The trouble I see with this are that the tolerances for such a tool would have to be tighter than Dynavap’s tolerances for condensers currently are. I have some condensers that I can’t fit a titanium spinning mouthpiece over, while others the same mouthpiece works with ease. For a hollow tube to set an x-ring, it would have to be tight enough to be sure the x-ring didn’t try to slip under it.
I don't know about that. I can get thin metal tubing at Home Depo and cut it...but I'm too lazy to go do that and put a decent wooden grip on it. So I'm ok paying someone else who will if it's a reasonable price...which I happen to think his current price for current product is.
Shut up and take my money?
...regarding your idea of a x ring mover to close off the carb....doesnt that involve moving the ribg down the stem toward the tip? As that means pushing from the mouthpiec end and there is an xring in the way, youd need to take the condensor out, or at least remove the the mouthpiece xring to get to the ibterior x ring.......what you are looking for is an x ring puller...inserted from the tip end and pulling the inside x ring towards you. Even if that were possible, youd need to remove the condensor to reset it anyway
I do have some stems about finished that have a default closed carbhole. I have moved the carb up towards the mouth end...when the xring is in its groove, the carb is closed. An x ring pusher would work in this design, as you could open the carb by pushing the tool from the tip end. is amater of ibdibg a hollow tube with the tolarances needed, as dab8 mentioned...would need an ID greater than 5mm and an OD of less than 7mm I did a quick ebay search...china supplier may have something but its 22$?a foot snd tolarances are .5 mm so its a turkey shoot as to whether youd get a tube the right size
If there is interest in my x ring remover Inside Tool, let me know
Hmmm. I don't get your objection. I've done it with a plastic straw. You just put the condenser in with the lower x-ring, and you put your finger over the tip end while you use the tube (in my past experience, that is a plastic straw that is larger than the condenser, but smaller than the inside of my M body), to push the x-ring down to partially or fully close off the carb-hole, then I push on the x-ring at the end of the mouthpiece.
Once I have it where I want it, I don't have to take off the mouthpiece-end x-ring (and possibly a mouthpiece or not, depending if M or other) off again till it's time to clean the thing...and then I'm taking it apart anyway, so I don't get the issue.
The problem with the above tool is that a plastic straw is fragile, and easy to bend or break when pushing down the carb-hole-setting x-ring, and I suspect that a metal tube would work better, maybe?

...and I nice little wooden grip affixed to that metal tube that is much stronger and more functional than a plastic straw would be more comfortable to use.
But hey, what do I know. Maybe I'm crazy. If I were, I probably wouldn't know, right?
But you all would know, wouldn't you. You sneaky bastards. I see what you're doing
Who was it recently brought up the subject of switching back to torch lighters after a long spell using IH? Apologies for not remembering. Please make yourself known to a flight attendant. I've been having the exact same experience lately and I have two theories I'd like to run by you:
A. We use the IH mostly when we're comfortably sitting around at home, doing stuff or just chilling... but it's routine - load her up, pop her in, perfect vapor every time. However, when we are out it's probably with friends and we're hoping to win them over to VapCappin' so we're having a good time and we decide this thing works way better with flame but it could be subjective.
I'm the opposite with my IH. I use the IH when I'm doing things, or in a hurry, or otherwise don't have the time to sit down and properly roast like a surgeon with a proper small single-flame torch and give myself the proper milky hits I deserve at the end of a hard days work when I'm sitting down to relax.
B. In the same way as many professional chefs favour open flame gas cookers to vitroceramic induction hobs because of better heat control and tactile interaction. And 'cause it just tastes better.
Either way, I'm going to order a box of those Vertigo three in line lighters
Now you're getting it. You should try
one of these for when you are ready to relax and enjoy a good roast. You switch it on and spark it, then the torch stays on till you switch it off...leaving you without having to hold down any damn button, and feeling much more tactile wit the lighter, as you can hold it any way when heating without your thumb being affixed to one spot. It may sound like a little thing, but it makes it a very comfortable torch to use with something else similarly small and a Dynavap vaporizer
And I get too feel like a vape-ninja, with my tactile little weapon.
So essentially a reverse-carb?
Actually, and imho, it seems more like an actual carb (carburetor), which is intended to maintain a properly regulated mix and flow of air with the other substance (in a normal carburetor would be fuel), and which's second function is to keep the second substance in a vapor form to properly mix with the airflow till the mix still properly mixed so that it gets to it's destination and does it's job more eficiently. So yeah, the Dynavap carb seems like more of a true carb, in the way that it's insides and outsides together least to my crazy ass
...okay. I'll shut up now.