
Well-Known Member


Regarding using the pax loading tool for vapcaps, I really like the look and idea of these a lot, but as I think about it, loading them is pretty easy as it is. Just stick the tip into your material, suck on the mouth piece if you want, and remove. For those of you that grabbed these, do they definitely add anything to your usage of vapcaps?


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@StringTheorista, consensus seems to favor the authentic New Vape loading tool as its scoop is a little larger & it's a little longer in length. @LabPong has several pics on the 2nd page to show the size difference. Since these are imgur pics, just highlight the post & hit reply & the pics will appear.

You sure the one @StringTheorista linked was a fake, as the seller is new-vape? Or is that a completely fake store by someone else?


Well-Known Member
I Love my dynavaps! Oh how I wish that there was an official Dynavaps heater for the Dynavaps. It would just make my experience so much more satisfying. I know I should get a pipes custom but just want to plug n play from Dynavap.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I Love my dynavaps! Oh how I wish that there was an official Dynavaps heater for the Dynavaps. It would just make my experience so much more satisfying. I know I should get a pipes custom but just want to plug n play from Dynavap.

Though, I bet the Dynavap IH is going to be three times the price.


Long Island, NY
You sure the one @StringTheorista linked was a fake, as the seller is new-vape? Or is that a completely fake store by someone else?

Let not say, fake, but rather a Chinese knock-off. ;)

I went on price thinking that I'd be getting an exact dupe. Don't get me wrong, it works fine, but if I had to do it over again, I'd pay the few $ more & get the NV one as the bowl is a tad larger. But since I have this one, there really is no need for the original just because it's a tad larger.
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Well-Known Member
Wood. So natural. That’s one flower of a nug.

@Whissmu is that a black cap from days of yore? Wish I had snatched one up then, but I am moving
slower these days.

Happy Holidaze! They already have Black Friday sales ongoing here in t- Rump land....

:leaf:It is a gorilla glue:leaf: ! :peace: born free :peace:!!

The cup is current, it came out dark in the photo but it is bright and golden ... but I have an old one somewhere .. :hmm:


Active Member
Im wondering if the vapcap can be used to decarb Herb?

Basically, you close off the mouthpiece and the carb and just go through 6 or so heat cycles without using the vapor then simply add the baked herb to something?

perhaps an empty capsule, might try this and update
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Well-Known Member
Yes, but it's not going to be very efficient at keeping your active ingredients and it's going to take ages to decarb any useful amount for cooking.
There's a ton of methods using normal cooking stuff like ovens, crockpots, even saw one guy decarbing in a toaster, even that's probably easier than using your vapcap mate.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to get an vapcap. I would appreciate some help thinking through what i'm after.

I think I'd like to go with the omnivap titanium-XL. I think I would like using this on demand quick hits and mobile style.

I'd also like to try using it with a bubbler (not sure how frequently I'd use it this way).

Now on their website they have the omnivong - XL.. Are these the exact same as the OVapTXL except the wood adapter sleeve rather than the cool jaggedy looking titanium sleeve?

I'd be able to use a OVongXL the same as the OVapTXL without a bubbler the exact same way? is there any experience difference weith the wood sleeve vs the titanium sleeve via "standard" usage?

Trying to determing which way to go. Not sure if I'll use this "standard" or with a bubbler more. Would there be any difference adapting the titananium XL with the fat cap to a 14mm vs getting the omnivongXL?

or is it really just come down to aesthetics here?


Well-Known Member
Yes, omni refers to the dial-able carb system, Vong means 'vapcap on glass', the only difference between the vong and titanium bodies is heat transfer - wood is a far better insulator so the ti body may get hot during intensive use, the wood won't.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply.

So there's nothing about the "standard" use that comes out different between the Ti sleeve vs the wood sleeve as far as heat conduction or something creating more/less vape or something?


Well-Known Member
Nope, the tip, cap and condenser are identical and the actual body never touches the vapor. You could take an Omnivong apart and just swap the body with a ti version or vice versa.
That's why we call Vapcaps 'Lego for Stoners', you can mix and max stuff to get your own.


Well-Known Member
wood is a far better insulator so the ti body may get hot during intensive use, the wood won't.

To @2hrs: while the above comment is clearly true, take also into consideration that wood may expand / contract and even crack with severe and repeated temperature changes. You may want to keep this in mind when making your purchase. Whatever you choose, though, you'll be happy. A good possibility you may want to consider is to start with an OmniVap XL and later on, if satisfied, buy a Vong stem. In that scenario, you'd have both the durability of titanium and the water tool experience for a kind of reasonable price.

