Thing is, you don't want Smoant or Vaporesso or other well-rated mods as they aren't firmware supported by the big 4 (Red Panda included) &, hence, almost all only have 10 sec. firing. And you're so right that hitting that button 2 times in a PITA. So it's worth getting an upgradeable mod just for this 1 feature.
I don't know. The 10 seconds cutoff is a (small) problem for me only with the Project Pure SF as it's a 14mm stem system and it requires rather long and slow draws to get the vapor density I like. But I never draw more than 10 seconds with my iHeat for instance (the heat kills my throat anyway!) so I assume I wouldn't want more than 10 seconds with a Splinter (like I don't for my other RBT vapes)
Also you can trigger once for preheating, release when you put the vape in your mouth and retrigger for the draw. This way it could make the 10 seconds enough...
I don't remember what the max cutoff time is on my DNA75...
Boy, I sure did a lot of
think- ing in this post.

KZ (or anyone), please feel free to correct my incorrect assumptions & presumptions. Just be gentle.
You're doing well. But I can still slap you with a rose if you want! Teehee!
@KeroZen don't you get like 30 pulls from a Zion and Nomad stem? That's just a slow developing session.
It is, but it's at my own pace, most often in front of a computer, so it's stretched over a long period. With straits of chain-hitting spaced by periods of resting on the desk. I like the freedom and not having to care about timers. I also don't wear any watch if that matters!
4. Related to the above points: some people claim that unregulated is just plain better vapor (I disagree).
There are valid reasons to say that though. Zion is unregulated yet is much more enjoyable than any of my regulated vapes. The slow organic temperature climbing... and less of a "sucking a hair drier" effect. Because that's the problem with TC: every-time you fail to bump the temperature in time, you get diminishing results and hence less concentrated hits that are more and more only hot air.
To add onto this for others who are mod shopping, I believe Yihi is one of the better chips for TC capability as well.
I believed that too, but now we have official confirmation: YiHi chipsets are not compatible for our usage, be it dry herbs or concentrates. There is a protection inside that detects when the coil(s) is/are not submerged and it cuts off. They work pretty well for e-cigs but unfortunately not for us.
Well i dont know about your experience with this software but i can for sure tell that it doesnt force you to hit it ,because it doesnt heat your herb until you dont start to draw.. ALso wattage consumption once the heater is up to temp is like 4-5w ,so even if i hit it just 3 or 4 times during a 2 even 2-3 minutes cruise the toll on the battery life is almost the same compared to on demand for same amount of heat.. I will have to check how is that for the PAM heater but for TUBOx it is definetly like that. Of course total wattage consumption will equal how many times and how long and hard you have drawn during the session.
I know that against all odds, under some settings cruise mode can be more energy efficient than on-demand. But that was not my point.
Also 4W continuously going to the heater tends to make the atty and mod overheat. My iHeat already gets too hot to hold comfortably just with regular use. With my SS and glass attachments it's even worse. Some users using cruise mode wonder why they get the "device too hot" message, but the correlation is quite obvious.
But really my reason is more about the loss of perceived freedom. I don't like having things imposed on me. I didn't like having timers in my conduction vapes, always having to check whether it was on or off, restarting it every 5 minutes etc. It's much more natural and intuitive to me to have just a trigger that I push when I draw. But it's not a competition to know which method is best heh, if you guys like cruise mode by all means do what makes you happy!