
Long Island, NY
Code is alrdy working as Hackerman posted before :)

Yeah, because the early preview sale for us members endied at 4:20 this morning. Now the 20% applies for everyone.

@frosty234, can't peak for the cocobolo as haven't heard anything negative about this wood, but I did hear the blackwood was subject to cracking/splitting, and supposedly it's a very hard wood to work with. Although if it was offered again by DV in a vong stem, I would seriously consider it. Personally, I'm not a fan of the DV's 2 sustainable woods. This being said, if I wanted a wood stem, I'd go to phattpiggie or winegums or pick up a used one on the dynaexchange(?) on reddit or the classifieds here. Unfortunately sneakypetes, too, is sold out.

Here's my fav stem by winegums, blue dyed maple: :drool:


@gunmetalshark, why not be greedy & keep both for yourself. :evil: This way, you can switch off between the 2 stems. I betcha you, you having a choice, will only enhance your vc experience. :nod: My vote is for trying out having both for a short period before giving the M away.

@stark, not surprised you can relate to my greed post. ;) :lol:
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Lonesome Planet
@stark, not surprised you can relate to my greed post. ;) :lol:

WOT. Makes :2c:, not unreasonable.

BTW. My you have some big hands. :evil:
She’s got the whole world inner hands.

So, what did you get. Those flash $ales fulfilled my appetite. if only @DynaVap had white summer hats,
they call me a hothead when I wear winter black.
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Long Island, NY
WOT??? May get an 18M & engraved cap. We'll see.

I just watched today's live feed in its entirety & I have to say that was the best feed ever. Very lively. Joe W. & George make a great team. Both were relaxed, talkative & boy was George animated. A++ :tup:


Lonesome Planet
WOT??? May get an 18M & engraved cap. We'll see.

I just watched today's live feed in its entirety & I have to say that was the best feed ever. Very lively. Joe W. & George make a great team. Both were relaxed, talkative & boy was George animated. A++ :tup:

The sho went on like a smooth OmniVap, sho did. :nod: Geo n’ Joe complemented each other. Neat.

The best, so far. :tup:

:bowdown: Howto post questions live—& howto win DV prizes a lil help here, please:zzz:


Long Island, NY
To post questions you must be watching the livefeed & you have to sign in. When signed in you will have access to the live feed chat box on the upper right. There you can enter your comments; like facebook. A winner is chosen randomly from those who comment.


Well-Known Member
@Summer I'm not a fan of those two dark/light woods either. They have a own sub just for dynavap exchanges? I only knew about entexchange and could only find the regular dynavap sub.
Do you have more information on the custom stems? Like how pricey are they? I'm located in Europe so the free internationally shipping right now is a big plus for me. Or maybe I'll just have to order from some European shops like mentioned before. Or a mix of both.


Long Island, NY
Well, the hedonist club (hope I'm saying it right) just started carrying phattpiggies stem. Don't know if they've restocked to-date, but the 1st supply sold out like wildfire.

If you read through the 2 threads, you'll find pricing. Otherwise, find pics of what you might like & email them & ask the price. You may also want to take a look at Eds_TnT thread.

PM'd you the requested link.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
@Summer Do you have more information on the custom stems? Like how pricey are they? I'm located in Europe so the free internationally shipping right now is a big plus for me. Or maybe I'll just have to order from some European shops like mentioned before. Or a mix of both.
I ship internationally and typically the best way to reach me is through a PM
@phattpiggie still has a closed list I believe, but he is on your side of the pond which could make things easier if you get on the next list.

So, what ARE these woods, does anyone know?
I believe they are Maple, Black Locust, Black Walnut and Ipe.


Well-Known Member
Hedonist club have brought their 420 sale forward to start at 4.20pm gmt!

Edit: aaaand i've ordered myself a cocobolo stem, a new cap and a pack of steel ccds! For about the same as some places charge just for the stem. Happy days!
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Well-Known Member
Hedonist club have brought their 420 sale forward to start at 4.20pm gmt!

Edit: aaaand i've ordered myself a cocobolo stem, a new cap and a pack of steel ccds! For about the same as some places charge just for the stem. Happy days!
The Cocobolo Woody Stem? Damn, that's the one I wanted and now it's sold out :cry:
Good catch!
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Well-Known Member
These daily specials are gonna be awesome. Today’s, called “Australia”for some reason, is a sale price nonavong plus FREE mystery stash. :o


Well-Known Member
Finally!!!!!! Got my brother in-law to get a M! His first try at vaping was with a atmos cheap pen. He hated it kept on smoking joints, and reeked all the time. His one bad habit was to smoke a half joint and save the rest for later. Last night I showed him the M I have and gave him my lighter. Told him where to heat it and to listen for the click. Thee hits later he said woah that weed is strong, I said nope its my shitty 16% THC stuff. He was shocked at how high he got.


Well-Known Member
So here I am, used my new 18M with the titanium tip three nights in a row and am already looking at the sales for another deluxe one with wood body :) I am sorry that I am not up to reading all of this little thread - I have extraordinary stamina with binge reading, but this is just to much, LOL.

edited after reading dynavap FAQ:)

If I wanted something a little cooler/smoother, would the XL Omnivap be the ticket? NO

What is the purpose of the conenser’s fatter section near the MP? ADJUSTING AIR MIXTURE

Is the only difference between the vap and the vong a thicker body?

Why does anyone care if a MP rotates or not? :) EVEN HEATING

My own answers correct? :)

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