Doktor Dub

Well-Known Member
@2hrs plus it s easy to try a bubbler with the TI with the help of a dynavap fat mouthpiece (very cheap) or a glas reducer to 10mm or appropriate o-rings from a hardware store...

Many people including myself love the zombie apocalypse ability of the Omnivap so i feel that the TI middlepart is a great fitting for every Omni :-)



Lonesome Planet
Work from the basic M up, and soon you will be awed by the many other possibilities offered
in the VapCap family.

Working from the top down, is not as much fun.

Meanwhile, if you think ahead, Black Friday will soon floor some of us. :cheers:

Surprise. Surprise. :bang:
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Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, if you think ahead, Black Friday will soon floor some of us.

That's exactly what i'm doing :brow: although I don't know about working my way up. I'm sure journey of upgrading is fun, but for something like this I'm kinda having a "buy nice or buy twice" sort of feeling...although I'll probably get caught up in the "lego-ness" at some point.

@2hrs plus it s easy to try a bubbler with the TI with the help of a dynavap fat mouthpiece (very cheap) or a glas reducer to 10mm or appropriate o-rings from a hardware store...

Many people including myself love the zombie apocalypse ability of the Omnivap so i feel that the TI middlepart is a great fitting for every Omni :-)


This is exactly what I was thinking is is just go with the premium big dawg version right away. get a fat cap to try it with bubblers and see how it goes and then if i love it probably lego my ass off later for fun.

To @2hrs: while the above comment is clearly true, take also into consideration that wood may expand / contract and even crack with severe and repeated temperature changes. You may want to keep this in mind when making your purchase. Whatever you choose, though, you'll be happy. A good possibility you may want to consider is to start with an OmniVap XL and later on, if satisfied, buy a Vong stem. In that scenario, you'd have both the durability of titanium and the water tool experience for a kind of reasonable price.

This is good info to consider. I was thinking exactly like you suggested of having both stems. That's why I was asking if there was much difference in usage between the Ti sleeve vs wood in either config. But if they both hit roughly the same I love the way Ti XL sleeve looks...If a fat cap will adapt the Ti XL to work basically the same as a vong sleeve, i'll probably just go with the Ti XL and keep an eye out for updating to cool exocit vong sleeve if I end up using it frequently with the bubbler.

Is it possible to make your own custom stem? that would probably be bad ass crafty-time project.

oh one other thing.

How is traveling with vapcap? it seems like this is probabl one of the better vapes if you wan to take it with you, no? you can completely scrub it down and sterilize it before packing it?

I'm newer to vaporizing, but don't want to combust anymore. so if I go visit some people, i would love to be able to vape without a huge "kit"...

any air-travel-with-vapcap tips?
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Well-Known Member
That's exactly what i'm doing :brow: although I don't know about working my way up. I'm sure journey of upgrading is fun, but for something like this I'm kinda having a "buy nice or buy twice" sort of feeling...although I'll probably get caught up in the "lego-ness" at some point.

You’re not wrong. Plus, the M turns out to have much to commend it even after you’ve bought an Omni—like it’s inexpensive relatively, so is good for travel if you are concerned about losing it. And the stainless steel tip is very nice in the @DDave water wand. Holds its heat longer than the ti tip, so allows longer/more pulls before reheating.

How is traveling with vapcap? it seems like this is probabl one of the better vapes if you wan to take it with you, no? you can completely scrub it down and sterilize it before packing it?

Yes, this. The all metal of the M or the ti body is completely odorless when cleaned well (whereas the wooden bodies can have some slight odor). I’ve added a small bottle of everclear and lots of q-tips to my travel toiletries bag :ninja:


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if the vapcap can be used to decarb Herb?

Basically, you close off the mouthpiece and the carb and just go through 6 or so heat cycles without using the vapor then simply add the baked herb to something?

perhaps an empty capsule, might try this and update

Just do 2-3 cycles with inhaling the vapor, then stop and keep the golden brown flowers to eat it / bake cookies. Of course you have to do this more than once to have enough for 1 eating high.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what i'm doing :brow: although I don't know about working my way up. I'm sure journey of upgrading is fun, but for something like this I'm kinda having a "buy nice or buy twice" sort of feeling...although I'll probably get caught up in the "lego-ness" at some point.

