
Lonesome Planet

A couple roughies. My band saw decided to stop working so troubleshooting time, and then I have some trim boards to get ready.

A few vapcaps has my back and head feeling fine. No nausea either!

Made in the good ole US of Aye! Keep on turnin, Bro,

PS Please send me an invoice, for one? Old Bog wood. LOL

Look out! —Ed, the Kids coming!

Edited: OKe Doke, Black wood, then.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks folks,

Just run a load thoruhg the M so sorry if my speeling is a bit wonky... :tup:

It seems to be more pronounced when I pull straight to lung with the hole uncovered.

The 1st few hits, are fine... it's the following hits and they leave an aftertaste of acrid with a metal tang to them. And just to add to that, if I put some already vaped bud out another vape in to finish it off, I don;t get the horrid taste.

I can taste the difference between a beer in a bottle and a beer in a can, so maybe that's my issue too... It's me who's not working properly! (and leaving a bad taste in people's mouths!)

Ah man, now I gotta sweet talk the wife and explain I need a ti vapcap.

i would make sure the cap is ok ... and if you can taste it more with the carb open i'd say you probably want the least amount of SS in your airpath so you may want a diff stem/body as well.

the cap itself can def mess up taste if you recently combusted in it for example.. how many is 1st few hits? taste should be great at least for 3 i think.

i can still tell my TI omni is metallic compared to glass but nothing is ever acrid even in the M ... you might want to consider the OG glass idk

edit: what are you using for heating if you don't mind saying?


Well-Known Member
edit: AFAIK the M is all SS ... i would get a TI tip+condenser(+spinning MP) (the stem/body matters very little for taste) if you really like the M ... TI also has a different heating profile and more airflow
Sometime mid last year dynavap switched to all ti condensers, even in the M. You can tell if your condenser is ti by touching your torch to it—ti will change colors (quick and dirty anodization).


Well-Known Member
Well, I just drop in here every 100 pages or so (haha) to say that I still love my vapcaps.

Main VC these days is a Ti tip and a DDave Mod cooling wand in an FC-188 without water.

Its a killer watching the vapor fill the glass....looks like like something alive in there slowly climbing to the top...then pull and clear it. Huge hits, extraordinarily efficient and effective.



Well-Known Member
And, I would like to add that George is like the coolest most laid back dude ever in vaping.

He's like the Prairie Home Companion of vaporizer vendors!!

Here's to you, George...I still remember buying my first glass OG VC and I still have it and still use it!! Well, sometimes. LOL
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Hell yeah. Tho not so much with the M.
Like your setup!

I had some Sherlock’s custom made near my crib about 6 year’s ago that were similar.
They were longer I think sometimes? (Broke so much glass!)

Da “M” with water is perfect 4-me!

I’m MEDICAL these daze’s!

RECREATIONAL is only a dream!
@cybrguy when I go 2 EUROPE this spring I will show my GERMANY friends !(video of snoop-dogg)
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Well-Known Member
In the DV Live episode where George introduces the green Omni he mentions that it will wear with use.

Cool thanks! Missed that one. It honestly doesn't bother me. I mean, the cap completely covers that part anyway.

I don't see any other parts fading with good care. Was just curious though, thanks again.

edit: haha they show the green/shadow combo in that video, beat me to it I guess! :lol: Still lovin' mine!


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Hi Dynavappers... (is there a collective noun for people in this thread?)

So I've had a bit of a love hate relationship with my M. Basically it just leaves me with a metallic taste in my mouth after each use.

I clean it by long soaking in 99.9% ISO after every evening of use, then I Qtip it all out and then I run it in hot water and leave to dry on the radiator. When assembled again, I run through a heat cycle and blow through it to get rid of any left over water/ISO. Always a little puff of steam! :tup:

But I just can't seem to shake the taste of metal.

Does anyone else have this?

Is it the stainless? Does the ti do it too?

I really wanna love it, it's perfect for me... but that taste.

Marcus I too am sensitive to the metalic taste; both in the ss and ti vapcaps. After trying all the typical iso and water/soup cleanings..l found the only thing that worked was 5 min or so in an ultrasonic cleaner. body, condenser w/out the O rings, ccd, and tip w/out the hi temp rings. Everything but the cap, as I dont know what the vibs would do to the clicker. cleaners can be had for cheap on ebay etc., or ask friends if anyone has one. solution is just water with a couple drops of Dawn liquid dishsoap mixed in.

blessings danielj


Backwoods Rated
Missed about a dozen pages... But i got time now to go back and catch up, while enjoying a few clicks of a cap, of course!!

Bought a new boat a couple days ago... Soon as i got it home i was looking for a place to mount a magnet near the driver seat, looking for a good "emergency" vapcap hiding place, and dreaming of waterproof induction heaters for those windy days :D


Child Of The Revolution
Missed about a dozen pages... But i got time now to go back and catch up, while enjoying a few clicks of a cap, of course!!

Bought a new boat a couple days ago... Soon as i got it home i was looking for a place to mount a magnet near the driver seat, looking for a good "emergency" vapcap hiding place, and dreaming of waterproof induction heaters for those windy days :D
Congratulations on the new boat! Or should I say, the aquatic support for the VapCap...


Well-Known Member

A couple roughies. My band saw decided to stop working so troubleshooting time, and then I have some trim boards to get ready.

A few vapcaps has my back and head feeling fine. No nausea either!

Hi everyone Im longtime familiar with vapcaps, they caught my attention when they came out, I knew such a thing must be possible because first time when I was vaping, It was all accidental, I got this glass pipe which I stuffed herb with a little and I heated it from the bottom, I remember the flavor was amazing ! ,that got me well.

but to the point, I really like the novavong, the woody ones, all the inside all aluminium, I mean even the cap? and please, did you made these wooden bodies by yourself? do you know the measurements? do they fir in a rig just like the nanovong ones do?
I have this beautiful piece of wood which I would be very glad to work with or send it to someone who would have the possibility to make these :) The wood is pink or purple heart(not sure how it is called)
I really like how precise you made yours ! :)
Well, I just drop in here every 100 pages or so (haha) to say that I still love my vapcaps.

Main VC these days is a Ti tip and a DDave Mod cooling wand in an FC-188 without water.

Its a killer watching the vapor fill the glass....looks like like something alive in there slowly climbing to the top...then pull and clear it. Huge hits, extraordinarily efficient and effective.

costum budget all glass rig piece? titanium ? it looks amazing, I bet it hit well too love the ion rig
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