@Ricardo, without translating (being too lazy right now), I
liked your post because I just know you said something nice, as you always do.
I gotta say
@Dutch-Mic, yours is the best Spoiler I've yet to see. Didn't see that one coming. Congrats!

When is the baby due?
To add something Dynavap related: I don't know why, but all my tips don't fit in my cocobolo stem anymore

I tried different o-rings and condensers, but that didn't make a difference.
I don't know, but I would think that the wood is expanding, since the tips can't shrink.

No doubt, now, that others will way in.
@phattpiggie, that's from your hotel room? *Notice that I strategically quoted you under the above post.
I wanted to cross-post this for everyone, it's cute:
How much vap would a vap cap vap if a vap cap could cap vap?