I'm just about to ask this guy if he documented said behavior – owning the TM myself I am very skeptical it is even possible. I might be wrong, of course.
Well, he did say he was using a Mistvape capsule, which does protrude from the stem... seems possible there was a hard short... There seems to be no screen between the heating element and the stem.
In a quoted email from "the maker" (

) he even says the heating elements do have some variance to them.
" I have seen very hot behavior sometimes, as I said I test them
always with a machine that pulls air trough them and chamomile in the
chamber, and just white ash is left and most disappear completely in a
10 second pull. it was a heater coil that was somehow badly formed and
causing much higher temps to be reached. Only thing I can imagine is
this impact somehow then changed that in your unit. Really special as
we have manufactured about 100, and yeah sometimes such a hot unit
comes out and i need to change the heater and put it back again but
this is the first time such was shipped out, and now already twice.
But some good news - your feedback made me think that maybe there
can be times, that someone would want to have a little bit lower temps
generally, and someone hotter. So I put there now a hidden setting
that makes it possible to adjust the temp selector range -2 or +2
steps from the default, so for example when you would set it to 6, the
temperature would be actually same as now at 4. And yesterday also I
found a way to make the heater more solid in production that makes it
now easier to build them without yet any hot ones appearing. But yes,
thanks for the feedback and maybe your role was now to be an
inspiration for development. I will send you a third one today..sorry
for this again!"
I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, especially provided the information we have... and I doubt we'll get more info since that guy is banned and "the maker" seems to have an aversion to clearing the air.