
Well-Known Member
I like the small orb looking one Pete uses.

@odc57 if you need stealth go smallest. If you want the most cooling go bigger. I can't wait to go bigger
I have the little bandit, micro bandit (it was a freebie), and the globe. They are all pretty awesome. It always amazes me how even a very small amount of water is enough to really smooth out vapor. I’m less a fan of the bandits for daily at home use because of the two-hands-needed, and vapcap pointing down use position. It just feels less relaxing to me than dropping the vong into the globe. The sneaky Pete globe, with whip or with DDave wand as mouthpiece, is the water tool I use most often.


Well-Known Member
I just received notice from USPS that my pre-order will arrive April 1st.:)
I'm in the UK so will have to wait a bit longer.

I just got one of these little guys. Holy geez it hits hard! It gets me high more faster than any of my other vapes!
I have a flower pot twax which is probably the best desktop vape out there but I use my vapcap more!
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@Ramahs wha you mean by “I don't like tinypic at all because there's always a damn captcha.”

Noticed that images can be posted without signing in to one’s account, but those become part of
The public domain, I bet. Nice catch.

Ahh. Got ya. I would never want to have to have an account with any of these image hosting sites. The point is to be anonymous.
And I could care less if a picture I upload to the public domain has illegal drug paraphernalia, as long as I'm not in the picture, nor anything else that would identify me. I would never use an image hosting site for these types of pics if I had to make an account.

BTW, did you get your Glass Charlie cooling stems. Mine is at the local snail mail facility, 2B
Delivered this morning. I am psyched, hoping that it will help tame the flame from some of my VapCaps.

Choo-Choo Charlie, babes!

Nope, but the tracking currently shows as "Out for Delivery", so I expect to have it later this afternoon :rockon:

Have you noticed that glass blowers began making the inverted glass spiked stem after
ELV8R came out with their heaters.....

I dissagree.
I've seen glass-makers incorporating those types of pushed-in spikes in some stems for decades, or as long as I can really remember. Elev8 Glass was definitely not the first to do that.

I just got one of these little guys. Holy geez it hits hard! It gets me high more faster than any of my other vapes!

Heeeyyyyyyy, welcome to the family!
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VapeLife X
@cybrguy ...agreed: fuck em!

Does t work it all upside down in a induction heater ?
I use the induction heater upside down, but with a hemp fiber bed and the concentrates sitting on top of the mattress with a cap on top, any orientation would work.

@Chandler I medium pack the hemp fiber to 3/4 of the bowls volume, you still want good airflow...and the fiber can be use until it gets hard and crackly or develops an undersired taste, it will usually last me a few days before I get a new piece and you just vape it until the hemp fiber is not sticky.

@antispleen love those double torches! They may be stronger than the single flames...i like using mine turned the other way though, rolling the tip inbetween the two flames :rockon:


Well-Known Member
I have the little bandit, micro bandit (it was a freebie), and the globe. They are all pretty awesome. It always amazes me how even a very small amount of water is enough to really smooth out vapor. I’m less a fan of the bandits for daily at home use because of the two-hands-needed, and vapcap pointing down use position. It just feels less relaxing to me than dropping the vong into the globe. The sneaky Pete globe, with whip or with DDave wand as mouthpiece, is the water tool I use most often.

I'm thinking the bandits would work pretty well dry too. I'm not a fan of how hot the vapor is using the dynacoil on its own. I like the idea of something extra portable to cool things down that doesn't involve the mess of water.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
So my wife surprised me for my birthday today with this @primitiveorganic Simrell Collection stem and matching storage case and i absolutely love it.

I'm not 100% sure but i think its Burl and Acrylic.

The quality and craftsmanship are superb.


Holy crap, that's beautiful! You, my friend, are a lucky individual!

Tell your wife thanks from me...because her awesome gift to you allowed me to see this beautiful work of art! :clap:

And last, but not least, habby friggin birthday, @CarlosSpiceyWeiner ! :party:
May your Weiner(s) always remain spicy (or something like that, lol)!!!



Well-Known Member
Holy crap, that's beautiful! You, my friend, are a lucky individual!

Tell your wife thanks from me...because her awesome gift to you allowed me to see this beautiful work of art! :clap:

And last, but not least, habby friggin birthday, @CarlosSpiceyWeiner ! :party:
May your Weiner(s) always remain spicy (or something like that, lol)!!!

She said you're very welcome..

Thank you for the birthday wishes and a good laugh. :rofl:

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Well-Known Member
Holy crap, that's beautiful! You, my friend, are a lucky individual!

Tell your wife thanks from me...because her awesome gift to you allowed me to see this beautiful work of art! :clap:

And last, but not least, habby friggin birthday, @CarlosSpiceyWeiner ! :party:
May your Weiner(s) always remain spicy (or something like that, lol)!!!

Beautiful peace of work. How can someone get one??? :leaf:


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Woo-hoo! Mine’s in! It’s tine-nee


Congrats. I was hoping to have mine today as well, but shit, I guess I wont have mine till Monday.

The tracking showed it arrived at my local post office early in the AM hours this morning.
It updated to "Out for Delivery" at about 9:45am, and it still says out for delivery now well into the afternoon.
I waited and eventually went ahead and checked my mailbox, which contained today's mail, but not my package from Glass Charlie.
I guess the mail delivery person must have overlooked it :cry: :bang:
(sorry, but I don't have anyone else to vent to about it right now, except for you people here)

**update edit**
Now I'm really annoyed. I just received a notification from the post office that they tried to deliver it 20-minutes ago, but "no authorized recipient available", and that they left a note...and I've been in my living room, 15 feet away from the front door with an actual view out the window where I'd see a usps vehicle if they pulled up in the driveway. They never attempted delivery.

Now I have to either reschedule for next Saturday (it's the only day I won't be at work during delivery hours), or pick it up at the post office (also only open when I'm at work, and I don't have a vehicle to go during lunch). Also, I just checked and there is no note on or around my door/porch, nor is there a note in my mailbox...and I don't even know if they'll let me pick up a package without the failed delivery note.

Shitty delivery person I have. :bang::bang::bang:
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