Well-Known Member
Can I make a water adapter to use it with water?
Yup...super duper simple. I use a food grade silicone o-ring. It works well with a 10 and 14mm joint. When I ordered my my Ti Vong this came with a larger o-ring that fits with a vong to a 18mm joing. So just depends on the joint size which o-ring would work.

Edit.....I have also seen guys use a chunk of silicone tubing from a whip or long as it fits around the vapcap end tight, it will work.

Maybe I will order some more CANNABIS for testing?
You will not need too will use so much less than you normally do. You will be happy with the ability to pace your draws as you rushing through a medication period like with my arizer session type use. This is what I like the most with my vapcap. It is pretty flexible how you can use it to your needs/desires.
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