This is exactly what I was thinking is is just go with the premium big dawg version right away. get a fat cap to try it with bubblers and see how it goes and then if i love it probably lego my ass off later for fun.

This is good info to consider. I was thinking exactly like you suggested of having both stems. That's why I was asking if there was much difference in usage between the Ti sleeve vs wood in either config. But if they both hit roughly the same I love the way Ti XL sleeve looks...If a fat cap will adapt the Ti XL to work basically the same as a vong sleeve, i'll probably just go with the Ti XL and keep an eye out for updating to cool exocit vong sleeve if I end up using it frequently with the bubbler.

Is it possible to make your own custom stem? that would probably be bad ass crafty-time project.

I had the same feeling, I went for the OmniVap XL and I certainly don't regret it. In fact, I'm very happy about it.

oh one other thing.

How is traveling with vapcap? it seems like this is probabl one of the better vapes if you wan to take it with you, no? you can completely scrub it down and sterilize it before packing it?

I'm newer to vaporizing, but don't want to combust anymore. so if I go visit some people, i would love to be able to vape without a huge "kit"...

any air-travel-with-vapcap tips?

Is it portable? Yes! Is it easy to load? Yes (particularly with an XL Dynastash, which should certainly be your next purchase). Is it comfortable to use? Yes, SO LONG wind is not excessive / temperature is not too low / there's a fucking storm right there. So, both indoors and in good weather conditions, it's awesome. Else, it may not be your best choice. Also notice that those power-based butane torches consume A LOT OF GAS. If you plan to be out and about for long, either carry a big lighter, or two lighters or some additional gas. In the end, any vape you buy will lead you to a particular way of using it. I'm telling you that because at some point I felt a bit frustrated on how I had to adapt to the vape I was using. Then I understood that I have adapted to pretty much anything I've bought (since the computer I'm using now to all the Vapcaps I currently have). And let me repeat this: all vapes have their compromises; which ones you are willing to assume is the question I believe you should ask yourself.

PS: next time you see yourself posting right after a post of yourself, try to edit your previous post (I did the same my first time here, so don't worry).


Active Member
Just do 2-3 cycles with inhaling the vapor, then stop and keep the golden brown flowers to eat it / bake cookies. Of course you have to do this more than once to have enough for 1 eating high.

tried one cap-full with 2 heating cycles

100 minute onset time, and a very mild microdose bodybuzz ensued.

i would compare the effect to taking a few asprins except with a kind of glow to your mood

basically not worth the waste of flower,

smoking 1 3rd the regular amount would have gotten better effects.


Well-Known Member
You’re not wrong. Plus, the M turns out to have much to commend it even after you’ve bought an Omni—like it’s inexpensive relatively, so is good for travel if you are concerned about losing it. And the stainless steel tip is very nice in the @DDave water wand. Holds its heat longer than the ti tip, so allows longer/more pulls before reheating.

you know what, I think you just convinced me to get both... lol. you're right, i'm doing some travelling soon and thought about if something happendd to the $180 TiXL would sting... but the cheap M would be perfect for travel and interesting to get the difference in experiences....

lol, i'm a full blown vapcap-head tinkerer and lego customizer before I have even bought anything.


Active Member
you know what, I think you just convinced me to get both... lol. you're right, i'm doing some travelling soon and thought about if something happendd to the $180 TiXL would sting... but the cheap M would be perfect for travel and interesting to get the difference in experiences....

lol, i'm a full blown vapcap-head tinkerer and lego customizer before I have even bought anything.

The M is good enough, the upgrade you kind of buy out of respect for the genius of the M but not necessarily because it's so much better.

I have an M and will buy a few more so that i dont have to refill the chamber, i just switch to a new M adjusting the carb is kinda not necessary because you can just modulate it with your thumb on the M and the adjustable bowl is not necessary because you can control how tightly to pack the 0.15 gram bowl

3 vapcap m's FTW

and a good induction heater!

not sure if others here agree but i think the M is perfect, no way to improve it for the price, as for the titanium tips... well you can heat you normal M tip up faster just by moving the flame closer to the bowl or using a slightly thicker flame on your lighter

I will eventually end up getting an upgraded version

if you want the best possible vape get a volcano for home use,

My vapcap M hits as hard as the volcano with the same amount of herb so i know i cant do better than that, hence i think the upgrade is over-kill
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