Dear Vapcappers,
I didn't had and have the time to read this thread frequently, but glad to see that more and more people find the Vapcap and this thread!
It was a busy month: finished the school year working at two schools, and a week ago my wife gave birth to our first child

Everything is going well!
@beyond6strings mentioned months ago, I paraphrase, that cannabis can make you a better parent. I was very reluctant with vaping, but a few days ago my wife almost demanded that I took a hit. And yes, I can say now without any doubt that cannabis helps me to be a better father: it helps me to focus, to finish all the mandatory tasks (cleaning, changing diapers, etc.) and to take the time to relax and prepare for the nights with only a little bit of sleep.
The Vapcap is very practical in these times: you can (un)load quickly, take a quick hit, tritrate the perfect amount of cannabinoids and put the VC safely on the magnet on the Dynastash. Fathers and mothers, I recommend Dynavap