possible; Then cure.
Then I come back and true the blank to the bore; square the ends and cut the VC port 10mm deep with a 3-jaw chuck.
Now the body is ready for shaping; I use a collet with a 5/16" stub against a live center on the tailstock.
I use a jewels lathe so some of this is geared towards that. I run a 4mm bore where a pen blank rod might be harder to do.
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