Lonesome Planet
Gram for gram i think Vapcap is the most potent vape out there.
Desktops that get you higher use more material but if you put the amount u put into a vc chamber in a another vape i don't think anything is as potent, i swear the VC gets me higher than smoking ever did.
Even buds G43 i like the guy so not being negative but for the amount you load in that thing of course clouds are bigger and gets you higher.
I really wanted to love the SB Jr but its too unpredictable so you end up using more material trying to perfect your technique which you never really can.
I have had every note worthy vape and was always messing around with variables in load/inhale technique and cleaning was a chore.
Vapcap is the first only vape i have ever been satusfied with. The torch is only negative but jas now become ritualistic sp i dont actually mind it anymore i just struggle outdoors in the wind.
Hope i can meet Georhlge one day in the uk, his device changed my life, he is the elon musk of vapes!

@ the cannabis Spannibis. Possibly some of the rest of the VapCap family.

Say hello for us, please.

@stark1 Homeland security and US Customs are Federal. Any bud found in any US airport will def get you incarcerated.
Nothing like a warm cell, and 3 squares mid-February.

I’ve been strictly DynaVap or cartridges, but I’ll admit the ArGo has caught my eye.
If you are the easy going type the ArGo is fine, but even being a New York minute kind of guy,
I find a minute too agonizing a wait for the heat up.
Outside—in the howling winds of winter, you’ll be crying Buck-its.

Good thing “in this age of miracles”, we have *INDUCTION HEATERS*!

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