Active Member
I love the battery life on this thing! Got about the normal 12 sessions with it before I had to recharge. How do you guys use yours? Just straight dry herbs? Do concentrates work at all?
It's still not too late, they still make 'em and they're a lot cheaper now that the Solo II is out:
Unfortunately, IMO the superior version that you could power by the mains with a special adapter is no more. We 'demanded' and got 'use while charging' (like a cell phone) instead. While there are some guys having some troubles with Solo II (hopefully minor and soon resolved), Solo I has a reputation for 'tank like' survival. Hey, @ataxian has been using his considerable skills but still can kill his.....
Love it, ever the team player. It's inspirational the way you offer to teach the new guys the tricks of glass breaking.
This place just wouldn't be as much fun without you......don't run off now.....
THAT SINKING FEELING......I once got a package like that. Unfortunately, the glass rattling WAS a $1200.00 soxhlet extractor. It arrived in about 5000 pieces. Yeah sure, throw it in a box, cross your fingers and ship it across the country. Some shippers don't have the brains God gave geese. Glad InhaleExhales' experience was better.
I'm on holiday, taking sneaky sessions. 220c and blowing clouds out the bedroom window then going surfing.
I noticed the color of my new Mystic Blue is slightly different than my first one, more of a darker Blue tone.
I also noticed the % counter display on the LCD while the battery charges, Never seen this on my old Solo 2 or just maybe to lifted to notice.. cool!
Dry herbs only in my Solo II. I like to vape high temps. I'm on holiday, taking sneaky sessions. 220c and blowing clouds out the bedroom window then going surfing.
@kreaturebait I add some shatter and wax to my herbs in my solo2 every now and then to great effect, works well. Just dont add too much concentrate, and make sure it is sandwiched between herbs so it doesnt leak into the oven. When I am doing this, I add some herb to the stem first, and fill it about 1/4 of the way and then add the concentrate, less than a dabs worth for sure smaller than a match head by about 2/3, then top the remaining 3/4 off with herb this will prevent any from leaking into your solo2's oven.
Other methods include using cotton, or degummed hemp fibre, or reworked concentrate pads
I had a protopipe for many years. Was not too bad for sneaky sessions. The Solo is my modern day proto.
Nice! I'll try the mix bowl. Cotton seems weird to is that? do you get any burnt cotton taste?
It works, albeit it isnt the best way to go about it to me. It adds a hint of flavour, not really burnt but just slightly alters the taste of whatever the concentrate youre using tastes like. Another option that is a little better is degummed hemp fiber, I have not personally used it but Ive heard good things. It looks alot like cotton, but will taste better I guess.
It doesn't turn on. But I know it is still alive because it comes to life when I put it to charge. I don't know what I did wrong, before my intervention, it reacted to the buttons even though it finally went off with the 7 error code. Does anyone know what could I try to get it back?
By the way, seems to be a design problem with the oven, all the 6 screws fixing it are tight but it is still loose...
You know, long ago when this cotton thing came up (IIRC it's @Vitolo who's at fault here.....) I did some experiments/research/poking around. I came to the same conclusion as most I think, cotton is just not reactive at these temperatures. It doesn't burn, scorch, discolor or even loose much weight. It's commonly used in e-cig atomizers for that reason.
There was a lot of 'organic only' talk, with Japanese specialty cotton being considered the best. Scientific tests seem to find no issues here. There's also some importance attached to the 'bug' put on by (some) growers, largely a marketing ploy? There are exceptions no doubt but I took our Vitolo at his word (hard to ignore 'the Sage of the High Desert' you know.....) when he said 'just pull the end off a handy q-tip and go for it'. I'm more refined than that, I started collecting the cotton from vitamin bottles (assuming there's no pesticides there......).
A couple batches of process hemp were harder to use and gave no better results IMO, but should be tried if you're interested?
OK, a couple of thoughts for your consideration. First off there are only four wires, in pairs (heater and sensor). One will read about 10,000 Ohms (the thermistor) the other much lower (few Ohms?). Polarity is not important, but 'crossing up' could be fatal. Caution advised.
This is a processor controlled system, the processor is running all the time (or it wouldn't 'see' button presses when off). It most likely 'sees' the button press but faults out on 'POST' (Power On Self Test) much like some computers won't boot up unless there's a keyboard. Before 'lighting up' it would check things like enough battery voltage, heater not open (failed), sensor giving reasonable readings, no stuck buttons and so on. Don't misread stuff, it can be detecting a problem or it could have been damaged in the service work. That, intorducing a new fault investigating a first, is a real land mine in troubleshooting sorry to say. Once two (or more) different problems are loose chaos is about all you can really expect. Single point failures are much better......
And don't put too much stock in the oven being loose when cold, it has to be in many designs. Stuff 'grows' a lot with 200C rises. Mount it too solidly and you're sucking around for cracks and other problems down the be avoided at all costs as we've discussed? The leads may provide sufficient flex but personally I'm not counting on that. It is a departure for Arizer it seems (from what I can tell the cup in ArGo is quite solid (and interestingly enough the vents run horizontal (out the side) not vertical (down below)? So there could be a fault in the design?
Thanks for the report, good luck on the next steps. I'd start with retracing what you did?
Fair enough, I had read somewhere on here (FC) someone (who, I cant recall) mentioned they thought they noticed a more hempy taste with the hemp fiber. Hard to say for sure, but I do love having a variety of choices!
I finally watched some videos of the vapman by the way, got to say after watching that Im alot more interested! Plus with the little heating station seems really cool, will definitely be getting one some day. A much more elegant design than the vapcap, although I would like to get one of those aswell.
I wonder what 2018 is going to have in store for Arizer, they did have a active year of releases in 2017 with solo II, air II, and ArGo. I wonder if they will release a EQ II, or something similar.
Either way, new releases or not Ive got plenty of Arizer products to get my hands on this year, likely going to try and get a solo og, and a air II or ArGo, probably go for the air II first and wait for the Go.
@Pepus good luck with it, hopefully you can get it going again. Your unit was already sent in for warranty right? Perhaps Arizer would ship you a new one?
It is not easy to connect the cables, they are attached to the oven not soldered but glued by a white paste and you only have a few millimeters to work on. Do you know if Arizer would sell a new oven or is it any way to get it?
By the way, I finally bought this and according to your calculations I thought it would be able to charge the Solo 2 at least 3 times, but it only arrives to one and a half, enough for my needs on the other hand...
The only conductive glues I know that will work are Silver filled, and that would be marginal. It's not soldered I suspect due to temperature. Soft solders melt at something like 360F, soldering iron temperatures are typically 600 to 700F. Spot welding or Silver brazing are the common bonding in such applications were mechanical clamps aren't used. The white stuff is probably ceramic cement, for insulation and mechanical support. You can test the connections by measuring resistance where they connect to the PCB. If the resistances are OK the it should be good to go.
You can contact them and ask, but with Solo I they refused and called for returning it.
I'd be looking for some fault introduced in the service. Also check the switches, many such systems 'hang up' on a stuck key.
Not sure what to say about the capacity. Perhaps an 'optimistic' rating? You see a lot of cheap 18650s claiming 4000 and more mAh....... Fortunately it will cover the immediate needs.
Then here's little Surf ditty to drift off with. :-)Funny how different people can be. The maximum that I would do after a 220°C session is listening to surf music...![]()
What ever unit you use, resist twisting or turning to insert , no experience myself but lots of info on it msybe causing error seven on some previous models ..