Well-Known Member
It will work very well but if you don't have hemp or cotton get prepered for some heavy cleaning. But it can get you through the evening scratching gunk out a bit with the cap.
I think we may be discussing different products. My hash has never left gunk in the cap or elsewhere. It doesn't melt.
Traditional solid non melty hash can be vaped native without leaving any residue whatsoever.
Yes it will just bounce around in there just like a small flower nug will.Won't it move around in there? Guess that doesn't matter?
I'm also in Canada so I suspect your hash is the same type of non melty hash that's available to me. Works great fashioned into a flat slice or pancake in the Vapcap. Heat in cycles until no more vapor is produced.
In fact, I think I'll join you in a nice hash toke...

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