@lazylathe! The EVO is end-game

. Stick around and share the EVO love if you can

Happy Friday rolling into the weekend

. It's been a great day and the EVO has been amazing. I was able to really dial in a great EVO experience because it's so consistent

. This aft I started with a heavy 1/3 ELB of that fresh quality Strawberry Cough batch... and it hit top notch awesome hard

. I've also been exercising a lot and getting a nice runner's high this summer, with its concurrent plus interesting cerebral and body experience... even before adding cannabis. Combined it's

The first SC sesh at 320F in the dry Helio mouthpiece gave big clouds (for the small amounts) to the point I instinctively also had shorter draw times; powerful stuff and super flavorful

Such great flavors with this batch at those low temps

, I swear I taste strawberry in the flavor a bit (and have with this grower, strain and his batches... true to the on-line strain descriptions), but I can't rule out implicit bias either

I then used the distilled water wet Precision honeycomb hydratube you see above to finish the ELB off in a second session a few hours later at ~ 400F (2:30 on the temp dial). It was so smooth and strong

. Very potent

I find the taste/flavor relation to a strain name is sometimes warranted, other times not. The link of strains to inherent compounds and their subsequent flavors has been established now (look at terpenes and the well reported limonene and pinene profiles

), and I've had success with great quality strain batches. I've also now repeatedly cracked open my boveda glass mason jar stored cannabis to a great nose/smell abundance and profile. The SC cough batches I've had also smell like strawberry

. Try it. I observed a piney contribution to the flavor as well in these draws

. Another strain I find faithful to its name and history is Blue Dream; it really smells like blueberries and a parent strain is blueberry indica well known for its flavors

Having dialed in a great EVO experience so far

... I decided to have bit of a roulette night again which is always fun when I choose to do it, and went with another fresh 1/4 or less ELB of that SC batch

a few hours later. I vaped it first dry again at ~ 330 F (11:30 on temp dial) for three or four draws. I'm HAF and rolling with the flow

I then proceeded to forget the ELB in the EVO for ~ 30 minutes

, subsequently doing one last draw. I checked the AVB and its on the lighter side but dark enough to be good enough because my first sesh ended up a bit on the darker side. No need to boost this small ELB to 380-390 F this time for a change. Plus if I want a bit more

later I can move on to a small fresh ELB of Acapulco Gold to finish a great Friday night. Because why not

Enjoy Friday night and the EVO

Sorry for the opus, it's the fresh quality strong sativa flower stream of consciousness that took a number of hours to get here
